• AmigaCity BBS - BBS For The Amiga

    From AmigaCity Admin@VERT to ALL on Friday, April 06, 2018 14:24:03
    From Newsgroup: alt.bbs.synchronet

    $$$$$$\ $$\
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    ========================================================================== Host: AmigaCity.xyz Port: 23 Website: https://AmigaCity.xyz ==========================================================================
    * Over 2,600 Amiga files for downloading
    * Over 100 door games, most not available elsewhere
    * https://AmigaCity.xyz/radio.html - Amiga game music 24/7
    * https://AmigaCityLaptops.com - Laptops & Handhelds that run AmigaOS
    * We also support https://SynchronetBBS.org !
    * Join our Slack team at: http://synchronetbbs.org:3000/
    --- Synchronet 3.17a-Linux NewsLink 1.108
    Message from the AmigaCity BBS. Join us at: telnet://amigacity.xyz
    --- Synchronet 3.17a-Win32 NewsLink 1.108
    þ Synchronet þ Vertrauen þ Home of Synchronet þ [vert/cvs/bbs].synchro.net
  • From echicken@VERT/ECBBS to AmigaCity Admin on Friday, April 06, 2018 13:32:08
    Re: AmigaCity BBS - BBS For The Amiga
    By: AmigaCity Admin to ALL on Fri Apr 06 2018 14:24:03

    ========================================================================== Host: AmigaCity.xyz Port: 23 Website: https://AmigaCity.xyz ==========================================================================

    $$\ $$\ $$\ $$$$$$\ $$$$$$\ $$$$$$$\ $$$$$$\
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    \$$$$$$$ |$$ | \$$$$$$$\ \$$$$$$$ |
    \_______|\__| \_______| \_______|

    Please post this junk to the Advertisements sub kthnx.

    electronic chicken bbs - bbs.electronicchicken.com - 416-273-7230
    þ Synchronet þ electronic chicken bbs - bbs.electronicchicken.com