I am curious where the whole notion that it was only Jews that crossed the river, and there will be 144,000 Jews standing at the end times; specifically the notion/belief in Christianity.
From what I have read and understood, it's Israel in both cases. From what I uderstand, all Jews are decended from Isreal, but not all of the Israeli descent are Jews.
I believe it was Solomon's son and his father's right-and-man that cause the split between Israel and Judah. After Israel changed the laws, they where the first to be disbursed and lost their identity as Israel; then it was Judah that got disbirsed afterwards, but retained their identity.
I, also, thought that the word "Jew" was from the word, "Judea", and derived from "Judah" (the remaining Israeli tribe after the split that [1] retain their identity and [2] formed the nation Judah).
So, help me out here: where did idea that Israel and Jew is interchangable?
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