So I tried to log into my BBS this morning via the web from work and noticed that I could not connect. Apparently this took the BBS down completely. It is trying to hit the QOTD on port 17 through Synchronet BBS. It actually took the BBS down. So I logged into the machine via remote and found out that it was taken down by this. I reloaded SBBS from the SBBSctrl and it stared trying to connect to this IP address and was hitting really quick. I put it in the IP block ist but this server is persistent. Does anyone know a way I can block this? Thanks in advance.
I have a server that started hitting my server that starting last night with the host name: IP Address is198.20.76.132...
system,So I tried to log into my BBS this morning via the web from work and
noticed that I could not connect. Apparently this took the BBS down
completely. It is trying to hit the QOTD on port 17 through Synchronet
BBS. It actually took the BBS down. So I logged into the machine via
remote and found out that it was taken down by this. I reloaded SBBS
from the SBBSctrl and it stared trying to connect to this IP address
and was hitting really quick. I put it in the IP block ist but this
server is persistent. Does anyone know a way I can block this? Thanks
in advance.
as long as the ip is in the ip.can it can still try to contact your
but automatically rejected, so you should have no issues.
I have a server that started hitting my server that starting last night with the host name: IP Address is
So I tried to log into my BBS this morning via the web from work and noticed that I could not connect. Apparently this took the BBS down completely. It is trying to hit the QOTD on port 17 through Synchronet BBS. It actually took the BBS down. So I logged into the machine via remote and found out that it was taken down by this.
I reloaded SBBS from the SBBSctrl and it
stared trying to connect to this IP address and was hitting really quick. I put it in the IP block ist but this server is persistent. Does anyone know a way I can block this? Thanks in advance.
ummm... it is a Denial of Service, though... they've got the SBBS spending too much time handling the drop... best to block these in the firewall and stop them from abusing SBBS in the first place...
I have a server that started hitting my server that starting last night with the host name: IP Address is
So I tried to log into my BBS this morning via the web from work and noticed that I could not connect. Apparently this took the BBS down completely. It is trying to hit the QOTD on port 17 through Synchronet BBS. It actually took the BBS down. So I logged into the machine via remote and found out that it was taken down by this. I reloaded SBBS from the SBBSctrl and it stared trying to connect to this IP address and was hitting really quick. I put it in the IP block ist but this server is persistent. Does anyone know a way I can block this? Thanks in advance.
ummm... it is a Denial of Service, though... they've got the SBBS
spending too much time handling the drop... best to block these in
the firewall and stop them from abusing SBBS in the first place...
am I wrong or does the throttling not take care of ddos?
and exactly WHERE does he say it is ddos?
from what he has posted it could be regular Mirai.
I get these attempts on my mail server until I put them in my ip.can
then it puts a halt to it.
I have a server that started hitting my server that starting last
night with the host name: IP Address is
I had this exact ip address hit my BBS as well, it also took my BBS offline, I put it in my ip.can and shut down QOTD feature, I don't use QOTD anyway.
ummm... it is a Denial of Service, though... they've got the SBBS
spending too much time handling the drop... best to block these in
the firewall and stop them from abusing SBBS in the first place...
am I wrong or does the throttling not take care of ddos?
the DOS is against the server... SBBS in this case...
and exactly WHERE does he say it is ddos?
he didn't say it was a DDOS... DDOS is more than one attacker... this was only one attacker...
and these days, we also have DRDoS, Distributed Reflective Denial of Service, which is based on udp attacks...
from what he has posted it could be regular Mirai.
not hitting the QOTD port, it likely isn't... Mirai and its variants hit 22, 23, 2222, 5555, and 7547... now the variants have expanded to numerous other ports... 135 (DCE/RPC), 445 (Active Directory), 1433 (MSSQL), 3306 (MySQL), and 3389 (RDP).
then you have the Hajime worm which appears to be the work of a whitehat... it looks like Mirai from the attacked side but its goal is to stop and prevent Mirai and variants from getting in to IoT devices...
and exactly WHERE does he say it is ddos?
he didn't say it was a DDOS... DDOS is more than one attacker... this
was only one attacker...
AH, My bad, I though the two were one in the same, My ignorance.
and these days, we also have DRDoS, Distributed Reflective Denial of
Service, which is based on udp attacks...
too many idiots with too much time on their hands I presume.. I don't
see what if anyything a person could gain by compromising port 17
from what he has posted it could be regular Mirai.
not hitting the QOTD port, it likely isn't... Mirai and its variants
hit 22, 23, 2222, 5555, and 7547... now the variants have expanded to
numerous other ports... 135 (DCE/RPC), 445 (Active Directory), 1433
(MSSQL), 3306 (MySQL), and 3389 (RDP).
How about the constant garbage that acts just like Mirai trying to hit
my mailservers?
They are either expanding their horizons, or Skynet is taking over :)
then you have the Hajime worm which appears to be the work of a
whitehat... it looks like Mirai from the attacked side but its goal
is to stop and prevent Mirai and variants from getting in to IoT
Good on it then.. if thats it's true intention it needs to be added to
our exepmt ips lists.
I have a server that started hitting my server that starting last night with the host name: IP Address is
So I tried to log into my BBS this morning via the web from work and noticed that I could not connect. Apparently this took the BBS down completely. It is trying to hit the QOTD on port 17 through Synchronet BBS. It actually took the
BBS down. So I logged into the machine via remote and found out that it was taken down by this. I reloaded SBBS from the SBBSctrl and it stared trying to connect to this IP address and was hitting really quick. I put it in the IP block ist but this server is persistent. Does anyone know a way I can block this? Thanks in advance.
þ Synchronet þ Computer God!!! - Get Involved - W est Jordan, Ut. telnet://
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