• Federal Police and Trump

    From HusTler@VERT/HAVENS to All on Sunday, July 26, 2020 22:56:15

    So what's your view on Trump sending in the Federal Police to certain cities to take back America from the Anarchists? Should we let them continue to destroy government property? Or should law and order be upheld?


    þ Synchronet þ Havens BBS havens.synchro.net
  • From Dennisk@VERT/EOTLBBS to HusTler on Monday, July 27, 2020 21:33:00
    HusTler wrote to All <=-

    So what's your view on Trump sending in the Federal Police to certain cities to take back America from the Anarchists? Should we let them continue to destroy government property? Or should law and order be upheld?

    Although I don't live in the USA, I'm surprised how far these riots have been allowed to go.

    ... MultiMail, the new multi-platform, multi-format offline reader!
    --- MultiMail/Linux v0.52
    þ Synchronet þ End Of The Line BBS - endofthelinebbs.com
  • From Arelor@VERT/PALANT to HusTler on Monday, July 27, 2020 07:27:55
    Re: Federal Police and Trump
    By: HusTler to All on Sun Jul 26 2020 10:56 pm

    So what's your view on Trump sending in the Federal Police to certain citi to take back America from the Anarchists? Should we let them continue to destroy government property? Or should law and order be upheld?


    In my opinion, in a federal system, States should be the ones dealing with their own rubbish.

    That said, many agitators are involved in activities that go above State level. For example, seizing a piece of land and declaring it is no longer a part of the United States of America is definitively something that affects the Federal Government.

    If you add that many of these have the stated, public purpose of establishing Marxism in America after overthrowing the elected Federal Government, then I am not really surprised to see feds running amok.


    þ Synchronet þ Palantir BBS * palantirbbs.ddns.net * Pensacola, FL
  • From MRO@VERT/BBSESINF to Dennisk on Monday, July 27, 2020 20:50:44
    Re: Federal Police and Trump
    By: Dennisk to MRO on Tue Jul 28 2020 09:05 am

    And COMPANIES also support it? That is why they get away with it, because everyone, including people with power, believe the narrative they are fed by the rioters, or at least, believed it until recently.

    i dont believe many companies support this anarchy. they only make a display or statement when cancel culture comes knocking.
    þ Synchronet þ ::: BBSES.info - free BBS services :::
  • From Dennisk@VERT/EOTLBBS to MRO on Tuesday, July 28, 2020 16:50:00
    MRO wrote to Dennisk <=-

    Re: Federal Police and Trump
    By: Dennisk to MRO on Tue Jul 28 2020 09:05 am

    And COMPANIES also support it? That is why they get away with it, because everyone, including people with power, believe the narrative they are fed by the rioters, or at least, believed it until recently.

    i dont believe many companies support this anarchy. they only make a display or statement when cancel culture comes knocking. ---
    = Synchronet = ::: BBSES.info - free BBS services :::

    They don't know what they are doing, but some communicate internally to show support for the movement.

    Take a look at the "Woke Capital" twitter account. They go above and beyond just ensuring that cancel culture doesn't come knocking. Those engaging in cancel culture can for the most part be safely ignored. They only reason they have power is precisely because companies react.

    ... MultiMail, the new multi-platform, multi-format offline reader!
    --- MultiMail/Linux v0.52
    þ Synchronet þ End Of The Line BBS - endofthelinebbs.com
  • From Dumas Walker@VERT/CAPCITY2 to HUSTLER on Tuesday, July 28, 2020 11:11:00
    So what's your view on Trump sending in the Federal Police to certain cities
    to take back America from the Anarchists? Should we let them continue to destro
    y government property? Or should law and order be upheld?

    If they are there to protect federal property then I am all for it. It has become obvious that Portland, for example, is not able to protect anything.

    If the reports are correct that there are unmarked vans going around and rounding people up, I am concerned about that.

    What the rioters are up to in Portland is finally making our local news
    here on the East side of the Mississippi. If they are starting to use
    weapons on law enforcement (bats, bricks, explosives, high-powered lasers)
    and are starting to use non-rioting protesters as cover/human shields, I
    really feel it is past time that something radical be done.

    It is overall believed that the federal government should not usually get involved with such things and that doing so is a violation of local/state/citizen's rights. I feel like it has passed the point of being
    an insurrection and needs to be dealt with.

    If I am a "non-rioting protester" I believe it is time for me to get out of that area. Otherwise, I am probably going to be used as cover by the
    violent offenders and I am going to get hurt or killed.

    * SLMR 2.1a * Oh very clever Worf, eat any good books lately?

    þ Synchronet þ CAPCITY2 * capcity2.synchro.net * Telnet/SSH:2022/Rlogin/HTTP
  • From Dumas Walker@VERT/CAPCITY2 to MRO on Tuesday, July 28, 2020 11:13:00
    So what's your view on Trump sending in the Federal Police to certain cities to take back America from the Anarchists? Should we let them continue to destroy government property? Or should law and order be upheld?

    i think it's great. they're doing it in my city. these democrat mayors are nut
    . they dont care how many lives are lost.

    They not only don't care, I am convinced that some of them (the mayor of Portland is an example) want people to be killed so that they can implicate
    the federal administration.

    * SLMR 2.1a * "Bother", said Pooh, as he pulled the cat off his face.

    þ Synchronet þ CAPCITY2 * capcity2.synchro.net * Telnet/SSH:2022/Rlogin/HTTP
  • From Dumas Walker@VERT/CAPCITY2 to DENNISK on Tuesday, July 28, 2020 11:17:00
    So what's your view on Trump sending in the Federal Police to certain cities to take back America from the Anarchists? Should we let them continue to destroy government property? Or should law and order be upheld?

    Although I don't live in the USA, I'm surprised how far these riots have been allowed to go.

    They are attempting to bait the federal administration into a reaction and
    the administration knows it. I believe they are worried that "non-rioting protesters," which are being used as cover for the violent ones, will be injured or killed.

    I think there is a user on here that noted that he was at one of the
    earlier protests, noticed how "dark" the mood of those assembled was, and
    was smart enough to leave. If it was me and I was dumb enough to keep
    hanging around past the point where the violent ones are injuring law enforcement, I have made a choice against my own safety. That is on me.

    * SLMR 2.1a * I'm easy to please ... as long as I get my way

    þ Synchronet þ CAPCITY2 * capcity2.synchro.net * Telnet/SSH:2022/Rlogin/HTTP
  • From Dumas Walker@VERT/CAPCITY2 to DENNISK on Tuesday, July 28, 2020 11:44:00
    i live here and i'm surprised. it's crazy what people do when they
    think they can get away with it. ---

    And COMPANIES also support it? That is why they get away with it, because everyone, including people with power, believe the narrative they are fed by the rioters, or at least, believed it until recently.

    Not sure about larger companies, but the businesses in the affected areas
    are starting to get tired of it all.

    The more and more people are talking about morals and going good, the more evil
    and barbarous they become.

    Unless Trump wins in November, they will stop shortly after the election.

    * SLMR 2.1a * no, I don't have a graduate degree - why do you ask?

    þ Synchronet þ CAPCITY2 * capcity2.synchro.net * Telnet/SSH:2022/Rlogin/HTTP
  • From Dennisk@VERT/EOTLBBS to Dumas Walker on Wednesday, July 29, 2020 09:08:00
    Dumas Walker wrote to DENNISK <=-

    So what's your view on Trump sending in the Federal Police to certain cities to take back America from the Anarchists? Should we let them continue to destroy government property? Or should law and order be upheld?

    Although I don't live in the USA, I'm surprised how far these riots have
    allowed to go.

    They are attempting to bait the federal administration into a reaction
    and the administration knows it. I believe they are worried that "non-rioting protesters," which are being used as cover for the violent ones, will be injured or killed.

    I think there is a user on here that noted that he was at one of the earlier protests, noticed how "dark" the mood of those assembled was,
    and was smart enough to leave. If it was me and I was dumb enough to
    keep hanging around past the point where the violent ones are injuring
    law enforcement, I have made a choice against my own safety. That is
    on me.

    Provoking a response is a standard Left wing tactic, which seems largely to fulfil the need to validate their position as an oppressed and abused demographic. Maybe there is some psychological need being fulfilled? Validation of ones position as the oppressed? A psychological release from realising ones position as the helpless?

    ... Dennis Katsonis
    --- MultiMail/Linux v0.52
    þ Synchronet þ End Of The Line BBS - endofthelinebbs.com
  • From Dennisk@VERT/EOTLBBS to Dumas Walker on Wednesday, July 29, 2020 09:14:00
    Dumas Walker wrote to DENNISK <=-

    i live here and i'm surprised. it's crazy what people do when they think they can get away with it. ---

    And COMPANIES also support it? That is why they get away with it, because everyone, including people with power, believe the narrative they are fed by the rioters, or at least, believed it until recently.

    Not sure about larger companies, but the businesses in the affected
    areas are starting to get tired of it all.

    The more and more people are talking about morals and going good, the more evil

    and barbarous they become.

    Unless Trump wins in November, they will stop shortly after the
    Small business for sure can't afford to go along, they don't have the surplus or slack in their operations to support such positions.

    Tim Pool has highlighted how businesses are putting up sign in windows to show solidarity, because they fear if they don't, they will be the target of violence. A fear which seems substantiated.

    Maybe this drives larger companies, but I would imagine they have more resources to defend themselves. That is what is so odd about "Cancel culture", business are actually being attacked. When someone says that a busines is brought into "disrepute" because of something someone did outside of their employ, that is defamation. If you run a business and an employee, OUTSIDE of their duties posts something on FB which I don't like, and I state that you are implicated, is that not defamation? It is certaintly untrue, a lie. Wouldn't economic action against me to force me to fire them be economic terrorism?

    Again, how people are getting away with this, I don't know.

    ... Dennis Katsonis
    --- MultiMail/Linux v0.52
    þ Synchronet þ End Of The Line BBS - endofthelinebbs.com
  • From Arelor@VERT/PALANT to MRO on Tuesday, July 28, 2020 17:38:45
    Re: Federal Police and Trump
    By: MRO to Dennisk on Mon Jul 27 2020 08:50 pm

    Re: Federal Police and Trump
    By: Dennisk to MRO on Tue Jul 28 2020 09:05 am

    And COMPANIES also support it? That is why they get away with it, because everyone, including peo
    with power, believe the narrative they are fed by the rioters, or at least, believed it until

    i dont believe many companies support this anarchy. they only make a display or statement when cancel
    culture comes knocking.

    What I am seeing is a lot of defensive reactions from orgs, enterprisal or otherwise.

    Software projects switching to SJW terminology and SJW Codes of Conduct because they are afraid they will
    be somehow squashed if they don't. Book Publishers adapting their cataloge because some themes are
    forbidden and they are afraid of negative PR if they publish a story with politically unacceptable

    I think these defensive manouvers just perpetuate the problem. They just empower these communist cultural
    despots. Besides, it is impossible to remain "pure" in their eyes. You may destroy your book cataloge in
    order to be SJW compliant just to discover you have a 51% of male authors, bringing the wrath of the
    SJW's upon you anyway.

    This is very frustrating because some of my stories are quite good but publishers won't ever buy them
    this year due to the political climate only.


    þ Synchronet þ Palantir BBS * palantirbbs.ddns.net * Pensacola, FL
  • From Arelor@VERT/PALANT to Dumas Walker on Tuesday, July 28, 2020 17:45:15
    Re: Federal Police and Trump
    By: Dumas Walker to MRO on Tue Jul 28 2020 11:13 am

    So what's your view on Trump sending in the Federal Police to certain cities to take back Ameri
    from the Anarchists? Should we let them continue to destroy government property? Or should law
    order be upheld?

    i think it's great. they're doing it in my city. these democrat mayors are nut
    . they dont care how many lives are lost.

    They not only don't care, I am convinced that some of them (the mayor of Portland is an example) want
    people to be killed so that they can implicate
    the federal administration.

    * SLMR 2.1a * "Bother", said Pooh, as he pulled the cat off his face.

    My outsider's opinion is that terroristic field agents are a lucky finding for governors and mayors who
    want to wreck the federal government. They can let the terrorist break havoc as they will and turn a
    blind eye, without being directly implicated themselves.

    It reminds me of Basques who rented appartments to Basque terrorist knowing fully well who was using the
    appartments.... they supported the revolutionary activities but they could declare they were not involved
    with them. "I know nothing officer, I am only the landowner."


    þ Synchronet þ Palantir BBS * palantirbbs.ddns.net * Pensacola, FL
  • From Moondog@VERT/CAVEBBS to Dennisk on Wednesday, July 29, 2020 01:08:00
    Re: Federal Police and Trump
    By: Dennisk to Dumas Walker on Wed Jul 29 2020 09:08 am

    Dumas Walker wrote to DENNISK <=-

    So what's your view on Trump sending in the Federal Police to cert cities to take back America from the Anarchists? Should we let them continue to destroy government property? Or should law and order be upheld?

    Although I don't live in the USA, I'm surprised how far these riots have
    allowed to go.

    They are attempting to bait the federal administration into a reaction and the administration knows it. I believe they are worried that "non-rioting protesters," which are being used as cover for the violent ones, will be injured or killed.

    I think there is a user on here that noted that he was at one of the earlier protests, noticed how "dark" the mood of those assembled was, and was smart enough to leave. If it was me and I was dumb enough to keep hanging around past the point where the violent ones are injuring law enforcement, I have made a choice against my own safety. That is on me.

    Provoking a response is a standard Left wing tactic, which seems largely to fulfil the need to validate their position as an oppressed and abused demographic. Maybe there is some psychological need being fulfilled? Validation of ones position as the oppressed? A psychological release from realising ones position as the helpless?

    ... Dennis Katsonis

    It's so one-sided it's scary. When Cliven Bundy's tax protests happed a few years ago, there was no outcry when the black helicopters showed up and the federal ninjas stopped cars and beat on their passengers until they laid on
    the ground. Anyone nearby was considered a "domestic terrorist" just for
    being there.

    þ Synchronet þ The Cave BBS - Since 1992 - cavebbs.homeip.net
  • From Moondog@VERT/CAVEBBS to Arelor on Wednesday, July 29, 2020 01:11:00
    Re: Federal Police and Trump
    By: Arelor to Dumas Walker on Tue Jul 28 2020 05:45 pm

    Re: Federal Police and Trump
    By: Dumas Walker to MRO on Tue Jul 28 2020 11:13 am

    So what's your view on Trump sending in the Federal Police to cert from the Anarchists? Should we let them continue to destroy govern order be upheld?

    i think it's great. they're doing it in my city. these democrat mayors >. they dont care how many lives are lost.

    They not only don't care, I am convinced that some of them (the mayor of people to be killed so that they can implicate
    the federal administration.

    * SLMR 2.1a * "Bother", said Pooh, as he pulled the cat off his face.

    My outsider's opinion is that terroristic field agents are a lucky finding f want to wreck the federal government. They can let the terrorist break havoc blind eye, without being directly implicated themselves.

    It reminds me of Basques who rented appartments to Basque terrorist knowing appartments.... they supported the revolutionary activities but they could d with them. "I know nothing officer, I am only the landowner."


    It is easy to wash one's hands when someone else is forced to do the dirty work.

    þ Synchronet þ The Cave BBS - Since 1992 - cavebbs.homeip.net
  • From Dennisk@VERT/EOTLBBS to Arelor on Wednesday, July 29, 2020 19:44:00
    Arelor wrote to MRO <=-

    Re: Federal Police and Trump
    By: MRO to Dennisk on Mon Jul 27 2020 08:50 pm

    Re: Federal Police and Trump
    By: Dennisk to MRO on Tue Jul 28 2020 09:05 am

    And COMPANIES also support it? That is why they get away with it,
    e everyone, including peo
    with power, believe the narrative they are fed by the rioters, or at
    st, believed it until

    i dont believe many companies support this anarchy. they only make a display
    or statement when cancel
    culture comes knocking.

    What I am seeing is a lot of defensive reactions from orgs, enterprisal
    or otherwise.

    Software projects switching to SJW terminology and SJW Codes of Conduct because they are afraid they will be somehow squashed if they don't.
    Book Publishers adapting their cataloge because some themes are
    forbidden and they are afraid of negative PR if they publish a story
    with politically unacceptable characters.

    I think these defensive manouvers just perpetuate the problem. They
    just empower these communist cultural despots. Besides, it is
    impossible to remain "pure" in their eyes. You may destroy your book cataloge in order to be SJW compliant just to discover you have a 51%
    of male authors, bringing the wrath of the SJW's upon you anyway.

    This is very frustrating because some of my stories are quite good but publishers won't ever buy them this year due to the political climate only.

    You should never bow to bullies, because they don't stop. Only standing up to them stops them. But what I don't understand, is why business allows a bunch of punks to decide who they hire and fire. I would be incensed if someone wanted to dictate to me who I should lay off. Who is this punk to tell me how to do business?

    Anyway, its all a confidence game. I think these Culture Warriors have no clothes, and there is little consequence for telling them to get lost. It's fear, not a real threat, which drives this. I see news articles based on 5 tweets.

    Once we see companies telling them to get lost, once we see people calling their bluff and ignoring them, the problem will go away. Law enforcement and the legal system can deal with the militant remainder.

    ... MultiMail, the new multi-platform, multi-format offline reader!
    --- MultiMail/Linux v0.52
    þ Synchronet þ End Of The Line BBS - endofthelinebbs.com
  • From Dr. What@VERT/DMINE to MRO on Wednesday, July 29, 2020 11:55:00
    MRO wrote to Dennisk <=-

    i live here and i'm surprised. it's crazy what people do when they
    think they can get away with it.

    Which is why those Dem mayors want to keep law enforcement out.

    These rioters are just LARPing (Live Action Roll Playing). Once the officers start subduing and arresting people, the rest will leave. The last thing that they want to have to deal with is taking responsibility for their actions.

    ... Send $20 and I will doubble your IQ or no money back
    --- MultiMail/Linux v0.52
    þ Synchronet þ Diamond Mine Online BBS - bbs.dmine.net:24 - Fredericksburg, VA USA
  • From Dr. What@VERT/DMINE to MRO on Wednesday, July 29, 2020 11:57:00
    MRO wrote to Dennisk <=-

    i dont believe many companies support this anarchy. they only make a display or statement when cancel culture comes knocking. ---

    Those companies are appeasers. They think that by saying "we support your cause" that the rioters will leave them alone. Many companies have now figured out that appeasement doesn't work.

    ... Hell hath no fury like the lawyer of woman scorned!
    --- MultiMail/Linux v0.52
    þ Synchronet þ Diamond Mine Online BBS - bbs.dmine.net:24 - Fredericksburg, VA USA
  • From Dr. What@VERT/DMINE to Dumas Walker on Wednesday, July 29, 2020 11:59:00
    Dumas Walker wrote to HUSTLER <=-

    If the reports are correct that there are unmarked vans going around
    and rounding people up, I am concerned about that.

    You mean the unmarked vans that police have been using for decades? The
    ones surrounded by uniformed law enforcement?

    The whole "unmarked vans" and "unmarked law enforcement" is Leftie Narrative.

    ... I can keep a secret. It's the people I tell that can't
    --- MultiMail/Linux v0.52
    þ Synchronet þ Diamond Mine Online BBS - bbs.dmine.net:24 - Fredericksburg, VA USA
  • From Dumas Walker@VERT/CAPCITY2 to DENNISK on Wednesday, July 29, 2020 16:00:00
    Provoking a response is a standard Left wing tactic, which seems largely to fulfil the need to validate their position as an oppressed and abused demographic. Maybe there is some psychological need being fulfilled? Validation of ones position as the oppressed? A psychological release from realising ones position as the helpless?

    I am convinced that some of them have some sort of personality disorder for sure.

    * SLMR 2.1a * Keep in mind transmogrification is new technology.

    þ Synchronet þ CAPCITY2 * capcity2.synchro.net * Telnet/SSH:2022/Rlogin/HTTP
  • From Dumas Walker@VERT/CAPCITY2 to ARELOR on Wednesday, July 29, 2020 16:02:00
    It reminds me of Basques who rented appartments to Basque terrorist knowing ful
    y well who was using the
    appartments.... they supported the revolutionary activities but they could decl
    re they were not involved
    with them. "I know nothing officer, I am only the landowner."

    I think you are onto something there. This is much more than just civil
    unrest over police brutality. At the very least it is let's-act-up-until-the-election-so-Trump-will-lose. But it could be even
    more than that.

    As I have said elsewhere (or maybe here), I think we are at the point where what is going on in some cities could be considered an insurrection.

    * SLMR 2.1a * My one-legged sister is a professional ice skater.

    þ Synchronet þ CAPCITY2 * capcity2.synchro.net * Telnet/SSH:2022/Rlogin/HTTP
  • From Dumas Walker@VERT/CAPCITY2 to MOONDOG on Wednesday, July 29, 2020 16:22:00
    It's so one-sided it's scary. When Cliven Bundy's tax protests happed a few years ago, there was no outcry when the black helicopters showed up and the federal ninjas stopped cars and beat on their passengers until they laid on the ground. Anyone nearby was considered a "domestic terrorist" just for being there.

    Well, you know, anyone protesting against the government during the Obama adminstration was a right-wing kook/domestic terrorist.

    * SLMR 2.1a * I'm as confused as a baby at a topless bar!

    þ Synchronet þ CAPCITY2 * capcity2.synchro.net * Telnet/SSH:2022/Rlogin/HTTP
  • From MRO@VERT/BBSESINF to Dumas Walker on Wednesday, July 29, 2020 21:12:21
    Re: Federal Police and Trump
    By: Dumas Walker to HUSTLER on Tue Jul 28 2020 11:11 am

    If the reports are correct that there are unmarked vans going around and rounding people up, I am concerned about that.

    well whats the big deal with them being marked or unmarked? if they were unmarked it's probably for a good reason. they could be targetted by protesters.

    they were 'rounding up people' for good reasons too. it's not like they were executed and never seen again.
    If I am a "non-rioting protester" I believe it is time for me to get out of that area. Otherwise, I am probably going to be used as cover by the violent offenders and I am going to get hurt or killed.

    rioters hide behind the protesters. in more ways than one.

    i heard kate brown on the radio today. hearing her talk about the situation there sickened me. she made it seem like trump stormed into oregon when everything was perfectly fine. she was super careful with her words because she had her liar abilities cranked up full blast.

    it's was really disgusting to hear her talk. such a horrible person.
    þ Synchronet þ ::: BBSES.info - free BBS services :::
  • From Dennisk@VERT/EOTLBBS to Dumas Walker on Thursday, July 30, 2020 20:46:00
    Dumas Walker wrote to DENNISK <=-

    Provoking a response is a standard Left wing tactic, which seems largely to fulfil the need to validate their position as an oppressed and abused demographic. Maybe there is some psychological need being fulfilled? Validation of ones position as the oppressed? A psychological release from realising ones position as the helpless?

    I am convinced that some of them have some sort of personality disorder for sure.

    I think there is a lot of self-hatred and identification with people they believe are inferior.

    ... MultiMail, the new multi-platform, multi-format offline reader!
    --- MultiMail/Linux v0.52
    þ Synchronet þ End Of The Line BBS - endofthelinebbs.com
  • From Dumas Walker@VERT/CAPCITY2 to DENNISK on Thursday, July 30, 2020 17:21:00
    I am convinced that some of them have some sort of personality disorder for sure.

    I think there is a lot of self-hatred and identification with people they believe are inferior.

    I think you have hit on something there... they do seem to treat those they think are oppressed as inferior.

    * SLMR 2.1a * Schizophrenia beats living alone.

    þ Synchronet þ CAPCITY2 * capcity2.synchro.net * Telnet/SSH:2022/Rlogin/HTTP
  • From Dennisk@VERT/EOTLBBS to Dumas Walker on Friday, July 31, 2020 19:56:00
    Dumas Walker wrote to DENNISK <=-

    I am convinced that some of them have some sort of personality disorder for sure.

    I think there is a lot of self-hatred and identification with people they believe are inferior.

    I think you have hit on something there... they do seem to treat those they think are oppressed as inferior.

    Absolutely. This became clear to me, when on multiple occasions arguing people of that bent, arguing against open borders, it dawned on me they thought that people that weren't White had no real chance of living a decent life unless they could be admitted to a White country. Which really is an admission of White Supremacism.

    Their attitude is no different to those that believed in white mans burden in the 19th century. All that has changed, is that we now bring people here to make them into us, rather than go there.

    Now, they argue it is 'systemic racism', but read between the lines, and 'systemic' means that there is particular demographic make up. That is why the solution is demographic smashing.

    You have to look at what they advocate, not what they say.

    ... Dennis Katsonis
    --- MultiMail/Linux v0.52
    þ Synchronet þ End Of The Line BBS - endofthelinebbs.com
  • From Dumas Walker@VERT/CAPCITY2 to DENNISK on Friday, July 31, 2020 18:31:00
    Absolutely. This became clear to me, when on multiple occasions arguing peopl
    of that bent, arguing against open borders, it dawned on me they thought that people that weren't White had no real chance of living a decent life unless they could be admitted to a White country. Which really is an admission of White Supremacism.

    While that may be true in some cases, I believe they would often have an
    equal or better chance if they would band together in their own countries to change or topple their corrupt government and/or stop voting in leaders who promise "free stuff" to begin with.

    * SLMR 2.1a * Waiter: Unemployed actor

    þ Synchronet þ CAPCITY2 * capcity2.synchro.net * Telnet/SSH:2022/Rlogin/HTTP
  • From Dennisk@VERT/EOTLBBS to Dumas Walker on Saturday, August 01, 2020 19:09:00
    Dumas Walker wrote to DENNISK <=-

    Absolutely. This became clear to me, when on multiple occasions arguing

    of that bent, arguing against open borders, it dawned on me they thought
    people that weren't White had no real chance of living a decent life unless they could be admitted to a White country. Which really is an admission of White Supremacism.

    While that may be true in some cases, I believe they would often have
    an equal or better chance if they would band together in their own countries to change or topple their corrupt government and/or stop
    voting in leaders who promise "free stuff" to begin with.

    Easier said than done. A corrupt country is a reflection of the culture of that country. It isn't usually just the government which is corrupt, corrupt countries have corruption all the way down.

    ... Dennis Katsonis
    --- MultiMail/Linux v0.52
    þ Synchronet þ End Of The Line BBS - endofthelinebbs.com
  • From Dumas Walker@VERT/CAPCITY2 to DENNISK on Saturday, August 01, 2020 10:23:00
    While that may be true in some cases, I believe they would often have
    an equal or better chance if they would band together in their own countries to change or topple their corrupt government and/or stop voting in leaders who promise "free stuff" to begin with.

    Easier said than done. A corrupt country is a reflection of the culture of that country. It isn't usually just the government which is corrupt, corrupt countries have corruption all the way down.

    I cannot disagree with that.

    * SLMR 2.1a * Few women admit their age. Few men act theirs.

    þ Synchronet þ CAPCITY2 * capcity2.synchro.net * Telnet/SSH:2022/Rlogin/HTTP
  • From Dr. What@VERT/DMINE to Dennisk on Sunday, August 02, 2020 09:28:00
    Dennisk wrote to Dumas Walker <=-

    Easier said than done. A corrupt country is a reflection of the
    culture of that country. It isn't usually just the government which is corrupt, corrupt countries have corruption all the way down.

    Unfortunately, you are correct. The corruption goes very deep and once you see it, you can see how it's been corrupting
    our culture for decades.

    ... Misfortune: The kind of fortune that never misses.
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    þ Synchronet þ Diamond Mine Online BBS - bbs.dmine.net:24 - Fredericksburg, VA USA