Donald Trump has been charged with obstuction of justice. To be specific obstructing congress. Defying people like Nancy Pelosie and Ralph Nadar may be the best thing President Trump has done so far. That and blowing up the Bidens are good things he's done for our country not bad.
Donald Trump has been charged with obstuction of justice. To bespecific
obstructing congress. Defying people like Nancy Pelosie and Ralph Nadarmay
be the best thing President Trump has done so far. That and blowing upthe
Bidens are good things he's done for our country not bad.
Donald Trump has been charged with obstuction of justice. To beHe's not my President ... not because I voted the other way ... because I don't live in USA :-P
hey ... this is dDbate isn't it :-)
He's not my President ... not because I voted the other way ... because I don't live in USA :-P
HusTler wrote to Mortifis <=-
Yes it is. I thought it would a good "debate" topic. I'm
wondering how many users think the Pres will actually be
impeached after all is said and done?
Yes it is. I thought it would a good "debate" topic. I'm wondering how many users think the Pres will actually be impeached after all is said and done?
Re: Re: Obstruction
By: HusTler to Mortifis on Tue Dec 10 2019 07:28 pm
Hu> Yes it is. I thought it would a good "debate" topic. I'm wondering how
Hu> many users think the Pres will actually be impeached after all is said and
Hu> done?
more than likely they will vote for Impeachment but it will fail in the senate.
he will be exhonerated.
There's very little doubt that he will be impeached. Then the
"case" will go to the Senate, who will vote that he *NOT* be
removed from office. Put money on that.
He'll finish out his term, just like Slick Willy did when he was
impeached. Personally I suspect this whole process will work in
his favor come next November, and he will be re-elected and serve
a second term.
Re: Re: Obstruction
By: Gamgee to HusTler on Tue Dec 10 2019 09:51 pm
> There's very little doubt that he will be impeached. Then the
> "case" will go to the Senate, who will vote that he *NOT* be
> removed from office. Put money on that.
> He'll finish out his term, just like Slick Willy did when he was
> impeached. Personally I suspect this whole process will work in
> his favor come next November, and he will be re-elected and serve
> a second term.
I agree. The Dems look like fools. They have disgraced the office and our country. This impeachment thing is going to be business as usual if laws aren't passed to prevent this fiasco from happening again. President Trump will get relected because the American people will want to prove who really is in charge. US! The American People.
Man, I sound so Republican with all my conspiracy theories. ;P
Re: Re: Obstruction
By: Mindless Automaton to HusTler on Wed Dec 11 2019 10:16 am
MA> Man, I sound so Republican with all my conspiracy theories. ;P
9/11 was an inside job! We didn't really go to the moon in 1969! The earth is flat! :P
I agree. The Dems look like fools. They have disgraced the office and our country. This impeachment thing is going to be business as usual if laws aren't passed to prevent this fiasco from happening again. President Trump will get relected because the American people will want to prove who really is in charge. US! The American People.
and when will Trump secure our northern border and round up all
these pesky Canadians?
You know why Vermont doesn't have a hockey team called Montpelier
Maple Leafs? The Canadians stole it, that's why!
There's very little doubt that he will be impeached. Then the
"case" will go to the Senate, who will vote that he *NOT* be
removed from office. Put money on that.
He'll finish out his term, just like Slick Willy did when he was
impeached. Personally I suspect this whole process will work in
his favor come next November, and he will be re-elected and serve
a second term.
Yeah, inviting foreign powers to interfere in elections, no big deal. Trump was a crook before getting into politics, he didn't change.
You know what is going to happen after Trump is done with being President, he is going to open Trump Tower Moscow thanks to selling out the United States.
Why does he kiss Saudi ass? Simple, they said do what we want or your Trump Tower Dubai has an unfortunate terrorist attack and is razed to
the ground. Same deal for Turkey, that's why Trump is giving them territory in Syria.
Man, I sound so Republican with all my conspiracy theories. ;P
9/11 was an inside job! We didn't really go to the moon in 1969! The earth is flat! :P
9/11 was an inside job! We didn't really go to the moon in 1969! The earth is flat! :P
everyone knows the earth is square:) jk
Re: Re: Obstruction
By: Mindless Automaton to HusTler on Wed Dec 11 2019 10:16 am
MA> Yeah, inviting foreign powers to interfere in elections, no big deal.
MA> Trump was a crook before getting into politics, he didn't change.
WOW I see you've been drinking the CNN punch
MA> You know what is going to happen after Trump is done with being
MA> President, he is going to open Trump Tower Moscow thanks to selling out
MA> the United States.
No I don't know that stop telling me what I know.
MA> Why does he kiss Saudi ass? Simple, they said do what we want or your
MA> Trump Tower Dubai has an unfortunate terrorist attack and is razed to
MA> the ground. Same deal for Turkey, that's why Trump is giving them
MA> territory in Syria.
is that the new CNN rumor?
Sprite wrote to HusTler <=-
Yes, clearly we should not invoke the constitutional powers to hold
our leader to the same standards that we hold every other person in
this country to [allegedly].
So why do we seem to have different laws for Democrats than everyone else?
Why wasn't Hilary charged for destroying those phones and her servers and deleting emails. Why wasn't she charged with using a personal email server? (Yes, that's illegal and she knew it.)
Why wasn't Hilary charged for destroying those phones and her servers and deleting emails. Why wasn't she charged with using a personal email server? (Yes, that's illegal and she knew it.)
The law is supposed to be applied to everyone equally. But the laws seem to not be applied to the Dems and to be mis-applied to anyone that the Dems don't like today.
I hope this Impeachment shit bites em all in the ass! What comes around goes around I always say.
I hope this Impeachment shit bites em all in the ass! What comes
around goes around I always say.
Even if Trump did abuse his power and broke the law?
Even if Trump did abuse his power and broke the law?
Actually Trump broke no law's, Schiff remember said he had a whistle blower
you watch shit is about to hit the fan for the Dems.
the real abuse of power lies with Schiff and Pelosi.
I hope this Impeachment shit bites em all in the ass! What
comes around goes around I always say.
Even if Trump did abuse his power and broke the law?
Actually Trump broke no law's,
you watch shit is about to hit the fan for the Dems.
the real abuse of power lies with Schiff and Pelosi.
If Trump can be impeached then every President past and present
could be impeached. Pelosi, Schiff and Nadler are the only ones
that abused their power for personal gain.
If Trump can be impeached then every President past and present
could be impeached. Pelosi, Schiff and Nadler are the only ones
that abused their power for personal gain.
Trumps offence was holding back funds (not his funds) until he was
granted a "favor", and the obstruction of congress that followed.
Trump has the best lawyers though, who will get him off
The dem's have been trying to impeach our president 1 week after he got into office, the truth is they thought Hillary had the election in the bag and when Trump won they started throwing tantrum's.
here in Utah our democrat congressman (Ben McAdams) said he would vote for impeachment even before the articles of Impeachment were laid out, We are going to send Ben McAdams a case of chapstick because he is a partyline puppet butt kisser and I am sure his lips are chapped.
If Trump can be impeached then every President past and present
could be impeached. Pelosi, Schiff and Nadler are the only ones
that abused their power for personal gain.
Well yes, every president can and a few have been impeached. The presidency is not a free ride.
Trump has the best lawyers though, who will get him off
I think I was about 28 or 32 and decide that is the truth were known
(we are the most corrupt government in the world). And now some of it
is coming out!
Think if we knew everything? I would think out heads would blow up!
Trump has the best lawyers though, who will get him off
This is just a battle between the House and the Senate. After all the Democrats bullshit the Senate will WIN. The Sentate will vote not to Impeach and that will be the end of this Impeachment Fiasco.
I think I was about 28 or 32 and decide that is the truth were known
(we are the most corrupt government in the world). And now some of it
is coming out!
to Impeach there has to be high crimes and misdemeanors, they
don't have that with Trump
what they are trying to do is effect an election in their favor (the Dem's) they know what they have is flimsy at best that's why Adam
Schiff publicly made up Trumps phone call to give Trump a political
black eye. thats when Trump released the transcripts and gave Adam
(the liar) Schiff a political kick in the ass. this is all
about Democrat dirty tricks to try and win the whitehouse in 2020
what they don't realize is they're helping Trump:).
This is just a battle between the House and the Senate.
After all the Democrats bullshit the Senate will WIN.
The Sentate will vote not to Impeach and that will be the end of
this Impeachment Fiasco.
On 12/11/2019 12:05 PM, Nightfox wrote:
Re: Re: Obstruction
By: Mindless Automaton to HusTler on Wed Dec 11 2019 10:16 am
MA> Man, I sound so Republican with all my conspiracy theories. ;P
9/11 was an inside job! We didn't really go to the moon in 1969! The ea
and when will Trump secure our northern border and round up all these
pesky Canadians?
You know why Vermont doesn't have a hockey team called Montpelier Maple Leafs? The Canadians stole it, that's why!
By "our", are you referring to the US government? I agree there is some corruption in the US government, but I've been to a few other countries in the world and I have the feeling the US government is far from the most corrupt government in the world. I think things are still relatively good in the US (at least, for now).
This is just a battle between the House and the Senate.
That is true. Currently it looks like a battle between the left and
right, or red and blue.
An impeachment is far from a fiasco. If the senate treats it as such then your senate is a fiasco.
Re: Re: Obstruction
By: Al to Denn on Wed Dec 18 2019 01:38 am
Trumps offence was holding back funds (not his funds) until he was granted a "favor", and the obstruction of congress that followed.
UHH No #1 read the transcript #2 the one and only fact witness said clearly Trump said NO QUID PR QUO!
and besides the funds were released without an investigation.
The dem's have been trying to impeach our president 1 week after he got int office, the truth is they thought Hillary had the election in the bag and wh Trump won they started throwing tantrum's.
here in Utah our democrat congressman (Ben McAdams) said he would vote for impeachment even before the articles of Impeachment were laid out, We are go to send Ben McAdams a case of chapstick because he is a partyline puppet but kisser and I am sure his lips are chapped.
... Bend the facts to fit the conclusion. It's easier that way.
This shit it out of control! What a bunch of imature babies. These are the people running our country?? Geeez
Trumps offence was holding back funds (not his funds) until he was
granted a "favor", and the obstruction of congress that followed.
And lets not forget if he did "break a law" they would have charged him with breaking a law. instead they purposely made the articles vague. This is going to backfire immensly but its all part of the plan. The REAL dem front runner has yet to announce. And will come swooping in and attempt to attract all the moderates that they are a true old school dem that your grandfather would have liked... And the VP on the ticket will be a minority with a hard left leaning to make the ticket agreeable to those hard lefties.
Donald Trump has been charged with obstuction of justice. To bespecific
obstructing congress. Defying people like Nancy Pelosie and Ralph Nadarmay
be the best thing President Trump has done so far. That and blowing upthe
Bidens are good things he's done for our country not bad.
He's not my President ... not because I voted the other way ... because I don't live in USA :-P
hey ... this is dDbate isn't it :-)
Yeah, inviting foreign powers to interfere in elections, no big deal.
Trump was a crook before getting into politics, he didn't change.
9/11 was an inside job! We didn't really go to the moon in 1969! The eart is flat! :P
Sprite wrote to HusTler <=-
Yes, clearly we should not invoke the constitutional powers to hold our leader to the same standards that we hold every other person in this country to [allegedly].
So why do we seem to have different laws for Democrats than everyone else?
Why wasn't Hilary charged for destroying those phones and her servers and
Re: Re: Obstruction
By: Al to Denn on Wed Dec 18 2019 01:38 am
Trumps offence was holding back funds (not his funds) until he was granted a "favor", and the obstruction of congress that followed.
UHH No #1 read the transcript #2 the one and only fact witness said clearly Trump said NO QUID PR QUO!
and besides the funds were released without an investigation.
The dem's have been trying to impeach our president 1 week after he got int office, the truth is they thought Hillary had the election in the bag and wh Trump won they started throwing tantrum's.
here in Utah our democrat congressman (Ben McAdams) said he would vote for impeachment even before the articles of Impeachment were laid out, We are go to send Ben McAdams a case of chapstick because he is a partyline puppet but kisser and I am sure his lips are chapped.
Denn wrote to Zombie Mambo <=-
True, Instead they charged him with abuse of power and obstructing Congress, the only problem is what he did was ask about corruption from
I belive Trumps Impeachment will be overturned or he will be aquitted.
... A lie can be half way round the world before the truth has got its boots on.
The main problem is that the Dems can't charge Trump with Obstruction. Only the courts can do that. And the Dems, illegally, keps the courts out of the Impeachment.
True, Instead they charged him with abuse of power and obstructing
Congress, the only problem is what he did was ask about corruption
The main problem is that the Dems can't charge Trump with Obstruction. Only the courts can do that. And the Dems, illegally, keps the courts out of the Impeachment.
... A lie can be half way round the world before the truth has got
its boots on.
Especially with the Propaganda Left Wing Media that we have today.
whats funny is people actually thought that donald trump was no longer president. funny and sad.
My wife didn't believe that Bill Clinton was impeached, I had to prove it to
HusTler wrote to Denn <=-
Re: Re: Obstruction
By: Denn to MRO on Tue Dec 24 2019 01:22 am
My wife didn't believe that Bill Clinton was impeached, I had to prove it to
He wasn't.
Re: Re: Obstruction
By: Denn to MRO on Tue Dec 24 2019 01:22 am
My wife didn't believe that Bill Clinton was impeached, I had to prove it
He wasn't.
My wife didn't believe that Bill Clinton was impeached, I had to prove
it to
He wasn't.
My wife didn't believe that Bill Clinton was impeached, I had to prove it to
He wasn't.
Ummmmmmm....... Yes, he was impeached.
HusTler wrote to Gamgee <=-
Re: Re: Obstruction
By: Gamgee to HusTler on Tue Dec 24 2019 09:57 am
My wife didn't believe that Bill Clinton was impeached, I had to prove it
He wasn't.
Ummmmmmm....... Yes, he was impeached.
He never left office.
Re: Re: Obstruction
By: Denn to MRO on Tue Dec 24 2019 01:22 am
My wife didn't believe that Bill Clinton was impeached, I had to prove it
He wasn't.
My wife didn't believe that Bill Clinton was impeached, I had to
prove it to
He wasn't.
Ummmmmmm....... Yes, he was impeached.
He never left office.
MRO wrote to Dr. What <=-
whats funny is people actually thought that donald trump was no longer president. funny and sad.
Denn wrote to Dr. What <=-
Now the house laywers are trying to get him on the Mueller report findings, It's sad they have to keep trying the same old crap.
I remember when the news was fairly unbiased, boy those days are gone.
Gamgee wrote to HusTler <=-
Clinton was indeed impeached, and so was Trump.
Denn wrote to HusTler <=-
Thats true, because he was aquitted in the senate trial.
Same thing will happen here most likley.
Dr. What wrote to Gamgee <=-
Clinton was indeed impeached, and so was Trump.
That's up for debate. For Clinton, the House adopted articles of Impeachment and forwarded them to the Senate for adjudication.
For Trump, because no articles have been sent to the Senate,
there's no Impachment yet. There's just a bunch of so-called "Representatives" who said "we want to Impeach the President".
Re: Re: Obstruction
By: HusTler to Gamgee on Tue Dec 24 2019 09:09 pm
My wife didn't believe that Bill Clinton was impeached, I had to
prove it to
He wasn't.
Ummmmmmm....... Yes, he was impeached.
He never left office.
It seems to me that the majority of the Left is simply ignorant. They "know only what they are told by their "leaders" and they don't apply any critical
My wife didn't believe that Bill Clinton was impeached, I had to
prove it to
He wasn't.
Ummmmmmm....... Yes, he was impeached.
He never left office.
Clinton was indeed impeached, and so was Trump. Clinton was not
removed from office by the Senate, and it's highly unlikely that
Trump will be. Still, both were impeached.
It seems to me that the majority of the Left is simply ignorant. They "know" only what they are told by their "leaders" and they don't apply any critical thought to what they are being told.
"know" only what they are told by their "leaders" and they don't apply critical thought to what they are being told.
Seems like the same is true for both the left and right. I know a lot of people who seem to mainly listen to what's said by others who have similar political beliefs and go along with them.
Thats true, because he was aquitted in the senate trial.
Same thing will happen here most likley.
It's looking doubtful for that. If the articles ever reach the Senate, then the Senate can start to subpoena people - and the Dems do NOT want many of them in a court.
My bet is on the articles just sitting in the House while the Left-wing Propagana Machine (er... Media) continues to say "Trump was Impeached".
Ummmmmmm....... Yes, he was impeached.
He never left office.
Clinton was indeed impeached, and so was Trump. Clinton was not
removed from office by the Senate, and it's highly unlikely that
Trump will be. Still, both were impeached.
On December 19, 1998, Clinton became the second American president to be impeached (the first being Andrew Johnson, who was impeached in 1868), when the House formally adopted articles of impeachment and forwarded them to the United States Senate for adjudication.
Charges: Perjury, obstruction of justice :December 19, 1998 to February 12,
Thats true, because he was aquitted in the senate trial.
Same thing will happen here most likley.
On December 19, 1998, Clinton became the second American president to be impeached (the first being Andrew Johnson, who was impeached in 1868), when the House formally adopted articles of impeachment and forwarded them to the United States Senate for adjudication.The Senate tossed out all of the above. President Clinton finished out is 8 years in the oval office. He never left his duties as President. Impeachment
Charges: Perjury, obstruction of justice :December 19, 1998 to February 12,
Many people believe Trump is no longer President because of the way the word "impeached" gets tossed around. Being "Impeached" has little or no meaning regarding the Office of the most poweful man in the world.
The Senate tossed out all of the about. President Clinton finished out is 8 years in the oval office. He never left his duties as President. Impeachment has no meaning. It's all politcal drama and nonsense.
No meaning? I don't think the end goal of impeachment is to remove a president from office; it's just to bring charges, as someone else has said. Bill Clinton wasn't removed from office, but he does have the impeachment on his record. To me it seems similar to getting a traffic ticket or something
The point here is that the Impeachment has *NOTHING* to do with
the Senate. He has already been impeached.
The Senate tossed out all of the about. President Clinton finished out is 8 years in the oval office. He never left his duties as President. Impeachment has no meaning. It's all politcal drama and nonsense.
Havok wrote to Gamgee <=-
The point here is that the Impeachment has *NOTHING* to do with
the Senate. He has already been impeached.
The really good part is if the senate votes no, if you look at
the US Constitution he can run two more times. Better read up.
The thing I don't like about this whole thing is it's been planned by the Dems since Trump took office. They don't like Trump. They don't like the fact that they are all professional politicians yet Trump was elected anyway. Hillary Clinton is/was a professional politician. Trump was elected anyway. The Dems are not going to settle for just an Impeachment. They want Trump out of Office. If he wins again the Dems will try and come up with more shit to impeach him. It's pathetic! This is a sad time for
America. Nothing good for America can come out of kicking a President out of office. Just trying to impeach a President is an embarassment, disrepectful to the office and unpatriotic. Once Trump leaves we will have another loser like Gerald Ford or Carter. A "safe" President. A Professional politician. An ass kisser. One that tells everyone what that want to hear depending on which part of the country their in. Then they don't do anything they said they'd do.
I had heard a lot of republicans don't like Trump anymore either. It's weir
I don't know if they'd be any worse than Trump, but I suppose time will tell
Havok wrote to Gamgee <=-
Ga> The point here is that the Impeachment has *NOTHING* to do with
Ga> the Senate. He has already been impeached.
Ha> The really good part is if the senate votes no, if you look at
Ha> the US Constitution he can run two more times. Better read up.
Absolutely NOT true. The Constitution says no such thing. I
suggest you take your own advice and actually read it. Maybe even
pay extra attention to the 22nd Amendment.
MRO wrote to Dr. What <=-
Re: Re: Obstruction
By: Dr. What to MRO on Wed Dec 25 2019 09:26 am
It seems to me that the majority of the Left is simply ignorant. They "know only what they are told by their "leaders" and they don't apply any critical
Mindless Automaton wrote to Gamgee <=-
Absolutely NOT true. The Constitution says no such thing. I
suggest you take your own advice and actually read it. Maybe even
pay extra attention to the 22nd Amendment.
He meant Trump's US Constitution, not the old one Trump threw away.
Re: Re: Obstruction
By: HusTler to Denn on Tue Dec 24 2019 07:38 am
Re: Re: Obstruction
By: Denn to MRO on Tue Dec 24 2019 01:22 am
My wife didn't believe that Bill Clinton was impeached, I had to prove
He wasn't.
he was impeached for lying under oath and obstruction of justice.
he was acquitted because they didnt get the 2/3 vote.
HusTler wrote to Gamgee <=-
Re: Re: Obstruction
By: Gamgee to HusTler on Tue Dec 24 2019 09:57 am
My wife didn't believe that Bill Clinton was impeached, I had to prove
He wasn't.
Ummmmmmm....... Yes, he was impeached.
He never left office.
Well, that is because the Senate did not vote to remove him from
office. That does not change the fact that he was impeached. He
Impeachment and removal-from-office are TWO DIFFERENT THINGS.
The House impeaches, the Senate removes from office (or not).
Clinton was indeed impeached, and so was Trump. Clinton was not
removed from office by the Senate, and it's highly unlikely that
Trump will be. Still, both were impeached.
... So easy, a child could do it. Child sold separately.
Zombie Mambo wrote to Gamgee <=-
Impeachment and removal-from-office are TWO DIFFERENT THINGS.
The House impeaches, the Senate removes from office (or not).
Clinton was indeed impeached, and so was Trump. Clinton was not
removed from office by the Senate, and it's highly unlikely that
Trump will be. Still, both were impeached.
They didn't remove Nixon either right?
Didn't he leave on his own?
House started the impeachment process but he quit before it ever
got to a vote, so officially he was never impeached.
Didn't he leave on his own?
Yep, he resigned before the impeachment process was completed.
tells everyone what that want to hear depending on which part of the country their in. Then they don't do anything they said they'd do.Shocking that a politician will actually do what was said in a campaign promise... thats why Trump is not liked by most people as they are not used to a politician doing what they said would do during their campaign. Granted, Trump hasn't done everything he said he would do but he's only human :)
Shocking that a politician will actually do what was said in a campaign promise... thats why Trump is not liked by most people as they are not used to a politician doing what they said would do during their campaign. Granted, Trump hasn't done everything he said he would do but he's only human :)
Shocking that a politician will actually do what was said in a campaign promise... thats why Trump is not liked by most people as they are not us to a politician doing what they said would do during their campaign.
What has the jackass done? Or did I miss a tweet from the shithole somewhere?
Dmxrob wrote to HusTler <=-
Shocking that a politician will actually do what was said in a campaign promise... thats why Trump is not liked by most people as they are not us to a politician doing what they said would do during their campaign.
What has the jackass done? Or did I miss a tweet from the
shithole somewhere?
Re: Re: Obstruction
By: Dmxrob to HusTler on Thu Jan 23 2020 07:30 pm
What has the jackass done? Or did I miss a tweet from the shithole somewhere?
* Bunch of BS I am not going to read.
most 4 million jobs created since election.
More Americans are now employed than ever recorded before in our history.
Manufacturing jobs growing at the fastest rate in more than THREE DECADES. Economic growth last quarter hit 4.2 percent.
New unemployment claims recently hit a 49-year low.
Median household income has hit highest level ever recorded.
African-American unemployment has recently achieved the lowest rate ever recorded.
Hispanic-American unemployment is at the lowest rate ever recorded.
Asian-American unemployment recently achieved the lowest rate ever recorded.
Womens unemployment recently reached the lowest rate in 65 years.
Youth unemployment has recently hit the lowest rate in nearly half a century. Lowest unemployment rate ever recorded for Americans without a high school diploma.
Almost 3.9 million Americans have been lifted off food stamps since the election.
Retail sales surged last month, up another 6 percent over last year.
Signed the biggest package of tax cuts and reforms in history. After tax cuts, over $300 billion poured back in to the U.S. in the first quarter alone.
Opened ANWR and approved Keystone XL and Dakota Access Pipelines.
Record number of regulations eliminated.
Enacted regulatory relief for community banks and credit unions.
Obamacare individual mandate penalty GONE.
Secured $6 billion in NEW funding to fight the opioid epidemic.
We have reduced high-dose opioid prescriptions by 16 percent during my first year in office.
United States is a net natural gas exporter for the first time since 1957.
Withdrew the United States from the job-killing Paris Climate Accord.
Cancelled the illegal, anti-coal, so-called Clean Power Plan.
Secured record $700 billion in military funding; $716 billion next year.
NATO allies are spending $69 billion more on defense since 2016.
Confirmed more circuit court judges than any other new administration.
Confirmed Supreme Court Justice Neil Gorsuch and nominated Judge Brett Kavanaugh.
Withdrew from the horrible, one-sided Iran Deal.
Moved U.S. Embassy to Jerusalem.
Protecting Americans from terrorists with the Travel Ban, upheld by Supreme Court.
Issued Executive Order to keep open Guantanamo Bay.
Concluded a historic U.S.-Mexico Trade Deal to replace NAFTA. And negotiations with Canada are underway as we speak.
Reached a breakthrough agreement with the E.U. to increase U.S. exports.
Imposed tariffs on foreign steel and aluminum to protect our national security.
Imposed tariffs on China in response to Chinas forced technology transfer, intellectual property theft, and their chronically abusive trade practices.
Net exports are on track to increase by $59 billion this year.
We have begun BUILDING THE WALL. Republicans want STRONG BORDERS and NO CRIME. Democrats want OPEN BORDERS which equals MASSIVE CRIME.
So you've been sleeping under a rock or what?
Everyone is getting really tired of the cry babbies on the extreme left. the real truth is Trump said he would drain the swamp, the swamp is digging in fighting for thier political lives, Trump has exposed the
Gamgee wrote to Dmxrob <=-
Have you been in a coma for three years? Watch some news.
What has the jackass done? Or did I miss a tweet from the shithole somewhere?
* Bunch of BS I am not going to read.
Take your FOX news talking script and send it to the bit bin.
Re: Re: Obstruction
By: Bryan Handfield to HusTler on Sun Dec 29 2019 08:11 am
Shocking that a politician will actually do what was said in a campaign promise... thats why Trump is not liked by most people as they are not us to a politician doing what they said would do during their campaign. Granted, Trump hasn't done everything he said he would do but he's only human :)
It's difficult to get things done when your up against people that want
Re: Re: Obstruction
By: HusTler to Bryan Handfield on Fri Jan 10 2020 10:04 am
Shocking that a politician will actually do what was said in a campaig promise... thats why Trump is not liked by most people as they are not to a politician doing what they said would do during their campaign.
What has the jackass done? Or did I miss a tweet from the shithole somewhere
Re: Re: Obstruction
By: Denn to Dmxrob on Fri Jan 24 2020 12:11 am
Re: Re: Obstruction
By: Dmxrob to HusTler on Thu Jan 23 2020 07:30 pm
What has the jackass done? Or did I miss a tweet from the shithole somewhere?
* Bunch of BS I am not going to read.
Take your FOX news talking script and send it to the bit bin.
Re: Obstruction
Shocking that a politician will actually do what was said in a campaign promise... thats why Trump is not
liked by most people as they are not us to a politician doing what they said would do during their
What has the jackass done? Or did I miss a tweet from the shithole somewhere?
MRO wrote to Dmxrob <=-
you asked, he told you and you wont read it.
remember liberal, trump is your president.
MRO wrote to Dmxrob <=-
you asked, he told you and you wont read it.
remember liberal, trump is your president.
Some people have been trying to use the term "Left" to describe people like this, as opposed to "liberal".
Classical liberals are more Republican than Democrat today. JFK, for exampl His policies are more in line with Republicans than what the Democrats have
MRO wrote to Dmxrob <=-
you asked, he told you and you wont read it.
remember liberal, trump is your president.
Some people have been trying to use the term "Left" to describe people like this, as opposed to "liberal".
Classical liberals are more Republican than Democrat today. JFK, for exampl His policies are more in line with Republicans than what the Democrats have become.
Take your FOX news talking script and send it to the bit bin.
Vary well said! :)
Some people have been trying to use the term "Left" to describe people like this, as opposed to "liberal".
Re: Re: Obstruction
By: Dr. What to MRO on Sun Jan 26 2020 12:25:00
Some people have been trying to use the term "Left" to describe people
I'm with you on that... the modern Left is emphatically *NOT* "liberal" in e
Michael J. Ryan
By: Brokenmind to Denn on Fri Jan 24 2020 11:03 am
Vary well said! :)
Thanks :)
Might want to check how your 401(k) is doing, too...
Dumas Walker wrote to GAMGEE <=-
Might want to check how your 401(k) is doing, too...
Mine has gone down a little over the past few days, but is still
doing better than it ever has.
Manufacturing jobs growing at the fastest rate in more than THREE DECADES. Economic growth last quarter hit 4.2 percent.Wow, Reading this i really want to go legally to USA and vote for Trump!
New unemployment claims recently hit a 49-year low.
Median household income has hit highest level ever recorded.
African-American unemployment has recently achieved the lowest rate ever recorded.
Hispanic-American unemployment is at the lowest rate ever recorded. Asian-American unemployment recently achieved the lowest rate ever recorded. Womens unemployment recently reached the lowest rate in 65 years.
Youth unemployment has recently hit the lowest rate in nearly half a century. Lowest unemployment rate ever recorded for Americans without a high school diploma.
Almost 3.9 million Americans have been lifted off food stamps since the election.
your welcomeVary well said! :)Thanks :)
Re: Re: Obstruction
By: Denn to Brokenmind on Mon Jan 27 2020 11:20 pm
your welcomeVary well said! :)Thanks :)
hey you have been replying to stuff from 2020 and 2021, 2022.
you can update your msg pointers to a more current date so you don't see old stuff.
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