Hi all, I'm wondering if anyone can give me a hand. I've configured Dove-Ne connection on my BBS, but it doesn't appear to be downloading all the messag
I've verified that I do have them turned "ON". Also, when I try to post anything from my BBS (I'm currently logged on directly to Vertrauen) it just tells me "Aborted" in flashing letters after I type in the subject line. I' done the wiki, and the google thing - and decided to try here next. Please me know as well if I'm posting this in the wrong section. If so, my apologi
Billingham BBS
telnet://billingham.ca 23
Hi all, I'm wondering if anyone can give me a hand. I've configured Dove-Net connection on my BBS, but it doesn't appear to be downloading all the messages.
I've verified that I do have them turned "ON". Also, when I try to post anything from my BBS (I'm currently logged on directly to Vertrauen) it
just tells me "Aborted" in flashing letters after I type in the subject line.
Hi all, I'm wondering if anyone can give me a hand. I've configured Dove-Net connection on my BBS, but it doesn't appear to be downloading all the messages.
I've verified that I do have them turned "ON". Also, when I try to post anything from my BBS (I'm currently logged on directly to Vertrauen) it
just tells me "Aborted" in flashing letters after I type in the subject line. I've done the wiki, and the google thing - and decided to try here next. Please let me know as well if I'm posting this in the wrong section. If so, my apologies.
Re: Dove-Net Config on my Syncronet Win32
By: Mephis to All on Thu Jan 23 2014 08:09 am
Hi all, I'm wondering if anyone can give me a hand. I've configured Dove-Ne connection on my BBS, but it doesn't appear to be downloading
all the messag
I've verified that I do have them turned "ON". Also, when I try to
post anything from my BBS (I'm currently logged on directly to
Vertrauen) it just tells me "Aborted" in flashing letters after I type
in the subject line. I' done the wiki, and the google thing - and decided to try here next. Please me know as well if I'm posting this in the wrong section. If so, my apologi
Billingham BBS
telnet://billingham.ca 23
I was able to resolve the groups not populating... it appears that I need
to do a number of forced network call-outs before they all end up
populated. That's fine, but no matter what I do I can't post from my
system to Dove-Net. Any ideas?
Mephis wrote to All <=-
Thank you all for your help. As soon as you mentioned the editor, I remembered that when I first set up the BBS, it asked me about an
external editor and I said Yes without understanding what it meant...
as you do when you want to get it installed and start playing. So I
went into my default account info, and changed external editor to NONE, and here I am, posting back to you.
Thanks again. I'm glad to have chosen Snchronet, especially if this is the typical amount of response that a newb gets when they made a dumb mistake. Can't wait to get into the real "meat" of setting up doors
Hi all, I'm wondering if anyone can give me a hand. I've configured Dove-Net connection on my BBS, but it doesn't appear to be downloading all the messages.
(I'm currently logged on directly to Vertrauen) it
just tells me "Aborted" in flashing letters after I type in the subject
Try getting SlyEdit installed as an editor. You'll not be disappointed.
Poindexter Fortran wrote to Bill McGarrity <=-
Try getting SlyEdit installed as an editor. You'll not be disappointed.
I like the fact that Slyedit is a javascript program and seems to
load/run faster than a DOS editor. If they don't use SlyEdit, what do Linux Synchronet sysops do, run a standard text editor like pico/nano?
I like the fact that Slyedit is a javascript program and seems to load/run faster than a DOS editor. If they don't use SlyEdit, what do Linux Synchronet sysops do, run a standard text editor like pico/nano?
There's also FSEditor.js included with Synchronet. A bit simpler with no "/" commands, and keybindings more like other editors.
In all honesty, I have no idea. First day I put the board up over here I installed Slyedit and have been using it ever since. Even have it as the default editor for new users...
does slyedit crap out random characters for you guys when using the
arrow keys a lot? i'm using an older version so i always assumed that
was fixed.
Re: Re: Dove-Net Config on my Syn
By: Mro to Bill McGarrity on Fri Jan 24 2014 18:52:24
does slyedit crap out random characters for you guys when using the arrow keys a lot? i'm using an older version so i always assumed that was fixed.
SlyEdit has never done that for me. This is the first time I've heard
about that.
does slyedit crap out random characters for you guys when using
the arrow keys a lot? i'm using an older version so i always
assumed that was fixed.
SlyEdit has never done that for me. This is the first time I've heard
about that.
maybe it's because i'm using a real old version.
it happens a lot when i go back to fix up a msg and jump around with the arrow keys. sometimes it will bring up the slyedit prompt too
Mro wrote to Bill McGarrity <=-
Re: Re: Dove-Net Config on my Syn
By: Bill McGarrity to Poindexter Fortran on Fri Jan 24 2014 11:04 am
In all honesty, I have no idea. First day I put the board up over here I installed Slyedit and have been using it ever since. Even have it as the default editor for new users...
does slyedit crap out random characters for you guys when using the
arrow keys a lot? i'm using an older version so i always assumed that
was fixed. ---
I haven't seen any issues with it. I know tons of work was done to it
and I'm not rully up to date on the version but if it's not broken... :)
I haven't seen any issues with it. I know tons of work was done to
it and I'm not rully up to date on the version but if it's not
broken... :)
In addition to new features, new versions of SlyEdit also often contain bug fixes. Sometimes a bug can come up and bite you in the butt when you least expect it. :)
I like the fact that Slyedit is a javascript program and seems to
load/run faster than a DOS editor. If they don't use SlyEdit, what do Linux Synchronet sysops do, run a standard text editor like pico/nano?
Sounds like a possible terminal issue maybe. Do other editors do that?
And what happens if you use a different terminal program?
I suppose the first thing try would be to update to the latest version and see if the issue still exists for you.
Any javascript editor for Synchronet can be run in Linux as well. So between SlyEdit and the JSEditor, otherwise any old DOS external editor like IceEdit, DCTEdit, QuikEdit or whatever else can be used as well
with the use of dosemu. I also have an option to use nano in restricted mode (can't change the name of the temporary file when you save, can't load any files, etc.) as well. There's really no limitations whatsoever.
i'm using mt32 and no other editors do it. i should update but i dont normally update just for the sake of updating. i was wondering if other people had the problem, i wasnt trying to give you a bug report.
running a very old version and then giving someone a bug report would be very stupid! :D also i'd probably email you with screenshots.
That's certainly odd. I haven't heard about that from other sysops, and from the sounds of it, it might not be a common issue (Bill McGarrity said he hasn't seen any issues with it).
Unless a new version of something totally changes something in a way you don't like, I think upgrading can be worthwhile because new versions can often contain bug fixes (as you said, sending a bug report for an old version would be silly).
That's certainly odd. I haven't heard about that from other sysops,
and from the sounds of it, it might not be a common issue (Bill
McGarrity said he hasn't seen any issues with it).
okay i dropped it in and i'm moving aroudn and it's not throwing in a C
or D or doing the save prompt.
thanks for making it a drop in upgrade.
Your setup is using the wrong author's initials in the quote lines. I wrote this paragraph, but it looks like it's probably using Bill McGarrity's initials. You may need to update your Synchronet binaries (at least something from May 12, 2013 or newer). There was a change made in Synchronet in the May 12 2013 build that enabled SlyEdit to get the correct author's initials for the quote lines.
So it's all good now?
Re: Re: Dove-Net Config on my SynBy: Nightfox to Mro on Sat Jan 25 2014 01:49 pm
Your setup is using the wrong author's initials in the quote lines. I
wrote this paragraph, but it looks like it's probably using Bill
McGarrity's initials. You may need to update your Synchronet binaries (at
a change made in Synchronet in the May 12 2013 build that enabled
SlyEdit to get the correct author's initials for the quote lines.
oh wtf, i never had a problem before!
i dont really want the author's initials in every single quote line.
i think it's taking up too much space. i'll just stick with what i've
Re: Re: Dove-Net Config on my Syn
By: Mro to Nightfox on Sat Jan 25 2014 16:26:34
a change made in Synchronet in the May 12 2013 build that enabled
SlyEdit to get the correct author's initials for the quote lines.
oh wtf, i never had a problem before!
I never saw you quote with author's initials before. It's looking better now though.
You can disable that setting. SlyEdit doesn't force that on you (read the docs). Anyway the newer versions of SlyEdit have bug fixes as well.
Also, I'm curious about using text editors such as Nano for message
editors. Nano wasn't designed to be a message editor for a BBS - so I don't think it knows about message quoting and such, does it? What are the advantages of using something like Nano as a BBS message editor?
i guess it just did it that one time.
i rolled back, i prefer the initials off.
Nano was a clone of Pico which was part of a mail client (Pine) and was specifically written for editing messages over a terminal connection.
i rolled back, i prefer the initials off.
well i'm using a late 2012 version of 3.16 for linux. i'm not going to compile everything and do this and that for a message editor.
also i dont know what might be screwy after upgrading. so i'd rather
keep it the way it is and not anger it.
True that there are no limitations, but the advantage of having a door written in JavaScript (over a DOS door) is that the JavaScript door
will run faster.
That's one of the reasons I created SlyEdit - I liked
IceEdit and DCT Edit, but those editors are noticeably slow due to
running in a DOS emulator. I'm not sure if the same is true in Linux
with dosemu though. Have you used a DOS message editor in dosemu in Linux? If so, was it noticeably slow compared to a JavaScript message editor?
Also, I'm curious about using text editors such as Nano for message editors. Nano wasn't designed to be a message editor for a BBS - so I don't think it knows about message quoting and such, does it? What
are the advantages of using something like Nano as a BBS message
While Nano wasn't designed to be a 'message' editor for a 'BBS', it was definitely designed to be a very robust console editor in general. This covers BBS usage above and beyond any 'BBS message editor', in my
No, it doesn't know about message quoting, but it still uses whatever Synchronet (or any BBS software, I suppose) outputs to the temporary
file, as that is what is loaded when the editor is launched. So quoted text is already there if you use the auto quoting option in SCFG. There won't be any initials before the quote arrows or anything, unless
scripted to do so - which I don't care to do. Otherwise it works as it should in that regard.
I could also offer the use of vi as
well, but have never had any requests to do so, and I'm not very
familiar with the workings of it (I couldn't even figure out how to exit it until I looked it up, lol).
also i dont know what might be screwy after upgrading. so i'd rather keep it the way it is and not anger it.
I understand where you're coming from. The recent versions have been
fairly stable though.
well, i'm only going to upgrade unless there is a bug that is causing me problems, or if there's a new feature that i'd find useful.
i run my bbses for my users,i'm not the type of guy who gets every
nightly build and runs a fairly default system.
Interesting, I thought Nano and Pico were general text editors.
with SlyEdit, they might appreciate that being fixed with an update. Some users may prefer to use author initials in quote lines as well. That is a per-user setting in SlyEdit, so if you as user don't want it, you can turn that off in your user settings but still let others use it if they wish.
While Nano wasn't designed to be a 'message' editor for a 'BBS',
it was definitely designed to be a very robust console editor in
general. This covers BBS usage above and beyond any 'BBS message
editor', in my opinion.
No, it doesn't know about message quoting, but it still uses
whatever Synchronet (or any BBS software, I suppose) outputs to
the temporary file, as that is what is loaded when the editor is
launched. So quoted text is already there if you use the auto
quoting option in SCFG. There won't be any initials before the
quote arrows or anything, unless scripted to do so - which I
don't care to do. Otherwise it works as it should in that regard.
I suppose I hadn't thought much about using something like Nano or
Pico for a BBS meessage editor - Mainly since I've been running my BBS
in Windows, where those editors aren't available (at least, they're
not included with the OS).
I could also offer the use of vi as
well, but have never had any requests to do so, and I'm not very
familiar with the workings of it (I couldn't even figure out how
to exit it until I looked it up, lol).
I don't think vi would be ideal as a BBS message editor, since there
are plenty of other editors that are better suited to message editing.
As a general-purpose console text editor though, I've grown to like vi when I'm using Linux. I used to work exclusively in Linux at one of
my past jobs and got fairly proficient with vi (actually, vim) during
that time. It has a learning curve, but it's very powerful and customizable. I like that it supports regular expressions for
searching and replacing, and I got used to some of its keyboard
shortcuts for deleting a line, deleting part of a line, etc..
There was a job interview I had once with a company that was Microsoft-centric (they used Windows and developed in C#, Microsoft's language). While telling them about my work experience, I told them I
had most recently been working primarily in Linux, and one of them
asked me (in jest) what my favorite Linux text editor was. When I
told them I like vi, they all groaned. :P
Unless you completely verse yourself in vi, it is definitely not like other editors out there in regards to keypresses and usage in general.
The people that have used it for years love it, and are completely used
to it, but that's the one editor that anyone that is used to most other editors' functionality get completely lost with vi. I am definitely one
of those. Then again, when I started with Linux, I started with nano,
and that's what I've been used to all along. To each their own, of
i dont really want the author's initials in every single quote line.
i think it's taking up too much space. i'll just stick with what
i've got.
i already have a 'to' and 'from' line so there's no real confusion
about who's replying to who.
Re: Re: Dove-Net Config on my Syn
By: Nightfox to Mro on Sat Jan 25 2014 04:12 pm
Re: Re: Dove-Net Config on my Syn
By: Mro to Nightfox on Sat Jan 25 2014 16:26:34
a change made in Synchronet in the May 12 2013 build that enabled
SlyEdit to get the correct author's initials for the quote lines.
oh wtf, i never had a problem before!
I never saw you quote with author's initials before. It's looking better now though.
i guess it just did it that one time.
i rolled back, i prefer the initials off.
--- NIGHTFOX wrote --
Also, I'm curious about using text editors such as Nano for message editor Nano wasn't designed to be a message editor for a BBS - so I don't think i knows about message quoting and such, does it? What are the advantages o using something like Nano as a BBS message editor
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