• Keep Old Computers

    From davidgarvin@VERT/TRN to All on Saturday, September 22, 2007 17:24:00
    Hi All:

    I have kept my Atari XE all these years because it helps me with my Movie Hobby. You see I have a collection of over 4,000 Movies which I taped myself.

    A good amount of them were recorded while I was away from home. They included commercials and from time to time the clock was out of sync with real time so they were recorded without the title and the beginning credits.

    Well, the atari did not come with a monitor like the present day systems do, and you got a adapter to hookup to your TV. So instead of hooking up to the TV, I would now hook it up to the VCR or Cd, or DVD and type the titles in when I rerecord the movie without commercials.

    It works really well, and whenever I want a change I go to the Movie database on the internet and capture the poster for a particular movie and pics of some of the stars and paste them in instead of titles and the Credits.

    Just thought you would be interested.



    � Synchronet � theroughnecks.net - you know you want it
  • From Sam Alexander@VERT to davidgarvin on Saturday, September 22, 2007 18:38:11
    Re: Keep Old Computers
    By: davidgarvin to All on Sat Sep 22 2007 05:24 pm

    Hi All:

    I have kept my Atari XE all these years because it helps me with my Movie Hobby. You see I have a collection of over 4,000 Movies which I taped mysel

    A good amount of them were recorded while I was away from home. They includ commercials and from time to time the clock was out of sync with real time they were recorded without the title and the beginning credits.

    Well, the atari did not come with a monitor like the present day systems do, and you got a adapter to hookup to your TV. So instead of hooking up to the TV, I would now hook it up to the VCR or Cd, or DVD and type the titles in when I rerecord the movie without commercials.

    It works really well, and whenever I want a change I go to the Movie databas on the internet and capture the poster for a particular movie and pics of so of the stars and paste them in instead of titles and the Credits.

    Just thought you would be interested.



    Nice! I had an Atari 800XL for a short while in the early 90s... Though I havn't booted any of my classic computers in years, I have several friends who still store all their movies, music, comics, or
    whatever on an older Commodore, Amiga, TRS-80, or whatever they used when they started the collection, and heck if it still works, why change?

    Too groovy!


    � Synchronet � Vertrauen � Home of Synchronet � telnet://vert.synchro.net
  • From ROB MCCART@VERT/CAPCITY2 to DAVIDGARVIN on Monday, September 24, 2007 17:30:00
    I have kept my Atari XE all these years because it helps me with my Movie
    >Hobby. You see I have a collection of over 4,000 Movies which I taped myself

    Wow, that's quite a collection. I have maybe 400 movies on tape but
    you've really gotten into this. The problem with tape is that, as it ages,
    you start to lose them unless they are re=recorded every few years.
    I have some about 25 years old now but there's a lot of noise on them,
    both audio and video, that wasn't there before..

    � SLMR Rob � The name is Baud... James Baud. �
    � PDQWK 2.52 #17
    � BgNet 1.0�12 � Kentucky's Capitol City Online * 502/875-8938 * USR v34
  • From Nelgin@VERT/MAVBBS to All on Wednesday, September 26, 2007 18:07:00
    ROB MCCART <rob.mccart@vert/capcity2> wrote:
    Wow, that's quite a collection. I have maybe 400 movies on tape but
    you've really gotten into this. The problem with tape is that, as it ages, you start to lose them unless they are re=recorded every few years.
    I have some about 25 years old now but there's a lot of noise on them,
    both audio and video, that wasn't there before..

    That's what bittorrent is for ;) You've already got them, might as well
    get them in better quality!

    � Synchronet � Maverick BBS - maverick.bbs.us - Come Visit :)
  • From ROB MCCART@VERT/CAPCITY2 to NELGIN on Friday, September 28, 2007 17:03:00
    ROB MCCART wrote:
    Wow, that's quite a collection. I have maybe 400 movies on tape but
    you've really gotten into this. The problem with tape is that, as it ages, >> you start to lose them unless they are re=recorded every few years.
    I have some about 25 years old now but there's a lot of noise on them,
    both audio and video, that wasn't there before..

    That's what bittorrent is for ;) You've already got them, might as well
    >get them in better quality!

    If they exist there..

    And if you aren't limited to 19k maximum dial-up speed because the
    phone lines suck and Bell doesn't want to hear from you if they work
    at all for voice..

    And nothing else is available other than expensive 2-way satellite
    ($800 installation and $80 a month) <sigh>

    � SLMR Rob � Computer programers can put a HEX on you... �
    � PDQWK 2.52 #17
    � BgNet 1.0�12 � Kentucky's Capitol City Online * 502/875-8938 * USR v34
  • From Tracker1@VERT/TRN to Nelgin on Sunday, September 30, 2007 01:55:00
    Nelgin wrote:
    Wow, that's quite a collection. I have maybe 400 movies on tape but
    you've really gotten into this. The problem with tape is that, as it ages, >> you start to lose them unless they are re=recorded every few years.
    I have some about 25 years old now but there's a lot of noise on them,
    both audio and video, that wasn't there before..

    That's what bittorrent is for ;) You've already got them, might as well
    get them in better quality!

    1. Store magnetic video and audio in a cool, and dry place.
    2. Have the spool on it's side, not flat.
    3. Optimally re-spool (forward, then rewind) the tape once a year.

    Tapes can last for many decades this way.. though most don't follow the above guidelines (especially re-spooling the tapes).

    Michael J. Ryan - tracker1(at)theroughnecks(dot)net - www.theroughnecks.net icq: 4935386 - AIM/AOL: azTracker1 - Y!: azTracker1 - MSN/Win: (email)

    ... Ferengi Rule of Acquisition #274: There is no profit in love; however, a strong heart is worth a few bars of Latinum on the open market. Keep it on ice

    � Synchronet � theroughnecks.net - you know you want it