Establishment: C'mon man let's go to war, anywhere, pretty please
Trump: No and I'm hiring an Ambassador to Afghanistan who will pull out ou troops
Re: Foreign Policy and Use of Troops
By: Utopian Galt to All on Sat Sep 05 2020 09:51 am
Establishment: C'mon man let's go to war, anywhere, pretty please
Trump: No and I'm hiring an Ambassador to Afghanistan who will pull
out ou troops
Something I have heard is that under Trump mediation, Israel and the Arab Emirates are on better terms than ever, but Obama got the Nobel :-)
Establishment: C'mon man let's go to war, anywhere, pretty please
Trump: No and I'm hiring an Ambassador to Afghanistan who will pull out our troops
Establishment: C'mon man let's go to war, anywhere, pretty please
Trump: No and I'm hiring an Ambassador to Afghanistan who will pull out our troops
Trump: No and I'm hiring an Ambassador to Afghanistan who will pull
out our troops
Let's face it, if Trump said the old rhyme "Red sky at night, sailor's delight. Red sky at morning, sailors take warning" someone would say he was calling to legalize red-light districts near navy bases. The concept of #OrangeManBad is still alive and well for many.
trump derangement syndrome is a real thing and i think it needs more attenti
we couldnt have a conversation in the car when we were driving without her bringing up trump and how horrible he is and how he is going to prison. glad
she said trump is a rapist and all other kinds o
glad i got out of that.
A lot of folks hate Trump the person. The question is do they like Trump the President. The Trump haters have no clue what a President does. They only like someone that talks sweet and agrees with them. They may never do what they ask but as long as they agree with them they love them. Trump pulls no punches like so many politicians do today. He's the real deal and people hate him for it.
she said trump is a rapist and all other kinds o
But, in her mind, Clinton and Biden are not?
glad i got out of that.
I would be too.
"Why should I go to that cemetery? It's filled with losers."
He also said they were "suckers" for getting killed.
Trump may not hate the troops, but he has no respect for them, and I think that's even worse than hating them...
A lot of folks hate Trump the person. The question is do they like Trump the
resident. The Trump haters have no clue what a President does. They only like s
meone that talks sweet and agrees with them. They may never do what they ask bu
as long as they agree with them they love them. Trump pulls no punches like so
many politicians do today. He's the real deal and people hate him for it.
"Why should I go to that cemetery? It's filled with losers."
He also said they were "suckers" for getting killed.
Trump may not hate the troops, but he has no respect for them, and I think that's even worse than hating them...
So, what you are saying is that he was trying to appeal to the American Left?
* SLMR 2.1a * It's a cookbook! It's a cookbook!
Re: Foreign Policy and Use of
By: Dumas Walker to DAITENGU on Sun Sep 06 2020 07:29 pm
"Why should I go to that cemetery? It's filled with losers."
He also said they were "suckers" for getting killed.
Trump may not hate the troops, but he has no respect for them, and I
think that's even worse than hating them...
So, what you are saying is that he was trying to appeal to the
American Left?
I think I understand the context of what he said, but I still don't appreciate it. I don't think he hates the troops, however I don't think he has a strong respect for the past.
I have referred to Trump as our first Third Party President. Sure, he's listed as a republican but there are plenty of GOP members that can't stand him and if he was able to make a deal to move things forward with the DNC he would, regardless of platform.
His background isn't in politics, he's a New York land developer. When you remember that, much of his persona and actions start to make a lot more sense. The fact that he didn't change those once he took office is what makes so many people love him for his "bare knuckle" attitude an so many revile him for his "bully" tactics.
"Why should I go to that cemetery? It's filled with losers."
He also said they were "suckers" for getting killed.
Trump may not hate the troops, but he has no respect for them, and I
think that's even worse than hating them...
So, what you are saying is that he was trying to appeal to the American Left?
DaiTengu wrote to Utopian Galt <=-
Trump on visiting a cemetery filled with fallen American soldiers from WWII:
"Why should I go to that cemetery? It's filled with losers."
He also said they were "suckers" for getting killed.
Trump may not hate the troops, but he has no respect for them, and I
think that's even worse than hating them...
DaiTengu wrote to Hatton <=-
He's not reviled for his "bully" tactics. he's reviled for his
inability to tell the truth on pretty much anything, and how he only
does things if they will benefit him or his family personally.
What are you trying to get at? Are you saying the left doesn't support the troops because people are kneeling during the national anthem to protest rac injustices? Because that seems to be the fake news outrage the right has manufactured to turn a humanitarian problem into a political one.
I think I understand the context of what he said, but I still don't appreciate it. I don't think he hates the troops, however I don't think he has a strong respect for the past.
I have referred to Trump as our first Third Party President. Sure, he's listed >s a republican but there are plenty of GOP members that can't stand him and if >e was able to make a deal to move things forward with the DNC he would, regardl
ss of platform.
I think I understand the context of what he said, but I still don't
appreciate it. I don't think he hates the troops, however I don't
think he has a strong respect for the past.
I agree he does not have a strong respect for the past, but that seems to be par for the course in this country these days, right?
I have yet to actually hear or see a soundbite of him saying that. I have seen it only in print. I have also seen, in print and video, where there are multiple witnesses claiming it was never said (and a few standing by the story, too).
Trump may not hate the troops, but he has no respect for them, and I
think that's even worse than hating them...
Already debunked as fake news. The people who were actually there said that he said nothing of the kind.
For the Lefties, "inability to tell the truth" means "doesn't follow the false Leftie Narrative."
What are you trying to get at? Are you saying the left doesn't support the troops because people are kneeling during the national anthem to protest rac injustices? Because that seems to be the fake news outrage the right has manufactured to turn a humanitarian problem into a political one.
I don't know what HE is saying, but it does not look to me like left-wingers are in good terms with the armed branches of the US administration at all, so...
I have referred to Trump as our first Third Party President. Sure, he's listed as a republican but there are plenty of GOP members that can't stand him and if he was able to make a deal to move things forward with the DNC he would, regardless of platform.
His background isn't in politics, he's a New York land developer. When you remember that, much of his persona and actions start to make a lot more sense. The fact that he didn't change those once he took office is what makes so many people love him for his "bare knuckle" attitude an so many revile him for his "bully" tactics.
He reminds me a LOT of Theodore Roosevelt.
rooTrump may not hate the troops, but he has no respect for them, and I
think that's even worse than hating them...
So, what you are saying is that he was trying to appeal to the American Left?
What are you trying to get at? Are you saying the left doesn't support the
ps because people are kneeling during the national anthem to protest racialnj
stices? Because that seems to be the fake news outrage the right hasanufactur
d to turn a humanitarian problem into a political one.
Re: Foreign Policy and Use of
By: Moondog to Dumas Walker on Mon Sep 07 2020 09:29 am
Re: Foreign Policy and Use of
By: Dumas Walker to DAITENGU on Sun Sep 06 2020 07:29 pm
"Why should I go to that cemetery? It's filled with losers."
He also said they were "suckers" for getting killed.
Trump may not hate the troops, but he has no respect for them, and I >> think that's even worse than hating them...
So, what you are saying is that he was trying to appeal to the
American Left?
I think I understand the context of what he said, but I still don't appreciate it. I don't think he hates the troops, however I don't think has a strong respect for the past.
for one, there is no proof he said that. and if he DID say that, maybe he w a portion of what he has handled. i think his venting is what keeps him goi
regardless, i dont want a president who visits cemetaries and does other dum
obama fucking ate hamburgers on tv, hugged people, tapdanced, sang and did a
i want a president who gets things done and so far that is trump.
DaiTengu wrote to Dr. What <=-
Originally reported by The Atlantic, and it's been independently confirmed by both the Associated Press and Fox News.
Their sources are people who were actually there.
DaiTengu wrote to Dr. What <=-
No, he's literally incapable of telling the truth about simple things that are easily verifiable, that have no bearing on politics.
He's a fucking disgrace.
Moondog wrote to MRO <=-
On several occasions he called John McCain a loser, however
McCain was not known to be a pleasant character. In the Navy his
nickname was McNasty.
Originally reported by The Atlantic, and it's been independently
confirmed by both the Associated Press and Fox News.
Their sources are people who were actually there.
Then why does everyone who was actually there deny Trump saying anything like that? Even hostiles like Bolton say that Trump didn't say anything like that.
No, he's literally incapable of telling the truth about simple
things that are easily verifiable, that have no bearing on politics.
I think you are confusing Biden with Trump.
He's a fucking disgrace.
Yup. Definitely confusing Biden with Trump.
I am saying that the only people I know that don't support the troops are all members of the American Left.
No, he's literally incapable of telling the truth about simple
things that are easily verifiable, that have no bearing on politics.
I think you are confusing Biden with Trump.
He's a fucking disgrace.
Yup. Definitely confusing Biden with Trump.
McCain several times tried to push through bills that were blatently unconstitutional - like the Communications "Decency" Act. Even after the courts told him they were unconstitutional he still pushed them.
IHMO: That makes McCain a traitor. Trump was right on calling him a "loser."
No, he's literally incapable of telling the truth about simple
things that are easily verifiable, that have no bearing on
Trump always says stuff to bait the press, then later he is proven right almost every time.
Sleepy Joe and Kamala Ho are the two worst the Dems could have picked.
He's a fucking disgrace.
No, you people on the far left are fucking idiots.
The problem is that this country has swung so far right that moderates are now considered "far left" Even GWB could be considered "liberal" now.
The problem is that this country has swung so far right that moderates are considered "far left" Even GWB could be considered "liberal" now.
I am saying that the only people I know that don't support the troops are >DW> all members of the American Left.
Must be some asshats you know personally then. Fuck those people.
No one is stepping up to say he actually said anything about the troops. On several occasions he called John McCain a loser, however McCain was not known to be a pleasant character. In the Navy his nickname was McNasty. There is a lso a social stigma where it is politically incorrect to say anything bad about anyone in the military at the individual level. Some generals were assholes and everyone under thier command will say that. I
Moondog wrote to MRO <=-
On several occasions he called John McCain a loser, however
McCain was not known to be a pleasant character. In the Navy his
nickname was McNasty.
McCain several times tried to push through bills that were blatently unconstitutional - like the Communications "Decency" Act. Even after the courts told him they were unconstitutional he still pushed them.
IHMO: That makes McCain a traitor. Trump was right on calling him a "loser."
The problem is that this country has swung so far right that moderates are now considered "far left" Even GWB could be considered "liberal" now.Really... 100 nights of riots, demanding to dismantle police forces, and pushes for Marxism, and your take away is the center has pushed so far
The problem is that this country has swung so far right that moderates are >> now considered "far left" Even GWB could be considered "liberal" now.
Going to have to disagree with you on this one. What has come out are people on the further polarized sides - those that are more conservative and more liberal - as well as (and I list these as an additional group, not further defining) people adopting far more radical views.
Tracker1 wrote to Hatton <=-
The US has a roughtly 8% population of "Far Left" largely embraced by
the Democrat party.
The US has a roughly 4-5% population of what is labelled as "Far Right"
or actual fascist leaning, largely rejected by the Republican party.
That's the real difference. Roughly twice as many far left (Marxist leaning) that are embraced by one party, as the other extreme which
really aren't embraced by the opposing party.
Re: Foreign Policy and Use of
By: Dr. What to Moondog on Wed Sep 09 2020 09:32 am
Moondog wrote to MRO <=-
On several occasions he called John McCain a loser, however
McCain was not known to be a pleasant character. In the Navy his
nickname was McNasty.
McCain several times tried to push through bills that were blatently unconstitutional - like the Communications "Decency" Act. Even after th courts told him they were unconstitutional he still pushed them.
IHMO: That makes McCain a traitor. Trump was right on calling him a "loser."
mccain was a privileged punk who was the son and grandson of innovative mili
the military were going to make him an admiral for nothing.
Roadhog wrote to Dr. What <=-
the left is scrambling and scared as hell haha, they will lie and
spread any false rumors.
look at Schiff and all his blatent lies during impeachment HOAX.
the left is scared to death.
DaiTengu wrote to Dr. What <=-
So does that make Trump a loser for signing executive orders that were ruled "unconstitutional" by the courts, even after he was warned about them?
MRO wrote to Dr. What <=-
mccain was a privileged punk who was the son and grandson of innovative military heros. he pretty much rode on their coat tails through his entire life. they kept him out of trouble and gave him huge
the military were going to make him an admiral for nothing.
DaiTengu wrote to Dr. What <=-
Standard rightie smear-campaign. blame the other guy for your guy's problems.
Yep, definitely deflecting.
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