• SyncTERM

    From Kirkman@VERT/GUARDIAN to Deuce on Saturday, March 08, 2014 18:57:20
    Deuce wrote:

    Maybe time for me to do another release...

    Since there's been some discussion about SyncTerm recently, I wanted to ask again, is there any way to get copy/paste support added back on the Mac side?

    I love SyncTerm so much. Everything about it is perfect -- except that I can't copy and paste.

    I can write some javascript, but I know nothing about Objective C or Mac libraries, unfortunately.

    But I'd be happy to test code or compile or whatever.

    Is there any way this can get fixed?


    þ Synchronet
  • From Deuce@VERT/SYNCNIX to Kirkman on Monday, March 10, 2014 17:05:06
    Re: SyncTERM
    By: Kirkman to Deuce on Sat Mar 08 2014 06:57 pm

    Since there's been some discussion about SyncTerm recently, I wanted to ask again, is there any way to get copy/paste support added back on the Mac side?

    There are two ways...
    1) Someone needs to write copy/paste wrappers and email them to me.
    2) Wait. Once I update to SDL2.0 (after the next release) it appears that
    copy/paste can be ficed via SDL.

    My Mac and copy of OS X is now obsolete and not supported by Apple, so the release builds will be sporatic as I visit people with OS X systems I can use.

    http://DuckDuckGo.com/ a better search engine that respects your privacy.
    þ Synchronet þ My Brand-New BBS (All the cool SysOps run STOCK!)
  • From Kirkman@VERT/GUARDIAN to Deuce on Monday, March 10, 2014 22:09:17
    Re: SyncTERM
    By: Deuce to Kirkman on Mon Mar 10 2014 05:05 pm

    There are two ways...
    1) Someone needs to write copy/paste wrappers and email them to me.
    2) Wait. Once I update to SDL2.0 (after the next release) it appears that
    copy/paste can be ficed via SDL.

    I came across something today, and I wondered if it might give a starting place
    for a Mac wrapper. It's the scrap_OSX.m file in this zip:


    What do you think?


    BiC -=- http://breakintochat.com -=- bbs wiki and blog

    þ Synchronet
  • From Android8675@VERT/SHODAN to Deuce on Tuesday, March 11, 2014 08:24:25
    Re: SyncTERM
    By: Deuce to Kirkman on Mon Mar 10 2014 05:05 pm

    My Mac and copy of OS X is now obsolete and not supported by Apple, so
    the release builds will be sporatic as I visit people with OS X systems
    I can use.

    Intel Mac or PowerPC? If Intel the OS update should be free now. If PowerPC, Apple sucks.

    þ Synchronet þ Shodan's Core - shodan.synchro.net:23 & :2323
  • From Deuce@VERT/SYNCNIX to Kirkman on Friday, March 14, 2014 12:33:56
    Re: SyncTERM
    By: Kirkman to Deuce on Mon Mar 10 2014 10:09 pm

    I came across something today, and I wondered if it might give a starting place for a Mac wrapper. It's the scrap_OSX.m file in this zip:
    http://lists.libsdl.org/pipermail/sdl-libsdl.org/attachments/20071204/9f3b8 2e8/ attachment.zip

    What do you think?

    This looks a lot like what's in SDL 2.0 (which I'll be updating to "soon"). If
    someone were to make this work with SyncTERM, I would be happy to include their

    http://DuckDuckGo.com/ a better search engine that respects your privacy.
    þ Synchronet þ My Brand-New BBS (All the cool SysOps run STOCK!)
  • From Deuce@VERT/SYNCNIX to Android8675 on Friday, March 14, 2014 12:35:48
    Re: SyncTERM
    By: Android8675 to Deuce on Tue Mar 11 2014 08:24 am

    My Mac and copy of OS X is now obsolete and not supported by Apple,
    the release builds will be sporatic as I visit people with OS X systems
    I can use.

    Intel Mac or PowerPC? If Intel the OS update should be free now. If
    PowerPC, Apple sucks.

    It's a Core 2 Duo system. The last update that supports the machine is no longer available from Apple, and cost money for the small period of time it was
    available. I put it off for a few months, then it was pulled when the next version (which doesn't support my mini) was release.

    http://DuckDuckGo.com/ a better search engine that respects your privacy.
    þ Synchronet þ My Brand-New BBS (All the cool SysOps run STOCK!)
  • From Android8675@VERT/SHODAN to Deuce on Monday, March 17, 2014 09:06:51
    Re: SyncTERM
    By: Deuce to Android8675 on Fri Mar 14 2014 12:35 pm

    Intel Mac or PowerPC? If Intel the OS update should be free now. If
    PowerPC, Apple sucks.

    It's a Core 2 Duo system. The last update that supports the machine is no
    longer available from Apple, and cost money for the small period of time it was available. I put it off for a few months, then it was pulled when the next version (which doesn't support my mini) was release.

    I had no idea Apple was already phasing out Intel Macs in their OS updates. Lame. I so hate Apple for that, I get their business is "re-buy our hardware every 4-5 years", but... ah.

    http://appleinsider.com/articles/12/02/16/mountain_lion_signals_end_of_life_for _older_macs

    Guess 10.7 (Lion) is the oldest for you. Lame.

    þ Synchronet þ Shodan's Core - shodan.synchro.net:23 & :2323
  • From Deuce@VERT/SYNCNIX to Android8675 on Monday, March 17, 2014 14:29:21
    Re: SyncTERM
    By: Android8675 to Deuce on Mon Mar 17 2014 09:06 am

    I had no idea Apple was already phasing out Intel Macs in their OS updates.

    Guess 10.7 (Lion) is the oldest for you. Lame.

    Yep... and I don't have the Lion update because they pulled it from their store
    when they released Mountain Lion.

    http://DuckDuckGo.com/ a better search engine that respects your privacy.
    þ Synchronet þ My Brand-New BBS (All the cool SysOps run STOCK!)
  • From Bloody Butcher@VERT/TSHBBS to All on Thursday, January 17, 2019 19:32:02
    Hello everyone, I posted this in another section and I think I should have posted this here so I deleted the previous
    post on the other message area since the post had no replies yet and it was the wrong place to post it. I am using
    windows 10 X64. I used system in the past and it was great when I was using Windows XP. But since I have been using it
    now it's in the small and not easy to read and it does not fill the entire part and sometimes messages cut out. Is
    there a way to make SyncTERM go to full screen like when you're using DOSBox. Or is there another terminal program that
    would be better to use with windows 10. I have tested most of the other screen settings in Syncterm and it only made it
    works. I would really appreciate any advice and or help with this issue.

    Bloody Butcher

    þ Synchronet þ The Slaughter House - TSHBBS.SYNCHRO.NET
  • From Bloody Butcher@VERT/TSHBBS to All on Thursday, January 17, 2019 19:56:58
    Re: SyncTERM
    By: Bloody Butcher to All on Thu Jan 17 2019 07:32 pm

    Please disregard this post as the problem has been solved

    þ Synchronet þ The Slaughter House - TSHBBS.SYNCHRO.NET
  • From poindexter FORTRAN@VERT/REALITY to Bloody Butcher on Thursday, January 17, 2019 21:54:11
    Re: SyncTERM
    By: Bloody Butcher to All on Thu Jan 17 2019 07:32 pm

    messages cut out. Is there a way to make SyncTERM go to full screen like when you're using DOSBox.

    I use mTelnet and SyncTerm - Syncterm handles file transfers better, but mTelnet has some nice font smoothing. Both work in full screen on my Windows 10 desktop.

    þ Synchronet þ realitycheckBBS -- http://realitycheckBBS.org
  • From mark lewis@VERT to Bloody Butcher on Friday, January 18, 2019 06:06:44
    On 2019 Jan 17 19:32:02, you wrote to All:

    Hello everyone, I posted this in another section and I think I should have posted this here so I deleted the previous post on the other message area since the post had no replies yet and it was the wrong place to post it.

    FWIW: deleting a message locally after it has been sent to other systems doesn't remove it from those other systems...

    i can't help you with your syncterm problem... i've seen it here, too, and do not remember what i did to make it larger... however, a quick play seems to indicate that i simply grabbed the corner of the window and pulled it out further until it sprung to the next size... that won't work if the base screen resolution is not large enough to drag the corner out far enough for the switch...

    i'm currently running syncterm 0.9.5b.
    syncterm's screen mode is set to 80x25.
    i have no fonts installed or available.


    Always Mount a Scratch Monkey
    Do you manage your own servers? If you are not running an IDS/IPS yer doin' it wrong...
    ... You can deficit-spend on sleep, but the interest charges are murder.
    * Origin: (1:3634/12.73)
    þ Synchronet þ Vertrauen þ Home of Synchronet þ [vert/cvs/bbs].synchro.net
  • From Bloody Butcher@VERT/TSHBBS to poindexter FORTRAN on Friday, January 18, 2019 12:16:34
    Re: SyncTERM
    By: poindexter FORTRAN to Bloody Butcher on Thu Jan 17 2019 09:54 pm

    Re: SyncTERM
    By: Bloody Butcher to All on Thu Jan 17 2019 07:32 pm

    messages cut out. Is there a way to make SyncTERM go to full screen like when you're using DOSBox.

    I use mTelnet and SyncTerm - Syncterm handles file transfers better, but mTelnet has some nice font smoothing. Both work in full screen on my Windows 10 desktop.

    Thanks I will have to check it out!

    þ Synchronet þ The Slaughter House - TSHBBS.SYNCHRO.NET
  • From Bloody Butcher@VERT/TSHBBS to mark lewis on Friday, January 18, 2019 12:17:50
    Re: SyncTERM
    By: mark lewis to Bloody Butcher on Fri Jan 18 2019 06:06 am

    It's ok i figured it out but thanks for the reply!

    þ Synchronet þ The Slaughter House - TSHBBS.SYNCHRO.NET
  • From Plt@VERT/SBBS to Bloody Butcher on Sunday, January 20, 2019 19:47:07
    On 1/17/19 7:32 PM, Bloody Butcher wrote:
    Hello everyone, I posted this in another section and I think I should have posted this here so I deleted the previous
    post on the other message area since the post had no replies yet and it was the wrong place to post it. I am using
    windows 10 X64. I used system in the past and it was great when I was using Windows XP. But since I have been using it
    now it's in the small and not easy to read and it does not fill the entire part and sometimes messages cut out. Is
    there a way to make SyncTERM go to full screen like when you're using DOSBox. Or is there another terminal program that
    would be better to use with windows 10. I have tested most of the other screen settings in Syncterm and it only made it
    works. I would really appreciate any advice and or help with this issue.

    Bloody Butcher

    â–  Synchronet â–  The Slaughter House - TSHBBS.SYNCHRO.NET

    I have been using it for several years on Windows and often the program will
    just lock up since using it Windows 7. Has anyone run across the same

    þ Synchronet þ sbbs.dynu.net 2025
  • From MRO@VERT/BBSESINF to Plt on Wednesday, January 23, 2019 23:58:44
    Re: Re: SyncTERM
    By: Plt to Bloody Butcher on Sun Jan 20 2019 07:47 pm

    I have been using it for several years on Windows and often the program will
    just lock up since using it Windows 7. Has anyone run across the same

    remove your program and data files maybe. use a fresh copy. that might fix your issue.
    þ Synchronet þ ::: BBSES.info - free BBS services :::
  • From Daryl Stout@VERT to POINDEXTER FORTRAN on Friday, January 25, 2019 03:04:00
    I use mTelnet and SyncTerm - Syncterm handles file transfers better, but PF>mTelnet has some nice font smoothing. Both work in full screen on my Windows PF>desktop.

    I used to use MTel, but the time on downloads and QWK packets was
    always in UTC Time. Plus, you had to manually enter the Sysop password
    if you were the Sysop on a Synchronet BBS.

    With SyncTerm, the time on downloads and QWK packets is correct, and
    it will enter the Sysop password for a Synchronet BBS for you.


    þ OLX 1.53 þ Where there's a Will, I want to be in it.
    --- SBBSecho 3.06-Win32
    * Origin: FIDONet: The Thunderbolt BBS - tbolt.synchro.net (1:19/33)
    þ Synchronet þ Vertrauen þ Home of Synchronet þ [vert/cvs/bbs].synchro.net
  • From DaiTengu@VERT/ENSEMBLE to Daryl Stout on Friday, January 25, 2019 08:52:07
    Re: SyncTERM
    By: Daryl Stout to POINDEXTER FORTRAN on Fri Jan 25 2019 03:04 am

    I used to use MTel, but the time on downloads and QWK packets was
    always in UTC Time. Plus, you had to manually enter the Sysop password
    if you were the Sysop on a Synchronet BBS.

    With SyncTerm, the time on downloads and QWK packets is correct, and
    it will enter the Sysop password for a Synchronet BBS for you.

    Wait, it will? I have "System Password" filled in, but I always have to type in my sysop password manually.

    The only problem I really have is file transfers not working right. I just haven't had time to look into it and see if it's my BBS or SyncTerm itself.


    ... A woman drove me to drink, and I never had the courtesy to thank her.

    þ Synchronet þ War Ensemble BBS - The sport is war, total war - warensemble.com
  • From Digital Man@VERT to DaiTengu on Friday, January 25, 2019 12:30:15
    Re: SyncTERM
    By: DaiTengu to Daryl Stout on Fri Jan 25 2019 08:52 am

    Re: SyncTERM
    By: Daryl Stout to POINDEXTER FORTRAN on Fri Jan 25 2019 03:04 am

    I used to use MTel, but the time on downloads and QWK packets was always in UTC Time. Plus, you had to manually enter the Sysop password if you were the Sysop on a Synchronet BBS.

    With SyncTerm, the time on downloads and QWK packets is correct, and
    it will enter the Sysop password for a Synchronet BBS for you.

    Wait, it will? I have "System Password" filled in, but I always have to type in my sysop password manually.

    Have you tried hitting Alt-L (to send the auth creds)?

    digital man

    Synchronet/BBS Terminology Definition #55:
    SCFG = Synchronet Configuration Utility
    Norco, CA WX: 74.7øF, 20.0% humidity, 1 mph NW wind, 0.00 inches rain/24hrs

    þ Synchronet þ Vertrauen þ Home of Synchronet þ [vert/cvs/bbs].synchro.net
  • From Daryl Stout@VERT to DAITENGU on Friday, January 25, 2019 18:07:00
    With SyncTerm, the time on downloads and QWK packets is correct, and
    it will enter the Sysop password for a Synchronet BBS for you.

    Wait, it will? I have "System Password" filled in, but I always have to type
    in my sysop password manually.

    I've never had a problem with it...probably because it's the only BBS
    my schedule allows me to connect to. Plus, by doing an ALT-L, it enters
    it. Also, I have my BBS set to the "default connection", and that may be
    why it's taking the system password automatically.

    The only problem I really have is file transfers not working right. I just D>haven't had time to look into it and see if it's my BBS or SyncTerm itself.

    I figured out how to get file transfers working in some of the doors
    online. I had to rename the FDSZ program to DSZ, and have that in the
    door directory, with appropriate commands. The SEXYZ protocols are on
    the BBS itself.


    þ OLX 1.53 þ Why are they called stairs inside, but steps outside?
    --- SBBSecho 3.06-Win32
    * Origin: FIDONet: The Thunderbolt BBS - tbolt.synchro.net (1:19/33)
    þ Synchronet þ Vertrauen þ Home of Synchronet þ [vert/cvs/bbs].synchro.net
  • From Daryl Stout@VERT to DIGITAL MAN on Saturday, January 26, 2019 14:09:00

    Have you tried hitting Alt-L (to send the auth creds)?

    Does that work with just the "default connection", or does it work
    with all of them??


    þ OLX 1.53 þ In Amiga Country...at night, you can hear Windows reboot.
    --- SBBSecho 3.06-Win32
    * Origin: FIDONet: The Thunderbolt BBS - tbolt.synchro.net (1:19/33)
    þ Synchronet þ Vertrauen þ Home of Synchronet þ [vert/cvs/bbs].synchro.net
  • From Digital Man@VERT to Daryl Stout on Saturday, January 26, 2019 15:23:34
    Re: SyncTERM
    By: Daryl Stout to DIGITAL MAN on Sat Jan 26 2019 02:09 pm


    Have you tried hitting Alt-L (to send the auth creds)?

    Does that work with just the "default connection", or does it work
    with all of them??

    I'm not aware of a "default connection" in SyncTERM. The Alt-L feature works with any BBS that's in your dialing directory and has a username and password configuration (and optionally a system password).

    digital man

    This Is Spinal Tap quote #42:
    What day the Lord created Spinal Tap and couldn't he have rested on that day? Norco, CA WX: 74.3øF, 15.0% humidity, 8 mph SE wind, 0.00 inches rain/24hrs

    þ Synchronet þ Vertrauen þ Home of Synchronet þ [vert/cvs/bbs].synchro.net
  • From mark lewis@VERT to Daryl Stout on Sunday, January 27, 2019 11:41:46
    On 2019 Jan 26 14:09:00, you wrote to DIGITAL MAN:

    Have you tried hitting Alt-L (to send the auth creds)?

    Does that work with just the "default connection", or does it work
    with all of them??

    all of them... i don't even know what this ""default connection"" is you guys mention...

    in each phonebook entry you can put your name, your password, and a system password... the system password is only good for systems like sbbs that request
    it at logon... AFAIK, they're also just shoved out there instead of being fed in response to the request from the bbs...


    Always Mount a Scratch Monkey
    Do you manage your own servers? If you are not running an IDS/IPS yer doin' it wrong...
    ... To impress people favourably, let them impress you.
    * Origin: (1:3634/12.73)
    þ Synchronet þ Vertrauen þ Home of Synchronet þ [vert/cvs/bbs].synchro.net
  • From Daryl Stout@VERT to DIGITAL MAN on Sunday, January 27, 2019 12:01:00

    I'm not aware of a "default connection" in SyncTERM. The Alt-L feature works DM>with any BBS that's in your dialing directory and has a username and passwor DM>configuration (and optionally a system password).

    The version of SyncTerm that I have is 1.1b -- the left window is the directory of BBS's, then a smaller window on the right has SyncTerm
    settings. The entries in the right window include Default Connection
    Settings, Current Screen Mode, Font Management, and Program Settings.

    If there is a newer version of SyncTerm, I'm not aware of it...or
    where to obtain it.


    þ OLX 1.53 þ Is It OK to yell 'MOVIE' in a crowded Fire Station??
    --- SBBSecho 3.06-Win32
    * Origin: FIDONet: The Thunderbolt BBS - tbolt.synchro.net (1:19/33)
    þ Synchronet þ Vertrauen þ Home of Synchronet þ [vert/cvs/bbs].synchro.net
  • From DaiTengu@VERT/ENSEMBLE to Digital Man on Sunday, January 27, 2019 11:02:49
    Re: SyncTERM
    By: Digital Man to DaiTengu on Fri Jan 25 2019 12:30 pm

    Wait, it will? I have "System Password" filled in, but I always have
    to type in my sysop password manually.

    Have you tried hitting Alt-L (to send the auth creds)?

    I always connected via SSH, so I just got the system password prompt when logging in, never the username/password so hitting "Alt-L" never crossed my mind. thanks ;)


    ... An honest politician is one who, when bought, stays bought.

    þ Synchronet þ War Ensemble BBS - The sport is war, total war - warensemble.com
  • From DaiTengu@VERT/ENSEMBLE to Daryl Stout on Sunday, January 27, 2019 11:17:48
    Re: SyncTERM
    By: Daryl Stout to DAITENGU on Fri Jan 25 2019 06:07 pm

    Wait, it will? I have "System Password" filled in, but I always have
    to type in my sysop password manually.

    I've never had a problem with it...probably because it's the only BBS
    my schedule allows me to connect to. Plus, by doing an ALT-L, it enters it. Also, I have my BBS set to the "default connection", and that may be why it's taking the system password automatically.

    I always log in via ssh, so I never see the username/password bit, it just comes up with the prompt for the system password, I'm not sure if I thought that "Alt-L" would send the full username/password or not, but I had never tried it. I just used it a little while ago and it works :)

    The only problem I really have is file transfers not working right. I
    just haven't had time to look into it and see if it's my BBS or
    SyncTerm itself.

    I figured out how to get file transfers working in some of the doors online. I had to rename the FDSZ program to DSZ, and have that in the
    door directory, with appropriate commands. The SEXYZ protocols are on
    the BBS itself.

    I would get weird CRC errors and files wouldn't complete, it looks like it was because I was using an old version of SyncTerm. I upgraded to a newer version a couple weeks ago, just tested it again and downloading via zmodem seems to work just fine now.


    ... In England there are sixty different religions and only one sauce.

    þ Synchronet þ War Ensemble BBS - The sport is war, total war - warensemble.com
  • From Digital Man@VERT to Daryl Stout on Sunday, January 27, 2019 12:51:20
    Re: SyncTERM
    By: Daryl Stout to DIGITAL MAN on Sun Jan 27 2019 12:01 pm


    I'm not aware of a "default connection" in SyncTERM. The Alt-L feature works DM>with any BBS that's in your dialing directory and has a username and passwor DM>configuration (and optionally a system password).

    The version of SyncTerm that I have is 1.1b -- the left window is the directory of BBS's, then a smaller window on the right has SyncTerm settings. The entries in the right window include Default Connection Settings, Current Screen Mode, Font Management, and Program Settings.

    Right, and "Settings" is the key word. Those settings are used when creating a new entry in the dialing "Directory". That's it.

    If there is a newer version of SyncTerm, I'm not aware of it...or
    where to obtain it.

    1.1b is the current development version, so that's the newest.

    digital man

    This Is Spinal Tap quote #17:
    David St. Hubbins: It's such a fine line between stupid, and uh... and clever. Norco, CA WX: 77.1øF, 21.0% humidity, 0 mph NW wind, 0.00 inches rain/24hrs

    þ Synchronet þ Vertrauen þ Home of Synchronet þ [vert/cvs/bbs].synchro.net
  • From Daryl Stout@VERT to MARK LEWIS on Monday, January 28, 2019 12:01:00

    all of them... i don't even know what this ""default connection"" is you guy ML>mention...

    It's with version 1.1b of SyncTerm, what I'm running. I may not have
    the most current version, but would have to go look for it.

    in each phonebook entry you can put your name, your password, and a system ML>password... the system password is only good for systems like sbbs that requ ML>it at logon... AFAIK, they're also just shoved out there instead of being fe ML>in response to the request from the bbs...

    My BBS is the ONLY system I connect to, because of so much of "life"
    outside the BBS. Most days, I'm lucky to just update the ham radio and
    weather data, and do the QWK Mail. I don't get to do any of the door
    games for "relaxation".


    þ OLX 1.53 þ Lawsuit: What attorneys wear to court.
    --- SBBSecho 3.06-Win32
    * Origin: FIDONet: The Thunderbolt BBS - tbolt.synchro.net (1:19/33)
    þ Synchronet þ Vertrauen þ Home of Synchronet þ [vert/cvs/bbs].synchro.net
  • From Daryl Stout@VERT to DAITENGU on Monday, January 28, 2019 12:03:00
    I always log in via ssh, so I never see the username/password bit, it just
    comes up with the prompt for the system password, I'm not sure if I thought D>that "Alt-L" would send the full username/password or not, but I had never D>tried it. I just used it a little while ago and it works :)

    I might do that, as I re-enabled SSH over here, but the port number is
    NOT conventional. I've noted that "Verified Users In Good Standing who
    want that value can Email Feedback To Sysop"...and "that info is NOT
    available anywhere else on the BBS". I might try that with SyncTerm over

    I would get weird CRC errors and files wouldn't complete, it looks like it w
    because I was using an old version of SyncTerm. I upgraded to a newer versio D>a couple weeks ago, just tested it again and downloading via zmodem seems to D>work just fine now.

    As noted, I may have an older version of SyncTerm. But, if I upgrade,
    do I have to a fresh install??


    þ OLX 1.53 þ Lawyer: One who calls a 137 page document a brief.
    --- SBBSecho 3.06-Win32
    * Origin: FIDONet: The Thunderbolt BBS - tbolt.synchro.net (1:19/33)
    þ Synchronet þ Vertrauen þ Home of Synchronet þ [vert/cvs/bbs].synchro.net
  • From Daryl Stout@VERT to DIGITAL MAN on Monday, January 28, 2019 12:05:00

    Right, and "Settings" is the key word. Those settings are used when creating DM>new entry in the dialing "Directory". That's it.

    OK, thanks for the confirmation.

    1.1b is the current development version, so that's the newest.

    Good...I thought I'd have to download and install a new version. At
    least it's not as bad as an OS upgrade (i.e. Windows 7 to Windows 10). I
    am considering doing such with my computers, if I can get finances to
    work out sometime in February...since there'll be no more security
    updates for Windows 7 after January, 2020. I understand I can
    DISABLE/TURN OFF the "automatic updates", so I update on MY schedule,
    and NOT Microsoft's.

    þ OLX 1.53 þ Lead me not into temptation -- I'll find my own way.
    --- SBBSecho 3.06-Win32
    * Origin: FIDONet: The Thunderbolt BBS - tbolt.synchro.net (1:19/33)
    þ Synchronet þ Vertrauen þ Home of Synchronet þ [vert/cvs/bbs].synchro.net
  • From DaiTengu@VERT/ENSEMBLE to Daryl Stout on Monday, January 28, 2019 16:40:59
    Re: SyncTERM
    By: Daryl Stout to DAITENGU on Mon Jan 28 2019 12:03 pm

    As noted, I may have an older version of SyncTerm. But, if I upgrade,
    do I have to a fresh install??

    I just downloaded the deveopment build from http://syncterm.bbsdev.net and unzipped it over my install.

    That said, it looks like you're running the latest version already :)


    ... Backup not found: (A)bort (R)etry (F)#@K it!

    þ Synchronet þ War Ensemble BBS - The sport is war, total war - warensemble.com
  • From Daryl Stout@VERT to DAITENGU on Tuesday, January 29, 2019 12:47:00
    I just downloaded the deveopment build from http://syncterm.bbsdev.net and
    unzipped it over my install.

    That said, it looks like you're running the latest version already :)

    Rob told me that I had the latest version already (1.1b), so I didn't
    even bother searching for it. In fact, I use it when I logon to my BBS
    (the only one my schedule permits me to work with). Unlike MTel, I don't
    have to type the Sysop Password, and the time stamps with downloads and
    the QWK packets are CORRECT, instead of being in UTC Time.


    þ OLX 1.53 þ Microsoft Tech Support For Legacy Windows?? FAT Chance!!
    --- SBBSecho 3.06-Win32
    * Origin: FIDONet: The Thunderbolt BBS - tbolt.synchro.net (1:19/33)
    þ Synchronet þ Vertrauen þ Home of Synchronet þ [vert/cvs/bbs].synchro.net