I liked the description one user noted about Synchronet -- it's "the
Swiss Army Knife" of BBS packages. Indeed, compared to GT Power and
Virtual Advanced, one control panel does it all.
Synchronet's biggest strenght is and always will be Rob... he pours a
lot of energy and heart into the software. I'm sorry, it's not for me.
I'm just not at a place where I can resist the temptation of monkeying
with the source. After my brain injury I have to realize that I am not
the same person I was and I've forgotten so much... I wouldn't say
forgotten it's more like thinking through a cloud.
Rob, as far as I am concerned, was a visionary back in the day. I
remember getting floppies in the mail with a trial version of synchro.
The LiveWire in those days ran on 10 lines... we couldn't switch without
major network re-works... not to mention that we would have had to
invest in more hardware as it was dos based back then.
But for such a small company as the group that sold synchronet... they
sure did have their Shi-tuff together.
þ Derby City LiveWire - Louisville, KY - livewirebbs.ddns.net