• China and California

    From MATTHEW MUNSON@VERT/IUTOPIA to All on Thursday, March 19, 2020 08:44:00
    Depending on China for Californiaÿs fiscal salvation is suicide for our state. When China
    invests in a state or a nation, they demand control in exchange for the money. Italy and
    Iran did this and now they are paying the price with a brunt of the COVID-19 infections
    and deaths.
    I understand that Californiaÿs public retirement funds need money, but we should not be in
    a bed with a nation who systematically murders Muslims and jails dissidents. If we are not
    investing in tobacco and firearms industries, we should also be socially responsible in not
    investing in China. We need to protect our sovereignty as a nation and a state when it
    comes to China.
    Freddie Rodriguez and Sabrina Cervantes are both on the committee that deals with these
    issues in the State Assembly and they should recognize the reality that policies need to
    change in who we invest with.

    þ wcQWK 8.0