If the people ever understood the power of responsibility (the product of caringness) they would have become the government long ago.. I gotta wonder
if they misunderstood the messages.
Well, at least the pay for the real work is getting better.
You should see gold becoming more abundant soon since I released the technology to turn light into gold using a prism, fiber optic coil, and a strip of mylar (the two optics can be made from glass or water etc.. and you will soon see the first corporate tax incentive based on number of employees rather than revenue, the formula is the incentive times number of one year employees (so they don't just hire at the end of the year) times average employees salary (so they are encouraged to pay more)...
I've had success and not so successes.. but I can assure anyone if they
merely rage against the system, the system will thrash them.
I have the wheel, I rarely ever even steer. Put out alot of MAP though. Communication = Travel
Hunter Reon Barnes
þ Synchronet þ Door Distribution for W&W and EVP -