Destructive water bill in California, if you live in California call your state assembly member, such as Digital Man should call Sabrina Cervantes.
If you want your produce more expensive, SB1 will do it for you.
1. SB1 freezes old environmental science regarding how to best produce a rebound of endangered fish in the Delta Bay Area. It ignores at least 15 years worth of new science and data. The science that will be made permanent with SB1 has never saved a single fish.
2. SB1 continues the practice of preventing freshwater from being captured and stored for families and farmers, before it flows to the Pacific Ocean. During our last drought, this led to 500,000 acres of farmland coming out of production, and 25% mandatory water rationing for families. Additional cuts to water supply and increased water rates will continue.
3. SB1 prevents the surface water deliveries necessary to comply with the Sustainable Groundwater Management Act, which mandates water extracted through pumping must be replaced with an equal amount. Rainfall alone is not enough to achieve this. It is estimated 800,000 acres of farmland will comes out of production from SGMA alone. American food supply loss, economic impact, and job loss will be staggering.
4. SB1 wrecks the "voluntary agreements" which were initiated to comply with the "40% Unimpaired Flows" plan approved in December, 2018. It is estimated 240,000 acres of farmland will come out of production. Economic impact and job loss will devastate schools, businesses, services like police and fire, and entire communities from Merced to Modesto. 2.2 million people in the San Francisco Bay Area will also see draconian water reductions.
5. The domino effect of SB1 will lead to the total loss of a year's supply of locally grown food for 46,200,000 men, women, and children. This is equal to three meals per day for the entire populations of California, Kansas, New Mexico, and Idaho. This food will be replaced by foreign sources.
6. SB1 takes effect immediately and remains in effect until President Trump leaves office. It gives California sole control over vast amounts of water and prevents the federal government's intervention and assistance in restoring the balance of beneficial water uses to all users. It is a childish political game invented by Trump obstructionists, and both parties will suffer as a result.
7. SB1 next goes to the assembly floor for a vote. It passed in the senate and committees down party lines, with all democrats voting yes, and all republicans voting no. Make no mistake, IT WILL PASS in the Assembly too. The Assembly is comprised of 18 Republicans and 61 democrats, and can hear it 72 hours after it is in print. This means it could come up at the end of this week.
8. Our best hope of stopping SB1 now is a long shot. All that's left to do is bombard Newsom with calls to veto. Because SB1 threatens the Bay Area's water supply via the unimpaired flows plan, and because Water Board Chair Felicia Marcus was not reappointed by Newsom for supporting this plan, there is a slight chance he will not sign it.
9. This is the worst bill to ever happen to our state. We have nothing without reliable water. Nothing. Political water shortages affect everyone, democrat or republican.
Contact Newsom here. Tell him to VETO SB1.ÿFFFF85
þ wcQWK 8.0