• beginner

    From Ronald Reid@VERT/THEWASTE to All on Tuesday, May 15, 2012 20:20:32
    i know that you guys are probably tired of us newbies, but i am really interested in getting my technician license and getting started. im from wilmington, de. How much do i need to get a good rig once i were to get a technician license?

    þ Synchronet þ The Wastelands BBS - wastelands-bbs.net - Keeping The Tradition Alive
  • From echicken@VERT/ECBBS to Ronald Reid on Wednesday, May 16, 2012 10:00:19
    Re: beginner
    By: Ronald Reid to All on Tue May 15 2012 20:20:32

    i know that you guys are probably tired of us newbies, but i am really interested in getting my technician license and getting started. im from wilmington, de. How much do i need to get a good rig once i were to get a technician license?

    I just responded to a similar question from Corey, so see my previous post for my $0.02. Knowing exactly what you want to do as a ham (what bands you want to operate on, what modes you're interested in) will make all the difference in determining how much you're likely to spend. Do you know what areas of the hobby you wish to explore, at least at first? What about this stuff has
    grabbed your interest?

    electronic chicken bbs - bbs.electronicchicken.com - 416-273-7230

    þ Synchronet þ electronic chicken bbs - bbs.electronicchicken.com
  • From Corey@VERT/TSGC to echicken on Wednesday, May 16, 2012 10:58:26
    Re: beginner
    By: echicken to Ronald Reid on Wed May 16 2012 10:00 am

    Re: beginner
    By: Ronald Reid to All on Tue May 15 2012 20:20:32

    i know that you guys are probably tired of us newbies, but i am really interested in getting my technician license and getting started. im from wilmington, de. How much do i need to get a good rig once i were to get technician license?

    I just responded to a similar question from Corey, so see my previous post f my $0.02. Knowing exactly what you want to do as a ham (what bands you want operate on, what modes you're interested in) will make all the difference in determining how much you're likely to spend. Do you know what areas of the hobby you wish to explore, at least at first? What about this stuff has grabbed your interest?

    electronic chicken bbs - bbs.electronicchicken.com - 416-273-7230

    if I started up in germany would I be a black forest ham?

    "Practise safe Lunch, Use a Condiment"

    þ Synchronet þ Three Stooges Gentlemens Club - Las Vegas, Nv - tsgc.dyndns.org
  • From John Guillory@VERT to Ronald Reid on Wednesday, May 16, 2012 13:02:35
    Re: beginner
    By: Ronald Reid to All on Tue May 15 2012 08:20 pm

    i know that you guys are probably tired of us newbies, but i am really interested in getting my technician license and getting started. im from wilmington, de. How much do i need to get a good rig once i were to get a technician license?
    Some folks may, but I'm not! The guys down here in Mississippi helped me
    get licensed and I'm wanting to help anyone I can get licensed! I looked
    up http://www.artscipub.com/repeaters/local-repeaters.asp?state=DELAWARE&city=W ILMINGTON
    and it shows I beieve 12 repeaters in your area. Depending on what you
    mean by "a good rig" and what you want to do. To get into HAM radio, you
    can pick up a Baofeng or another cheap radio for $45-$60 and get 2meter
    access to the repeater, or spring for $100-$200 and go mobile 2 meter
    in your vehichle, but then you'd have to also pay a little more and get
    an antennae for your vehiche. Also, you'd have to have an antennae for
    pretty much each band you use... You have 4 repeaters with closed auto
    patch and 1 that just says yes, so it may be open or not. With that
    being said, I'd say try to get a 2 meter radio with a keypad and DTMF
    capability. This will cost you a little more, but will allow you to
    check the weather, time of day, call your house, etc. depending on the
    repeater your connected to via auto-patch. A nice feature that's not
    supported where I live and in most of the USA! ;-) That being said,
    you'll want to visit:


    and find a ham radio club near you. Most have a web presence and e-mail,
    maybe even on facebook. Contact them and find out when they'll be giving
    a ham license test near you. This lets you know how long you got to
    study and how often they'll have it if you don't have enough time. Unfortiantly, around here they give test once a year so you learn it and
    when they give it try your best... The next thing you need to do is
    visit my web site http://www.roachguts.org/ and click on the left where
    it says home and under it links... Hover over links and select cbham
    for the CB Radio and Ham links... In there are a few links to study
    guides and a few test taking links. Get the study guides and read
    them all, then go to http://www.qrz.com/ and sign up for an account.
    QRZ will track what questions you answered and your score, and let you
    know when you passed and what you need to study on. It's awesome and
    what helped me know I was READY! Once your licensed, you can then
    have your account changed to your call sign, but it'll take up to 3 days
    after it shows up. Any other ways I can help, you can e-mail me at
    westlakegeek@yahoo.com or here....

    þ Synchronet þ Vertrauen þ Home of Synchronet þ telnet://vert.synchro.net
  • From echicken@VERT/ECBBS to Corey on Wednesday, May 16, 2012 16:20:10
    Re: beginner
    By: Corey to echicken on Wed May 16 2012 10:58:26

    if I started up in germany would I be a black forest ham?

    I suppose that depends on what region you plan on starting up in.

    electronic chicken bbs - bbs.electronicchicken.com - 416-273-7230

    þ Synchronet þ electronic chicken bbs - bbs.electronicchicken.com
  • From John Guillory@VERT to echicken on Wednesday, May 16, 2012 13:37:58
    Re: beginner
    By: echicken to Ronald Reid on Wed May 16 2012 10:00 am

    I just responded to a similar question from Corey, so see my previous post f my $0.02. Knowing exactly what you want to do as a ham (what bands you want operate on, what modes you're interested in) will make all the difference in determining how much you're likely to spend. Do you know what areas of the hobby you wish to explore, at least at first? What about this stuff has grabbed your interest?
    Yeah, as someone pointed out online, HAM radio has so many aspects that
    there really is something in it for everyone. And, as PhantomRage pointed
    out, you can really get into the hobby with ZERO expense! (well, the $15
    you pay for the license test and the $1 you my spend on validating your
    license on echo link...) But, if you use echo link, you don't have to buy
    any hardware beyond a computer that's on the internet with a sound card,
    speakers, and microphone! Depending on where you live will also play a
    big part in it. If you don't have a 2 meter or 75cm repeater, you may not
    have much fun on a 2 meter hand held... With that in mind, the next thing
    is are you going to learn morse code any time soon? If so, you'll probaby
    want a radio that can hook up a code key to it... Will you want to do
    data modes by hooking up your computer to it? Now this is not AS important
    as the morse code question, because there are tricks to modify the microphone to a sound card if you want to, but it is none the less a thought.
    Heck, folks have modified the Baofeng UV-3R hand held 2 meter to allow for
    packet radio, but its not the easiest to do... ;-) And wouldn't expect
    to find many packet radio transmissions on 2 meter or 75cm ....
    The next question would be do you want to talk to people in your town,
    your state, your country, your planet, etc? Also if your wanting to go
    world-wide, bear in mind its only legal if the country your communicating
    with has not said they do not wish transmissions with the USA and I think
    as long as we're not at war and a few other minor things... But as pointed
    out on one hamfest page, since most folks don't know if it's legal or not
    to talk to each country and all, it's best when starting out to limit to
    the USA....

    þ Synchronet þ Vertrauen þ Home of Synchronet þ telnet://vert.synchro.net
  • From Diamond Dave@VERT/DMINE to Ronald Reid on Wednesday, May 16, 2012 17:48:22
    Re: beginner
    By: Ronald Reid to All on Tue May 15 2012 08:20 pm

    i know that you guys are probably tired of us newbies, but i am really interested in getting my technician license and getting started. im from wilmington, de. How much do i need to get a good rig once i were to get a technician license?

    From personal experience - get a cheap 2 meter or 2 meter / 440 MHz combo Handie Talkie (HT) and play on your local repeaters. I recommend the Wouxun KG-UV3D. That was my first rig. Costs $120 at Ham Radio Outlet or a little bit less at other on line places. It's a great little radio. I *highly* suggest you get the programming cable because programming the memories by hand is a pain in the ass.

    I have since upgraded to a medium high end Yaesu FT-8800R for the car. Kinda expensive but it's a great radio.

    Dave, KK4GBC

    þ Synchronet þ Diamond Mine Online - bbs.dmine.net - Fredericksburg, VA USA
  • From Ronald Reid@VERT/THEWASTE to echicken on Wednesday, May 16, 2012 20:18:56
    Re: beginner
    By: echicken to Ronald Reid on Wed May 16 2012 10:00 am

    Re: beginner
    By: Ronald Reid to All on Tue May 15 2012 20:20:32

    i know that you guys are probably tired of us newbies, but i am really interested in getting my technician license and getting started. im from wilmington, de. How much do i need to get a good rig once i were to get technician license?

    I just responded to a similar question from Corey, so see my previous post f my $0.02. Knowing exactly what you want to do as a ham (what bands you want operate on, what modes you're interested in) will make all the difference in determining how much you're likely to spend. Do you know what areas of the hobby you wish to explore, at least at first? What about this stuff has grabbed your interest?

    electronic chicken bbs - bbs.electronicchicken.com - 416-273-7230

    Well honestly, its just something that interests me like this BBsing. I really want to start small, as i dont have much money, and see whos out there. I dont think ive ever listened to ham radio. its just a dream of mine i guess

    þ Synchronet þ The Wastelands BBS - wastelands-bbs.net - Keeping The Tradition Alive