• Another problem Ftelnet

    From Thomas Bampi@VERT to Ree on Wednesday, March 28, 2018 19:36:49
    Hi Ree! since I have updated synchronet with current releases (in developer version) I can not connect to ftelnet anymore it keeps telling
    me: "redirecting to server .." but it does not do anything else ... the text below next to the connet button is: disconnected from velenobbs.ddns.net:1123 These logs in the terminal server:
    3/28 07.32.50p 1592 Telnet connection accepted from: port 1055
    3/28 07.32.50p 1592 Hostname: localhost
    3/28 07.32.50p Node 1 constructor using socket 1592 (settings = 8212)
    3/28 07.32.50p Node 1 temporary file directory: C: \ sbbs \ NODE1 \ temp \
    3/28 07.32.50p Node 1 socket 1592 duplicated as 1620
    3/28 07.32.50p Node 1 attached to local interface port 23
    3/28 07.32.50p Node 1 JavaScript: Creating runtime: 8388608 bytes
    3/28 07.32.50p Node 1 JavaScript: Initializing context (stack: 16384 bytes)
    3/28 07.32.50p Node 1 19:32 Wed Mar 28 2018 Node 1
    3/28 07.32.50p Node 1 Telnet localhost []
    3/28 07.32.50p Node 1 sending telnet cmd: WILL Echo
    3/28 07.32.50p Node 1 sending telnet cmd: WILL Suppress Go Ahead
    3/28 07.32.50p Node 1 sending telnet cmd: DO Terminal Type
    3/28 07.32.50p Node 1 sending telnet cmd: DO Terminal Speed
    3/28 07.32.50p Node 1 sending telnet cmd: DO Send Location
    3/28 07.32.50p Node 1 sending telnet cmd: DO Negotiate About Window Size
    3/28 07.32.50p Node 1 sending telnet cmd: DO New Environment Option
    3/28 07.32.50p Node 1 connection reset by peer on receive
    3/28 07.32.50p Node 1 input thread terminated (received 0 bytes in 0 blocks)
    3/28 07.32.51p Node 1 output thread terminated (sent 21 bytes in 1 blocks,
    21 average, 0 short)
    3/28 07.32.57p Node 1 thread terminated (1 node threads remain, 12 clients served)
    3/28 07.32.57p Node 1 JavaScript: Destroying context
    3/28 07.32.57p Node 1 JavaScript: Destroying runtime

    and this in services:
    3/28 07.32.50p 1560 WS connection accepted from: port 49886
    3/28 07.32.50p 1560 WS service thread terminated (0 clients remain, 0 total, 2 served)

    What could it be?


    F. KrueGer
    --- SBBSecho 3.03-Win32
    * Origin: Veleno BBS - velenobbs.ddns.net (2:333/808)
    þ Synchronet þ Vertrauen þ Home of Synchronet þ [vert/cvs/bbs].synchro.net
  • From Ree@VERT/FTELNET to Thomas Bampi on Friday, March 30, 2018 12:40:27
    What could it be?

    At quick glance, I'm not sure. Is that with the logs at the Debug level? If not could you try switching to that to see if more info is given?

    þ Synchronet þ Rick's Dev Server
  • From Thomas Bampi@VERT to Ree on Saturday, March 31, 2018 13:34:17
    At quick glance, I'm not sure. Is that with the logs at the Debug level?
    If not could you try switching to that to see if more info is given?

    Hi Ree, sure:

    "3/31 01.27.14p 0780 Telnet connection accepted from: port 3384
    3/31 01.27.14p 0780 Hostname: localhost
    3/31 01.27.14p Node 1 constructor using socket 780 (settings=8212)
    3/31 01.27.14p Node 1 temporary file directory: C:\sbbs\NODE1\temp\
    3/31 01.27.14p Node 1 socket 780 duplicated as 1884
    3/31 01.27.14p Node 1 attached to local interface port 23
    3/31 01.27.14p Node 1 JavaScript: Creating runtime: 8388608 bytes
    3/31 01.27.14p Node 1 JavaScript: Initializing context (stack: 16384 bytes)
    3/31 01.27.14p Node 1 13:27 Sat Mar 31 2018 Node 1
    3/31 01.27.14p Node 1 Telnet localhost []
    3/31 01.27.14p Node 1 sending telnet cmd: WILL Echo
    3/31 01.27.14p Node 1 sending telnet cmd: WILL Suppress Go Ahead
    3/31 01.27.14p Node 1 sending telnet cmd: DO Terminal Type
    3/31 01.27.14p Node 1 sending telnet cmd: DO Terminal Speed
    3/31 01.27.14p Node 1 sending telnet cmd: DO Send Location
    3/31 01.27.14p Node 1 sending telnet cmd: DO Negotiate About Window Size
    3/31 01.27.14p Node 1 sending telnet cmd: DO New Environment Option
    3/31 01.27.14p Node 1 connection reset by peer on receive
    3/31 01.27.14p Node 1 input thread terminated (received 0 bytes in 0 blocks blocks)
    3/31 01.27.14p Node 1 connection reset by peer on send
    3/31 01.27.14p Node 1 output thread terminated (sent 144 bytes in 2 blocks blocks, 72 average, 0 short)
    3/31 01.27.21p Node 1 thread terminated (0 node threads remain, 3 clients served
    3/31 01.27.21p Node 1 JavaScript: Destroying context
    3/31 01.27.21p Node 1 JavaScript: Destroying Runtime"

    client side says: "Disconnected from velenobbs.postabox.biz:1123"
    If I try to do a telnet on port 1123 does not answer anything even locally and counque
    counque on the firewall both port 23 and 123 are open.
    I hope in your feedback ....

    Thomas Bampi

    F. KrueGer
    --- SBBSecho 3.03-Win32
    * Origin: Veleno BBS - http://velenobbs.ddns.net (2:333/808)
    þ Synchronet þ Vertrauen þ Home of Synchronet þ [vert/cvs/bbs].synchro.net
  • From Thomas Bampi@VERT to Ree on Saturday, March 31, 2018 13:51:27
    At quick glance, I'm not sure. Is that with the logs at the Debug level?
    If not could you try switching to that to see if more info is given?

    And in Service LOG:

    "3/31 01.49.36p 0532 WS connection accepted from: port 62884
    3/31 01.49.36p 0532 WS JavaScript service thread started
    3/31 01.49.36p 0532 WS Handshake Line: GET /?Port=23 HTTP/1.1
    3/31 01.49.36p 0532 WS Handshake Line: Origin: h http://velenobbs.postabox.biz
    3/31 01.49.36p 0532 WS Handshake Line: Sec-WebSocket-Key: 2 2HOShrypLvZk5qgWGQBZ9A==
    3/31 01.49.36p 0532 WS Handshake Line: Connection: Upgrade
    3/31 01.49.36p 0532 WS Handshake Line: Upgrade: websocket
    3/31 01.49.36p 0532 WS Handshake Line: Sec-WebSocket-Version: 13
    3/31 01.49.36p 0532 WS Handshake Line: Sec-WebSocket-Protocol: b binary,base64,plain
    3/31 01.49.36p 0532 WS Handshake Line: User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; WOW64; Trident/7.0; rv:11.0) like Gecko
    3/31 01.49.36p 0532 WS Handshake Line: Host: velenobbs.postabox.biz:1123
    3/31 01.49.36p 0532 WS Handshake Line: Cache-Control: no-cache
    3/31 01.49.36p 0532 WS Handshake Line:
    3/31 01.49.36p 0532 WS Using user-requested port 23
    3/31 01.49.37p 0532 WS Client socket no longer connected
    3/31 01.49.37p 0532 WS service thread terminated (0 clients remain, 0 total total, 3 served)"

    Thomas Bampi

    F. KrueGer
    --- SBBSecho 3.03-Win32
    * Origin: Veleno BBS - http://velenobbs.ddns.net (2:333/808)
    þ Synchronet þ Vertrauen þ Home of Synchronet þ [vert/cvs/bbs].synchro.net
  • From Ree@VERT/FTELNET to Thomas Bampi on Tuesday, April 03, 2018 14:21:54
    client side says: "Disconnected from velenobbs.postabox.biz:1123"
    If I try to do a telnet on port 1123 does not answer anything even locally and counque
    counque on the firewall both port 23 and 123 are open.
    I hope in your feedback ....

    Sorry, not sure what's going on here. You've definitely got the ports open on the firewall correctly because I can connect to both 23 and 1123, so we can rule that out.

    If you open /sbbs/exec/websocketservice.js what version do you see on the top line? "websocketservice.js,v 1.11 2018/03/19" is what I see here, so if you see an older version you could try updating that file from CVS.

    þ Synchronet þ Rick's Dev Server
  • From KK4QBN@VERT/KK4QBN to Ree on Tuesday, April 03, 2018 16:13:46
    Re: Re: Another problem Ftelnet
    By: Ree to Thomas Bampi on Tue Apr 03 2018 14:21:54

    If you open /sbbs/exec/websocketservice.js what version do you see on the top line? "websocketservice.js,v 1.11 2018/03/19" is what I see here, so if you see an older version you could try updating that file from CVS.

    I thought these were now depcrecated for the version he is using.


    Tim Smith (KK4QBN)

    * Synchronet * KK4QBN BBS - kk4qbn.com - 706.422.9538 - EM74OR - NW GA USA
  • From Ree@VERT/FTELNET to KK4QBN on Tuesday, April 03, 2018 17:42:06
    If you open /sbbs/exec/websocketservice.js what version do you see on the top line? "websocketservice.js,v 1.11 2018/03/19" is what I see here, so if you see an older version you could try updating that file from CVS.

    I thought these were now depcrecated for the version he is using.

    No, websocket-telnet-service and websocket-rlogin-service are the old ones that were used by ecwebv4, websocketservice.js has always been the right one to use for the classic web interface. And I updated it quite a bit when updating the classic web interface to the latest version of fTelnet, so possibly an older version of that service could be causing the issue.

    þ Synchronet þ Rick's Dev Server
  • From echicken@VERT/ECBBS to Ree on Tuesday, April 03, 2018 19:05:37
    Re: Re: Another problem Ftelnet
    By: Ree to KK4QBN on Tue Apr 03 2018 17:42:06

    I thought these were now depcrecated for the version he is using.

    No, websocket-telnet-service and websocket-rlogin-service are the old ones that were used by ecwebv4, websocketservice.js has always been the right

    Correct, and I killed these in CVS. Newly installed versions of my web interface will use websocketservice.js as well. (Fewer similarly named files to choose from will hopefully alleviate confusion on this point.)

    electronic chicken bbs - bbs.electronicchicken.com - 416-273-7230
    þ Synchronet þ electronic chicken bbs - bbs.electronicchicken.com
  • From KK4QBN@VERT/KK4QBN to Ree on Tuesday, April 03, 2018 20:45:28
    Re: Re: Another problem Ftelnet
    By: Ree to KK4QBN on Tue Apr 03 2018 17:42:06

    I thought these were now depcrecated for the version he is using.

    No, websocket-telnet-service and websocket-rlogin-service are the old ones that were used by ecwebv4, websocketservice.js has always been the right one to use for the classic web interface. And I updated it quite a bit when updating the classic web interface to the latest version of fTelnet, so possibly an older version of that service could be causing the issue. [0m

    Gotcha bro!, I have'nt upgraded to the latest and greatest yet because I have some code of my own in the web interface, and right now everything works as I need it to, Plus I really don't jump too quick at upgrades unless I notice in the synchronet devel area that it is of release qualitly.. So sooner or later I may change things around a bit.


    Tim Smith (KK4QBN)

    * Synchronet * KK4QBN BBS - kk4qbn.com - 706.422.9538 - EM74OR - NW GA USA
  • From KK4QBN@VERT/KK4QBN to echicken on Tuesday, April 03, 2018 20:47:02
    Re: Re: Another problem Ftelnet
    By: echicken to Ree on Tue Apr 03 2018 19:05:37

    No, websocket-telnet-service and websocket-rlogin-service are the
    old ones that were used by ecwebv4, websocketservice.js has always
    been the right

    Correct, and I killed these in CVS. Newly installed versions of my web interface will use websocketservice.js as well. (Fewer similarly named files to choose from will hopefully alleviate confusion on this point.)

    The install was'nt confusing for me, but when I had some issues pop up, thats where the confustion came in, little too much to much with :)


    Tim Smith (KK4QBN)

    * Synchronet * KK4QBN BBS - kk4qbn.com - 706.422.9538 - EM74OR - NW GA USA
  • From Thomas Bampi@VERT to Ree on Wednesday, April 04, 2018 07:55:20
    If you open /sbbs/exec/websocketservice.js what version do you see on the top line? "websocketservice.js,v 1.11 2018/03/19" is what I see here, so if you see an older version you could try updating that file from CVS.

    Yes of course but not works... :-( :-(

    // $Id: websocketservice.js,v 1.11 2018/03/19 23:56:02 ree Exp $

    // websocketservice.js

    // Synchronet Service for redirecting incoming WebSocket connections to the Telnet and/or RLogin server
    // Mainly to be used in conjunction with fTelnet

    // Example configuration (in ctrl/services.ini)
    // ; WebSocket to RLogin
    // [WebSocket-RLogin]
    // Port=11513
    // Options=NO_HOST_LOOKUP
    // Command=websocketservice.js localhost 513
    // ; WebSocket to Telnet
    // [WebSocket-Telnet]
    // Port=1123
    // Options=NO_HOST_LOOKUP
    // Command=websocketservice.js localhost 23

    Why don't works? where i wrong?

    Thomas Bampi

    F. KrueGer
    --- SBBSecho 3.03-Win32
    * Origin: Veleno BBS - http://velenobbs.ddns.net (2:333/808)
    þ Synchronet þ Vertrauen þ Home of Synchronet þ [vert/cvs/bbs].synchro.net
  • From Thomas Bampi@VERT to Ree on Wednesday, April 04, 2018 12:51:51
    No, websocket-telnet-service and websocket-rlogin-service are the old ones that were used by ecwebv4, websocketservice.js has always been the right one to use for the classic web interface. And I updated it quite a bit when updating the classic web interface to the latest version of fTelnet, so possibly an older version of that service could be causing the issue.

    Hi Ree, Where can I find the latest version of ftelnet at which address?

    Thomas Bampi

    F. KrueGer
    --- SBBSecho 3.03-Win32
    * Origin: Veleno BBS - http://velenobbs.ddns.net (2:333/808)
    þ Synchronet þ Vertrauen þ Home of Synchronet þ [vert/cvs/bbs].synchro.net
  • From Ree@VERT/FTELNET to Thomas Bampi on Sunday, April 08, 2018 18:25:38
    Why don't works? where i wrong?

    I'm not sure -- I haven't been able to duplicate it here with the latest dev build.

    Could you try setting up a new installation in a new directory using the latest sbbs_dev.zip and sbbs_run.zip to see if the problem occurs for you there? Depending on whether it works / doesn't work that'll help narrow things down a little bit.

    þ Synchronet þ Rick's Dev Server
  • From Thomas Bampi@VERT to Ree on Tuesday, April 10, 2018 20:14:23
    I'm not sure -- I haven't been able to duplicate it here with the latest dev build.

    Could you try setting up a new installation in a new directory using the latest sbbs_dev.zip and sbbs_run.zip to see if the problem occurs for you there? Depending on whether it works / doesn't work that'll help narrow things down a little bit.

    Hi Ree! I did some testing and modifying the ftelnet.inc file in this way the system works:

    <div id = "fTelnetContainer" class = "fTelnetContainer"> </ div>
    <script> document.write ('<script src = "// embed-v2.ftelnet.ca/js/ftelnet- loader.norip.xfer.js?v=' + (new Date ()). getTime () + ' "> <\ / script>'); </ script>
            var WSS = (location.protocol.toLowerCase () == 'https:');
    var Options = new fTelnetOptions ();
    Options.BareLFtoCRLF = false;
    Options.BitsPerSecond = 57600;
    Options.ConnectionType = 'telnet';
    Options.Emulation = 'ansi-bbs';
    Options.Enter = '\ r';
    Options.Font = 'CP437';
    Options.ForceWss = false;
    Options.Hostname = '@@ HostName @@';
    Options.LocalEcho = false;
    //Options.Port = (WSS? @@ WSSPort @@: @@ WSPort @@);
    Options.Port = 23;
    Options.ProxyHostname = 'proxy-nl.ftelnet.ca';
    Options.ScreenColumns = 80;
    Options.ScreenRows = 25;
                    Options.WebSocketUrlPath = '/? Port = @@ TelnetPort @@';
    var fTelnet = new fTelnetClient ('fTelnetContainer', Options);
    </ Script>

    As you can see I modified the "Options.Port" variable and I have the
    value "23" and I added a new call "Options.ProxyHostname", with these changes it works.
    It seems that the Synchronet part that handles port "1123" and "11235" does
    not work and actually started not to go since I updated the system .exe files. I also have to give proof that you told me and in the next few days I'll let you know how it went.

    Thomas Bampi

    F. KrueGer
    --- SBBSecho 3.04-Win32
    * Origin: Veleno BBS - http://velenobbs.ddns.net (2:333/808)
    þ Synchronet þ Vertrauen þ Home of Synchronet þ [vert/cvs/bbs].synchro.net