Re: Why?
By: thinktank to David R on Sun Mar 06 2011 07:22 pm
Why does this topic even exist? Too many fights would ensue. xD So funny.
I wish people could unite, but religion sadly divdes many people, because ma religions say we need to recruit recruit recruit.
I would adamantly refuse "unity" with other faiths/religions, personally. BUT, acceptance to the fact that not everyone believes what you do is necessary, and forcing your faith upon them is not a good way of showing them why they shold believe what you do. Nothing wrong with explaining why -- if they seem curious -- you believe what you do, but going door to door, or pointing your finger, or calling them decrepid sinners, etc is forceful. I know, a lot of faiths/religions don't believe that even living on the same planet is possible, but _I_ do. If we'd keep it a personal choice, then there would be less problems. But this world knows not how to debate with acceptance of others' ideas/beliefs... and, in a lot of cases, without violence (verbal or otherwise).
The world needs to grow up and act like adults!
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