"ADDFILES area"?
Please explain exactly what you tried and paste the exact error
message. --
The command was ADDFILES then the path of where they were located.
I tried the full path c:\sbbs\data\dirs\pathname (where pathname was
the path), and even tried the internal code. On both, I was told the
area wasn't found...but it was on the hard drive. I ended up going
to the main menu for the area, and using ;UPLOAD SYSOP to process the
files (thankfully, there weren't that many to add).
I did set the SBBSCTRL and SBBSNODE variables before I tried the
ADDFILES command.
... Press any key to, no, no, NOT THAT ONE!
--- MultiMail/Win v0.52
þ Synchronet þ The Thunderbolt BBS -