• Editing ANSI Graphics

    From sam@VERT/TTLYNERD to All on Monday, July 03, 2017 18:47:31
    Hi all, Just curious for the Linux folks out there what do you use to edit your Ansi graphics in CLI? My system is text only, so I hoped I could use The Draw in Dos EMU, but though it loads fine all the ASC files load all garbled up and are there no stock ANSI graphics? Also I tried to get SyncEdit to work, but it wouldn't do anything in command line for me, is it GUI only?

    THanks for any advice.

    Synchronet Totallynerd BBS - It doesn't get any nerdier than this - Nashville,TN
  • From mark lewis@VERT to sam on Tuesday, July 04, 2017 11:48:28
    On 2017 Jul 03 18:47:30, you wrote to All:

    Hi all, Just curious for the Linux folks out there what do you use to edit your Ansi graphics in CLI?

    the biggest problem you are going to run into is displaying the CP437 character
    glyphs above 127... those are the ones that folks have called ""high-ASCII"" for a long time... your terminal is probably doing UTF-8 and those characters are not located in the UTF-8 character table(s) where they are in CP437...

    My system is text only, so I hoped I could use The Draw in Dos EMU,
    but though it loads fine all the ASC files load all garbled up and are there no stock ANSI graphics? Also I tried to get SyncEdit to work,
    but it wouldn't do anything in command line for me, is it GUI only?

    your best bet is to probably use a system capable of displaying those characters and doing your drawing over there... then upload them to your BBS...


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  • From Accession@VERT/PHARCYDE to sam on Tuesday, July 04, 2017 12:17:42
    Hello sam,

    On Mon Jul 03 2017 18:47:30, sam wrote to All:

    Hi all, Just curious for the Linux folks out there what do you use to
    edit your Ansi graphics in CLI? My system is text only, so I hoped I could use The Draw in Dos EMU, but though it loads fine all the ASC
    files load all garbled up and are there no stock ANSI graphics? Also
    I tried to get SyncEdit to work, but it wouldn't do anything in
    command line for me, is it GUI only?

    I'm guessing when running DOSEMU, you have to load nansi.sys so that it will read those characters properly.

    This is probably one of your only choices if you're trying to stay CLI only. However, if you have the resources to run a GUI once in awhile, install a small
    GUI like LXDE or Fluxbox along with gtk-sharp and you can install Pablodraw which is easily the most versatile newer-age application for drawing ANSI/ASCII/RIP.


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