• BBSes as hobbies

    From MRoblivious1bmf@VERT to Ivanhoe on Wednesday, July 02, 2008 23:24:20
    To: Ivanhoe
    .,: This is something about BBSes as hobbies,
    Ivanhoe said it to All on Wed Jul 02 2008 07:08 pm --ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ-ÄÄÄÄ---ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ---ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ--ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ
    Have you ever stopped and wondered exactly what it is that attracts us BBSer to these telnet boards? If you think about it, it's an obsolete technology, Maybe it's just me, but there's a definite innocence in this kind of communication, a hope and optimism that doesn't seem to exist in e-mail or the forums and online chat of the rest of the Internet. It reminds me of a time when Bulletin Boards were put up for the pupose of unifying the local

    community. People treated each other with respect, and spoke intelligently to one another.

    haw haw! you thought wrong fucker!

    look around before you make an opinion. use bbs folk are the meanest flamers on the interwebs.

    btw, you may find the bbs scene so new and quaint, but you will be gone in 3 months never to return.

    i've seen a lot.

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