• Setting up dynamic DNS with Synchronet

    From Gabriel Jackson@VERT to alt.bbs.synchronet on Saturday, March 01, 2014 18:37:31
    From Newsgroup: alt.bbs.synchronet

    hello everyone.
    I was watching a youtube video that shows you how to setup synchronet bbs on windows 8. After watching the video it just gave intructions How To Setup Old Style BBS (Synchronet BBS Software)
    It was pretty easy setting up the synchronet and updating. I was running windows 8 at the time and found out windows 8 has a comflict with the door programs and do not run with synchronet , however. I uninstalled windows 8 and installed windows 7on my machine. I found another great video Setting up BBS in Windows 7 and using (Complete Guide 720p) . It told me how to go control panel and program features and turn on or off the Telnet Client, Telnet Server, TFTP Client.
    After this it excited me, so I fired up my synchronet BBS walked my self through the configuration wizard. but I get confused on this part.
    Everything I enter here tells the origional address that usally comes up when I Rlogin that my address is Address: Gabe-PC [] under client. Under Server it says address druidskeep.no-ip.biz but this is only local mode. How do I get this to say, c-76-122-7-120.hsd1.fl.comcast.net like it says, when its working for other bbss. How do I get this bbs to work.
    --- Synchronet 3.16a-Win32 NewsLink 1.102
    ž Synchronet ž Vertrauen ž Home of Synchronet ž telnet://vert.synchro.net
  • From Deuce@VERT/SYNCNIX to Gabriel Jackson on Sunday, March 02, 2014 12:13:41
    Re: Setting up dynamic DNS with Synchronet
    By: Gabriel Jackson to alt.bbs.synchronet on Sat Mar 01 2014 06:37 pm

    Everything I enter here tells the origional address that usally comes up when I Rlogin that my address is Address: Gabe-PC [] under client. Under Server it says address druidskeep.no-ip.biz but this is only local mode. How do I get this to say, c-76-122-7-120.hsd1.fl.comcast.net like it says, when its working for other bbss. How do I get this bbs to work.

    You would need to connect to the external IP address instead of localhost. However, there's no realy reason to do so, what you describe sounds like everything is working perfectly.

    http://DuckDuckGo.com/ a better search engine that respects your privacy.
    ž Synchronet ž My Brand-New BBS (All the cool SysOps run STOCK!)
  • From Gabriel Jackson@VERT to alt.bbs.synchronet on Sunday, March 02, 2014 13:15:54
    From Newsgroup: alt.bbs.synchronet

    On Saturday, March 1, 2014 9:37:31 PM UTC-5, Gabriel Jackson wrote:
    hello everyone.

    I was watching a youtube video that shows you how to setup synchronet bbs on windows 8. After watching the video it just gave intructions How To Setup Old Style BBS (Synchronet BBS Software)


    It was pretty easy setting up the synchronet and updating. I was running windows 8 at the time and found out windows 8 has a comflict with the door programs and do not run with synchronet , however. I uninstalled windows 8 and installed windows 7on my machine. I found another great video Setting up BBS in Windows 7 and using (Complete Guide 720p) . It told me how to go control panel and program features and turn on or off the Telnet Client, Telnet Server, TFTP Client.


    After this it excited me, so I fired up my synchronet BBS walked my self through the configuration wizard. but I get confused on this part.

    Everything I enter here tells the origional address that usally comes up when I Rlogin that my address is Address: Gabe-PC [] under client. Under Server it says address druidskeep.no-ip.biz but this is only local mode. How do I get this to say, c-76-122-7-120.hsd1.fl.comcast.net like it says, when its working for other bbss. How do I get this bbs to work.
    Its connecting when I do a Rlogin. but its connecting to . This is some kind of local connection. When I logon to another BBS . The address will say something like c-76-122-7-120.hsd1.fl.comcast.net not
    --- Synchronet 3.16a-Win32 NewsLink 1.102
    ž Synchronet ž Vertrauen ž Home of Synchronet ž telnet://vert.synchro.net
  • From Gabriel Jackson@VERT to alt.bbs.synchronet on Sunday, March 02, 2014 14:29:05
    From Newsgroup: alt.bbs.synchronet

    On Saturday, March 1, 2014 9:37:31 PM UTC-5, Gabriel Jackson wrote:
    hello everyone.

    I was watching a youtube video that shows you how to setup synchronet bbs on windows 8. After watching the video it just gave intructions How To Setup Old Style BBS (Synchronet BBS Software)


    It was pretty easy setting up the synchronet and updating. I was running windows 8 at the time and found out windows 8 has a comflict with the door programs and do not run with synchronet , however. I uninstalled windows 8 and installed windows 7on my machine. I found another great video Setting up BBS in Windows 7 and using (Complete Guide 720p) . It told me how to go control panel and program features and turn on or off the Telnet Client, Telnet Server, TFTP Client.


    After this it excited me, so I fired up my synchronet BBS walked my self through the configuration wizard. but I get confused on this part.

    Everything I enter here tells the origional address that usally comes up when I Rlogin that my address is Address: Gabe-PC [] under client. Under Server it says address druidskeep.no-ip.biz but this is only local mode. How do I get this to say, c-76-122-7-120.hsd1.fl.comcast.net like it says, when its working for other bbss. How do I get this bbs to work.
    Don't bother helping me. I was able to go to the command promt and type telnet druidskeep.no-ip.biz and it says, could not open connection to the host, on port 23:connect failed
    I just got off the phone with this guy from Comcast and he said we are not allowed to open up this port because it could let hackers into your computer.
    --- Synchronet 3.16a-Win32 NewsLink 1.102
    ž Synchronet ž Vertrauen ž Home of Synchronet ž telnet://vert.synchro.net
  • From Android8675@VERT/SHODAN to Gabriel Jackson on Monday, March 03, 2014 17:27:08
    Re: Re: Setting up dynamic DNS with Synchronet
    By: Gabriel Jackson to alt.bbs.synchronet on Sun Mar 02 2014 02:29 pm

    Actually, Comcast will TELL you that you can't open port 23 because of "hackers", because they are retards. Hackers don't need open ports.

    What you have to do is login to your router (probably your cable modem) and access port forwarding, setup port 23 to whatever the IP is of your BBS system.

    It's pretty easy to do, Comcast doesn't want you to do it because they don't want you to be able to use the Internet, because again they refuse to update their infrastructure and improve their service to meet demand.

    Again, retards.

    In the meantime you might try reading some of the Synchronet Wiki, specifically this page:


    ž Synchronet ž Shodan's Core - shodan.synchro.net:23 & :2323
  • From mro@VERT to Gabriel Jackson on Friday, March 07, 2014 22:32:07
    From Newsgroup: alt.bbs.synchronet

    To: Gabriel Jackson
    .,: This is something about Setting up dynamic DNS with Synchronet,
    Gabriel Jackson said it to alt.bbs.synchronet on Sat Mar 01 2014 06:37 pm --ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ-ÄÄÄÄ---ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ---ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ--ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ

    I was watching a youtube video that shows you how to setup synchronet bbs o= n windows 8. After watching the video it just gave intructions How To Setup= Old Style BBS (Synchronet BBS Software)=20


    all those videos you are linking dont load up for me

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    --- Synchronet 3.16a-Win32 NewsLink 1.102
    ž Synchronet ž Vertrauen ž Home of Synchronet ž telnet://vert.synchro.net
  • From mro@VERT to Gabriel Jackson on Friday, March 07, 2014 22:34:57
    From Newsgroup: alt.bbs.synchronet

    To: Gabriel Jackson
    .,: This is something about Re: Setting up dynamic DNS with Synchronet,
    Gabriel Jackson said it to alt.bbs.synchronet on Sun Mar 02 2014 02:29 pm --ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ-ÄÄÄÄ---ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ---ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ--ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ
    I just got off the phone with this guy from Comcast and he said we are not = allowed to open up this port because it could let hackers into your compute= r.

    shit, timewarner got bought out by comcrap. i wonder if they will block

    anyways, who is making these videos you are watching? it's not timewarrior,
    is it?

    This email is free from viruses and malware because avast! Antivirus protection is active.

    --- Synchronet 3.16a-Win32 NewsLink 1.102
    ž Synchronet ž Vertrauen ž Home of Synchronet ž telnet://vert.synchro.net