• No One, Anywhere, Having Good VHF QSOs

    From Ham Hijinks de WD1CKS@VERT/WLARB to QST on Wednesday, December 23, 2015 10:07:38
    By WBORUR[1], on the scene

    GRAIN HARVEST, Idaho - A newÿstudy by the National Radio Retransmission Legion indicates that no ham is having an actual conversation on any frequency in the 2 meter band.

    Jonny "Doc" Doolittle of rural Grain Harvest, Idaho, says it's not just poor propagation that is to blame.

    "We all bought one of those low-cost Chinese handie-talkies," says the potato farmer via telephone from his home just outside of LaCrosse. "Now all we hear on the local repeater is every 6th word with lots of garbled transmissions and noise. Those radios are feature packed with everything except a good receiver.
    ÿOh, there's the occasional complete sentence?but nothing you could even vaguely describe as a full conversation."

    As a result of the study, the North American VHF Repeater Owners Association is considering a resolution to "power-down" all repeaters between the hours of 7 a.m. and Midnight since no one is able to make radio contact anyway.

    ### HamHijinks.com


    photo credit: IMG_1159[2] via photopin[3] (license)[4]$1

    [1] http://www.wb0rur.com
    [2] http://www.flickr.com/photos/9491016@N06/2622061042
    [3] http://photopin.com
    [4] https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nd/2.0/

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