• IP Blocking.

    From Warchilin66@VERT/CPUGOD to All on Tuesday, August 15, 2017 09:56:58

    I have a server that started hitting my server that starting last night with the host name: consumerhealthdigest.com IP Address is

    So I tried to log into my BBS this morning via the web from work and noticed that I could not connect. Apparently this took the BBS down completely. It is trying to hit the QOTD on port 17 through Synchronet BBS. It actually took the BBS down. So I logged into the machine via remote and found out that it was taken down by this. I reloaded SBBS from the SBBSctrl and it stared trying to connect to this IP address and was hitting really quick. I put it in the IP block ist but this server is persistent. Does anyone know a way I can block this? Thanks in advance.


    þ Synchronet þ Computer God!!! - Get Involved - W est Jordan, Ut. telnet://cpugod.synchro.net
  • From KK4QBN@VERT/KK4QBN to Warchilin66 on Tuesday, August 15, 2017 12:47:03
    Re: IP Blocking.
    By: Warchilin66 to All on Tue Aug 15 2017 09:56:58

    So I tried to log into my BBS this morning via the web from work and noticed that I could not connect. Apparently this took the BBS down completely. It is trying to hit the QOTD on port 17 through Synchronet BBS. It actually took the BBS down. So I logged into the machine via remote and found out that it was taken down by this. I reloaded SBBS from the SBBSctrl and it stared trying to connect to this IP address and was hitting really quick. I put it in the IP block ist but this server is persistent. Does anyone know a way I can block this? Thanks in advance.

    as long as the ip is in the ip.can it can still try to contact your system, but automatically rejected, so you should have no issues.

    If you have the latest and greatest (beta) of sbbs, it will automatically take care of this for you after so many attempts. It also has throttling to keep that Ip from contstantly hammering your servers.


    Tim Smith (KK4QBN)

    * Synchronet * KK4QBN - kk4qbn.synchro.net - 7064229538 - Chatsworth GA USA
  • From mark lewis@VERT to Warchilin66 on Tuesday, August 15, 2017 14:04:08
    On 2017 Aug 15 09:56:58, you wrote to All:

    I have a server that started hitting my server that starting last night with the host name: consumerhealthdigest.com IP Address is

    block it in your firewall... either the one in your modem device or the one on the BBS machine... i'd block it in your perimeter firewall on the modem...


    Always Mount a Scratch Monkey
    Do you manage your own servers? If you are not running an IDS/IPS yer doin' it wrong...
    ... He ate anchovies, poi AND vegemite.... and died.
    * Origin: (1:3634/12.73)
    þ Synchronet þ Vertrauen þ Home of Synchronet þ telnet://vert.synchro.net
  • From mark lewis@VERT to KK4QBN on Tuesday, August 15, 2017 14:05:18
    On 2017 Aug 15 12:47:02, you wrote to Warchilin66:

    So I tried to log into my BBS this morning via the web from work and
    noticed that I could not connect. Apparently this took the BBS down
    completely. It is trying to hit the QOTD on port 17 through Synchronet
    BBS. It actually took the BBS down. So I logged into the machine via
    remote and found out that it was taken down by this. I reloaded SBBS
    from the SBBSctrl and it stared trying to connect to this IP address
    and was hitting really quick. I put it in the IP block ist but this
    server is persistent. Does anyone know a way I can block this? Thanks
    in advance.

    as long as the ip is in the ip.can it can still try to contact your
    but automatically rejected, so you should have no issues.

    ummm... it is a Denial of Service, though... they've got the SBBS spending too much time handling the drop... best to block these in the firewall and stop them from abusing SBBS in the first place...


    Always Mount a Scratch Monkey
    Do you manage your own servers? If you are not running an IDS/IPS yer doin' it wrong...
    ... Lard: Once again, in excess, bad, in moderation, freaking enjoy it.
    * Origin: (1:3634/12.73)
    þ Synchronet þ Vertrauen þ Home of Synchronet þ telnet://vert.synchro.net
  • From Digital Man@VERT to Warchilin66 on Tuesday, August 15, 2017 13:39:36
    Re: IP Blocking.
    By: Warchilin66 to All on Tue Aug 15 2017 09:56 am


    I have a server that started hitting my server that starting last night with the host name: consumerhealthdigest.com IP Address is

    So I tried to log into my BBS this morning via the web from work and noticed that I could not connect. Apparently this took the BBS down completely. It is trying to hit the QOTD on port 17 through Synchronet BBS. It actually took the BBS down. So I logged into the machine via remote and found out that it was taken down by this.

    It seems unlikely. Do you have an log snippet or is this just conjecture?

    I reloaded SBBS from the SBBSctrl and it
    stared trying to connect to this IP address and was hitting really quick. I put it in the IP block ist but this server is persistent. Does anyone know a way I can block this? Thanks in advance.

    Use the ip.can file. If you don't want to see the log entry when they connect, use the ip-silent.can file.

    digital man

    Synchronet/BBS Terminology Definition #31:
    JS = JavaScript
    Norco, CA WX: 74.1øF, 65.0% humidity, 3 mph NNE wind, 0.00 inches rain/24hrs

    þ Synchronet þ Vertrauen þ Home of Synchronet þ telnet://vert.synchro.net
  • From KK4QBN@VERT/KK4QBN to mark lewis on Tuesday, August 15, 2017 18:21:00
    Re: IP Blocking.
    By: mark lewis to KK4QBN on Tue Aug 15 2017 14:05:18

    ummm... it is a Denial of Service, though... they've got the SBBS spending too much time handling the drop... best to block these in the firewall and stop them from abusing SBBS in the first place...

    am I wrong or does the throttling not take care of ddos? and exactly WHERE does he say it is ddos? from what he has posted it could be regular Mirai.

    I get these attempts on my mail server until I put them in my ip.can then it puts a halt to it.


    Tim Smith (KK4QBN)

    * Synchronet * KK4QBN - kk4qbn.synchro.net - 7064229538 - Chatsworth GA USA
  • From Denn@VERT/OUTWEST to Warchilin66 on Tuesday, August 15, 2017 21:47:43
    Re: IP Blocking.
    By: Warchilin66 to All on Tue Aug 15 2017 09:56 am

    I have a server that started hitting my server that starting last night with the host name: consumerhealthdigest.com IP Address is

    I had this exact ip address hit my BBS as well, it also took my BBS offline,
    I put it in my ip.can and shut down QOTD feature, I don't use QOTD anyway.

    So I tried to log into my BBS this morning via the web from work and noticed that I could not connect. Apparently this took the BBS down completely. It is trying to hit the QOTD on port 17 through Synchronet BBS. It actually took the BBS down. So I logged into the machine via remote and found out that it was taken down by this. I reloaded SBBS from the SBBSctrl and it stared trying to connect to this IP address and was hitting really quick. I put it in the IP block ist but this server is persistent. Does anyone know a way I can block this? Thanks in advance.

    Shut QOTD off and it will go away completely.

    "... A cubicle is just a padded cell without a door."

    þ Synchronet þ the Outwest BBS - outwestbbs.com Telnet - outwestbbs.com:23
  • From mark lewis@VERT to KK4QBN on Wednesday, August 16, 2017 12:22:18
    On 2017 Aug 15 18:21:00, you wrote to me:

    ummm... it is a Denial of Service, though... they've got the SBBS
    spending too much time handling the drop... best to block these in
    the firewall and stop them from abusing SBBS in the first place...

    am I wrong or does the throttling not take care of ddos?

    the DOS is against the server... SBBS in this case...

    and exactly WHERE does he say it is ddos?

    he didn't say it was a DDOS... DDOS is more than one attacker... this was only one attacker...

    and these days, we also have DRDoS, Distributed Reflective Denial of Service, which is based on udp attacks...

    from what he has posted it could be regular Mirai.

    not hitting the QOTD port, it likely isn't... Mirai and its variants hit 22, 23, 2222, 5555, and 7547... now the variants have expanded to numerous other ports... 135 (DCE/RPC), 445 (Active Directory), 1433 (MSSQL), 3306 (MySQL), and
    3389 (RDP).

    then you have the Hajime worm which appears to be the work of a whitehat... it looks like Mirai from the attacked side but its goal is to stop and prevent Mirai and variants from getting in to IoT devices...

    I get these attempts on my mail server until I put them in my ip.can
    then it puts a halt to it.


    FWIW: here's an interesting link on Mirai and what it can do... in our little BBS world, we're only concerned with a few of them, for the most part...


    Always Mount a Scratch Monkey
    Do you manage your own servers? If you are not running an IDS/IPS yer doin' it wrong...
    ... For God's sake, keep a grip on yourself! - Brad Majors
    * Origin: (1:3634/12.73)
    þ Synchronet þ Vertrauen þ Home of Synchronet þ [vert|cvs|bbs].synchro.net
  • From mark lewis@VERT to Denn on Wednesday, August 16, 2017 12:07:54
    On 2017 Aug 15 21:47:42, you wrote to Warchilin66:

    I have a server that started hitting my server that starting last
    night with the host name: consumerhealthdigest.com IP Address is

    I had this exact ip address hit my BBS as well, it also took my BBS offline, I put it in my ip.can and shut down QOTD feature, I don't use QOTD anyway.

    what we've pretty much done is to turn off the udp side and have only the tcp side... some things, like DNS, have to use udp, though... the only time DNS uses tcp is when the response is too large for a udp packet... in that case, the client and server switch to tcp for that one query...

    FWIW: feedreader shows this about that consumerhealthdigest site...

    ----->8 snip 8<-----
    What's new on Consumerhealthdigest.com: Check updates and related news right now. Consumerhealthdigest is pretty active and updates frequently with 100+ articles published this month alone (they might potentially reach about 1.24M visitors within the said period of time). It seems that Consumerhealthdigest is
    infected or spreading some malware, so we recommend that you stay away until it's fixed.
    ----->8 snip 8<-----

    but i don't see any date associated with the report... it is possible that it has been hacked and is being used to distribute malware... the real question is
    why attack the QOTD port...

    [time passes]

    ahhh... here it is... QOTD runs on both udp and tcp... udp is not secure in that the originating address can be spoofed... the tcp three-way handshake prevents this... because the udp address can be spoffed, udp services can be used in amplification attacks... these are attacks where a udp service is flooded with requests using a spoofed originating address... all these replies are sent to the spoofed address even though it is NOT the one that sent the original request(s)... so in the case of consumerhealthdigest, it is most likely that they are under attack and systems sending data to them are simply weapons being weilded by others... others who are hidden because of the spoofed
    address in the udp packets...


    ----->8 snip 8<-----
    Alert (TA14-017A)
    UDP-Based Amplification Attacks

    Original release date: January 17, 2014 | Last revised: November 04, 2016

    Systems Affected

    Certain application-layer protocols that rely on User Datagram Protocol (UDP) have been identified as potential attack vectors:

    * DNS
    * NTP
    * SNMPv2
    * NetBIOS
    * SSDP
    * CharGEN
    * QOTD
    * BitTorrent
    * Kad
    * Quake Network Protocol
    * Steam Protocol
    * RIPv1
    * Multicast DNS (mDNS)
    * Portmap/RPC
    * LDAP


    A Distributed Reflective Denial of Service (DRDoS) attack is a form of Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) that relies on the use of publicly accessible UDP servers, as well as bandwidth amplification factors, to overwhelm a victim system with UDP traffic.
    ----->8 snip 8<-----


    Always Mount a Scratch Monkey
    Do you manage your own servers? If you are not running an IDS/IPS yer doin' it wrong...
    ... Frigerobics: Leaning, bending, stretching while looking in the fridge.
    * Origin: (1:3634/12.73)
    þ Synchronet þ Vertrauen þ Home of Synchronet þ [vert|cvs|bbs].synchro.net
  • From KK4QBN@VERT/KK4QBN to mark lewis on Wednesday, August 16, 2017 17:12:28
    Re: IP Blocking.
    By: mark lewis to KK4QBN on Wed Aug 16 2017 12:22:18

    ummm... it is a Denial of Service, though... they've got the SBBS
    spending too much time handling the drop... best to block these in
    the firewall and stop them from abusing SBBS in the first place...

    am I wrong or does the throttling not take care of ddos?

    the DOS is against the server... SBBS in this case...

    and exactly WHERE does he say it is ddos?

    he didn't say it was a DDOS... DDOS is more than one attacker... this was only one attacker...

    AH, My bad, I though the two were one in the same, My ignorance.

    and these days, we also have DRDoS, Distributed Reflective Denial of Service, which is based on udp attacks...

    too many idiots with too much time on their hands I presume.. I don't see what if anyything a person could gain by compromising port 17

    from what he has posted it could be regular Mirai.

    not hitting the QOTD port, it likely isn't... Mirai and its variants hit 22, 23, 2222, 5555, and 7547... now the variants have expanded to numerous other ports... 135 (DCE/RPC), 445 (Active Directory), 1433 (MSSQL), 3306 (MySQL), and 3389 (RDP).

    How about the constant garbage that acts just like Mirai trying to hit my mailservers?

    They are either expanding their horizons, or Skynet is taking over :)

    then you have the Hajime worm which appears to be the work of a whitehat... it looks like Mirai from the attacked side but its goal is to stop and prevent Mirai and variants from getting in to IoT devices...

    Good on it then.. if thats it's true intention it needs to be added to our exepmt ips lists.


    Tim Smith (KK4QBN)

    * Synchronet * KK4QBN - kk4qbn.synchro.net - 7064229538 - Chatsworth GA USA
  • From mark lewis@VERT to KK4QBN on Thursday, August 17, 2017 01:50:18
    On 2017 Aug 16 17:12:28, you wrote to me:

    and exactly WHERE does he say it is ddos?

    he didn't say it was a DDOS... DDOS is more than one attacker... this
    was only one attacker...

    AH, My bad, I though the two were one in the same, My ignorance.

    not a problem... DoS, DDoS and DRDoS are all basically the same thing... they're all Denial of Service... DDoS is Distributed Denial of Service which means the attacks come from several vectors... DRDoS is Distributed Reflective Denial of Service which means that someone is targetting a site by spoofing their address in UDP packets sent to other sites... those other sites will send
    their responses to the site whose address is spoofed and there's the DoS if there's enough traffic...

    and these days, we also have DRDoS, Distributed Reflective Denial of
    Service, which is based on udp attacks...

    too many idiots with too much time on their hands I presume.. I don't
    see what if anyything a person could gain by compromising port 17

    they're not compromising port 17... they're using systemA's port 17 to flood systemB by spoofing systemB's address in the UDP requests they're sending to systemA... systemA thinks it is systemB doing the requesting... by using a lot of systems like systemA to flood systemB, they're DoSing systemB and no one knows where the real attackers are coming from...

    the original report we read in here was about that health site... it wasn't the
    health site that was sending all those requests... the health site was the one under attack by the unknows generating those faked packets that looked like they were from the health site...

    from what he has posted it could be regular Mirai.

    not hitting the QOTD port, it likely isn't... Mirai and its variants
    hit 22, 23, 2222, 5555, and 7547... now the variants have expanded to
    numerous other ports... 135 (DCE/RPC), 445 (Active Directory), 1433
    (MSSQL), 3306 (MySQL), and 3389 (RDP).

    How about the constant garbage that acts just like Mirai trying to hit
    my mailservers?

    you mean the ones trying all kinds of names and passwords?? those are average dictionary attacks... they're not Mirai or a variant of Mirai... they're looking for existing accounts with poor passwords... if they find one, they can
    use that info on other sites with similar accounts OR they may use that info to
    hijack someone's twitter, facebook or apple accounts or any other accounts where someone reused their password...

    They are either expanding their horizons, or Skynet is taking over :)

    nah... they've been doing this stuff for years before Mirai came around...

    then you have the Hajime worm which appears to be the work of a
    whitehat... it looks like Mirai from the attacked side but its goal
    is to stop and prevent Mirai and variants from getting in to IoT

    Good on it then.. if thats it's true intention it needs to be added to
    our exepmt ips lists.

    the thing is, you can't tell it from Mirai from this side of the screen... besides, it can't help your BBS any more than Mirai can harm it... other than tying up your terminal nodes and giving you a little DoS...


    Always Mount a Scratch Monkey
    Do you manage your own servers? If you are not running an IDS/IPS yer doin' it wrong...
    ... Does 'virgin wool' come from sheep the shepherd hasn't caught yet?
    * Origin: (1:3634/12.73)
    þ Synchronet þ Vertrauen þ Home of Synchronet þ [vert|cvs|bbs].synchro.net
  • From Ragnarok@VERT/DOCKSUD to Warchilin66 on Thursday, August 17, 2017 14:37:17
    El 15/08/17 a las 12:56, Warchilin66 escribió:

    I have a server that started hitting my server that starting last night with the host name: consumerhealthdigest.com IP Address is

    So I tried to log into my BBS this morning via the web from work and noticed that I could not connect. Apparently this took the BBS down completely. It is trying to hit the QOTD on port 17 through Synchronet BBS. It actually took the
    BBS down. So I logged into the machine via remote and found out that it was taken down by this. I reloaded SBBS from the SBBSctrl and it stared trying to connect to this IP address and was hitting really quick. I put it in the IP block ist but this server is persistent. Does anyone know a way I can block this? Thanks in advance.


    use fail2ban on linux

    þ Synchronet þ Computer God!!! - Get Involved - W est Jordan, Ut. telnet://cpugod.synchro.net

    þ Synchronet þ Dock Sud BBS TLD 24 HS - http://www.docksud.com.ar - telnet://bbs.docksud.com.ar