CNN Breaking News wrote to on 09-01-17 05:58<=-
The US economy added only 156,000 jobs in August[1], less than recent months, according to the Labor Department.
The unemployment rate rose a bit to 4.4%, as fewer adults reported that they had a job during the month.
The Labor Department also revised down earlier estimates for job growth in both June and July by a total of 41,000 jobs, suggesting that the labor market is not as strong as it appeared to be a month ago.
Not that I'm happy about this labor report one bit.... but it seems the 'House of Orange" is cracking from the weight or it's own boasting...
Counting the days...
liberals have ruined this country long enough.
Mro wrote to Bill McGarrity on 09-04-17 12:02 <=-
Re: Job growth slows in August
By: Bill McGarrity to CNN Breaking News on Fri Sep 01 2017 09:24 am
Not that I'm happy about this labor report one bit.... but it seems the 'House of Orange" is cracking from the weight or it's own boasting...
if your source of news is CNN
Counting the days...
keep on counting them.
he's going to get re-elected or some other non liberal will take his place.
liberals have ruined this country long enough.
liberals have ruined this country long enough.
I can imagine you thinking that way... but with his approval rating of 34%
I can imagine you thinking that way... but with his approval rating of 34% of the population, I'll take my chances with a progressive.
Mro wrote to Bill McGarrity on 09-04-17 18:37 <=-
Re: Job growth slows in August
By: Bill McGarrity to Mro on Mon Sep 04 2017 05:54 pm
liberals have ruined this country long enough.
I can imagine you thinking that way... but with his approval rating of 34%
yes i think that way. because i lived through years of liberal rule.
I can imagine you thinking that way... but with his approval rating of 34% of the population, I'll take my chances with a progressive.
it's funny how progressives want to hold everyone back.
liberals have ruined this country long enough.
I can imagine you thinking that way... but with his approval rating of 34% of the population, I'll take my chances with a progressive. I'm tired of people wanting to live in the 1950's again.
liberals have ruined this country long enough.
I can imagine you thinking that way... but with his approval rating of
yes i think that way. because i lived through years of liberal rule.
I can imagine you thinking that way... but with his approval rating of
34% of the population, I'll take my chances with a progressive.
it's funny how progressives want to hold everyone back.
Roadhog wrote to Bill McGarrity on 09-05-17 09:05 <=-
Re: Job growth slows in August
By: Bill McGarrity to Mro on Mon Sep 04 2017 05:54 pm
liberals have ruined this country long enough.
I can imagine you thinking that way... but with his approval rating of 34% of the population, I'll take my chances with a progressive. I'm tired of people wanting to live in the 1950's again.
So what you want is a Social Government.
I see whats happening to California with their progressive tax and
spend attitudes and they keep putting through more tax increases.
California has 1/3 of the walefare burden in the USA and they have one
of the highest tax rates in the USA.
"PROGRESSIVE" Government = TAXES and More TAXES.
Progressive Government is a nicer way to say Socialist Government.
So what you want is a Social Government.
I see whats happening to California with their progressive tax and
spend attitudes and they keep putting through more tax increases.
California has 1/3 of the walefare burden in the USA and they have
one of the highest tax rates in the USA.
"PROGRESSIVE" Government = TAXES and More TAXES.
Progressive Government is a nicer way to say Socialist Government.
Regarding California... yes, taxes are high but in contrast, i live in a state that has the highest property tax rate in the country and guess what, it has a GOP governor. BTW, if you've done your homework you'll see an independent nonpartisan legislative analyst has forecast a $2.8 billion budget surplus in California. Care to explain that?
Roadhog wrote to Bill McGarrity on 09-05-17 21:53 <=-
Re: Job growth slows in August
By: Bill McGarrity to Roadhog on Tue Sep 05 2017 04:54 pm
So what you want is a Social Government.
I see whats happening to California with their progressive tax and
spend attitudes and they keep putting through more tax increases.
California has 1/3 of the walefare burden in the USA and they have
one of the highest tax rates in the USA.
"PROGRESSIVE" Government = TAXES and More TAXES.
Progressive Government is a nicer way to say Socialist Government.
Regarding California... yes, taxes are high but in contrast, i live in a state that has the highest property tax rate in the country and guess what, it has a GOP governor. BTW, if you've done your homework you'll see an independent nonpartisan legislative analyst has forecast a $2.8 billion budget surplus in California. Care to explain that?
It's easy to explain, any Moron can understand it, they have a surplus because of new taxes Jerry Brown Doggle and his ilk keep robbing from
the people of California.
NEW TAXES = NEW REVENUE = SURPLUS wow what a concept but then Liberals can't wrap their minds around anything like that because they're to
busy with their heads up their asses counting thier colon polyps.
So what you want is a Social Government.
I see.... now answer me this. Would you rather live in a state that has a surplus or a deficit? Not even knowing you I'm sure, if you were smart that is, have one of the following:
yourself), that makes Utah a 'taker' state. See how this socialism thing works. Now instead of spewing all the Faux Entertainment garbage, do some a 'thank you' to the rest of the blue states that are carrying your ass.
"PROGRESSIVE" Government = TAXES and More TAXES.
Progressive Government is a nicer way to say Socialist Government.
Regarding California... yes, taxes are high but in contrast, i live in a state that has the highest property tax rate in the country and guess what, it has a GOP governor. BTW, if you've done your homework you'll see an independent nonpartisan legislative analyst has forecast a $2.8 billion budget surplus in California. Care to explain that?
NEW TAXES = NEW REVENUE = SURPLUS wow what a concept but then Liberals
Calfornia has an artificial surplus.
Between Government Pensions, Jerry Brown Doggles choo choo train, Illeagle aliens, Welfare to name a few things California is on the fast track to bankruptsy and can only stay afloat by continually raising taxes, in other
Leregard wrote to Bill McGarrity on 09-07-17 07:51 <=-
Re: Job growth slows in August
By: Bill McGarrity to Roadhog on Tue Sep 05 2017 04:54 pm
Regarding California... yes, taxes are high but in contrast, i live in a state that has the highest property tax rate in the country and guess what, it has a GOP governor. BTW, if you've done your homework you'll see an independent nonpartisan legislative analyst has forecast a $2.8 billion budget surplus in California. Care to explain that?
Everything I've seen so far suggests that California could actually
SECEDE from the United States, and be better off than they were before.
They're like the 5th largest economy in the world -- just the state of California. They grow a surprising percentage of the ENTIRE WORLD'S
FOOD, and if they decide to REALLY embrace socialism we're all in
Roadhog wrote to Bill McGarrity on 09-06-17 08:58 <=-
Re: Job growth slows in August
By: Bill McGarrity to Roadhog on Wed Sep 06 2017 08:04 am
So what you want is a Social Government.
I see.... now answer me this. Would you rather live in a state that has a surplus or a deficit? Not even knowing you I'm sure, if you were smart that is, have one of the following:
California just added a 12 cent gas tax and the turned around and
added a 63 cent cap and trade tax, and yes cap and trade was declared a deferred tax.
Calfornia has an artificial surplus.
Between Government Pensions, Jerry Brown Doggles choo choo train, Illeagle aliens, Welfare to name a few things California is on the fast track to bankruptsy and can only stay afloat by continually raising
taxes, in other words this BLUE state instead of fixing the problems
they just put a bandaid on it by raising taxes.
Pension payouts have already banckrupted Stockton and a few other
cities in Cal.
This is what your Socialist governments do to the taxpayer.
yourself), that makes Utah a 'taker' state. See how this socialism thing works. Now instead of spewing all the Faux Entertainment garbage, do some a 'thank you' to the rest of the blue states that are carrying your ass.
Wow you're really funny and really clueless.
Blue states are not carrying anybody, California is a great example of
a BLUE state that is imploding.
and here is a clue CNN and other tabloid so called news are not soures for real facts.
Calfornia has an artificial surplus.
Between Government Pensions, Jerry Brown Doggles choo choo train,
Illeagle aliens, Welfare to name a few things California is on the
fast track to bankruptsy and can only stay afloat by continually
raising taxes, in other
I don't get it. What's an artificial surplus? The State of California isn't obliged to turn a profit, they're not a business. They don't sell things. They don't have bake sales to raise money, they have TAXES. That is literally how governments fund themselves. If you think taxes are socialist I don't know what to say about that.
By raising taxes significantly they managed to pull a surplus of 2.8 billion. so without massive tax increases they would have run into the negative by billions of Dollars, this has created an artificial surplus that cannot be sustained without raising taxes even more than they already have.
By raising taxes significantly they managed to pull a surplus of 2.8 billion. so without massive tax increases they would have run into the negative by billions of Dollars, this has created an artificial surplus that cannot be sustained without raising taxes even more than they already have.
By raising taxes significantly they managed to pull a surplus of 2.8 billion. so without massive tax increases they would have run into the negative by billions of Dollars, this has created an artificial surplus that cannot be sustained without raising taxes even more than they already have.
By raising taxes significantly they managed to pull a surplus of 2.8
billion. so without massive tax increases they would have run into the
negative by billions of Dollars, this has created an artificial
surplus that cannot be sustained without raising taxes even more than
they already have.
To put it differently... is there a CORRECT (low) tax rate you'd be happy with, or is it more that all taxes are bad and government should be as small as possible? (except for a huge military, obviously)
Oh... this is not about California, but I heard this morning they passed a bill for like... $14,000,000,000 in aid money to recent hurricane victims, and I wonder if you think that's a legit function of government or not.
Here is what I have a problem with, they pay out huge pensions with the best benefits i.e. medical, dental, vision to government workers on top of an unjustifiable salary all because they think taxpayer's will just keep coughing up more tax money.
they should be paid comprable to the working sector on wages and get a 401k like the rest of us instead of putting the burden on those of us in the private sector that pay their overbloated wages, and they should get the same kind of medical plans that we get.
and they should reduce government waste and limit government spending.
No I am not against paying taxes I'm against paying for perks with my hard earned taxes.
Legislators in Sacremento get leased cars and gas cards at the taxpayers expense.
they make very high wages allot more than most taxpayers and we have to pay for these perks?
Of coarse, I'm not against giving aid to victims of disasters, I'm against giving pensions and perks to F A T ass government employee's that don't deserve to mooch of the working class.
I don't actually disagree with that, but I absolutely have no problem with government employee's getting benefits and pensions. What's actually messed up is that private employers DON'T anymore.
Roadhog mumbled to Leregard.. <=-
To put it differently... is there a CORRECT (low) tax rate you'd be happy with, or is it more that all taxes are bad and government should be as small as possible? (except for a huge military, obviously)
Here is what I have a problem with, they pay out huge pensions with the best benefits i.e. medical, dental, vision to government workers on top
of an unjustifiable salary all because they think taxpayer's will just keep coughing up more tax money.
they should be paid comprable to the working sector on wages and get a 401k like the rest of us instead of putting the burden on those of us
in the private sector that pay their overbloated wages, and they should get the same kind of medical plans that we get.
and they should reduce government waste and limit government spending.
No I am not against paying taxes I'm against paying for perks with my
hard earned taxes.
Legislators in Sacremento get leased cars and gas cards at the
taxpayers expense.
they make very high wages allot more than most taxpayers and we have
to pay for these perks?
Here is what I have a problem with, they pay out huge pensions with
the best benefits i.e. medical, dental, vision to government workers
on top of an unjustifiable salary all because they think taxpayer's
will just keep coughing up more tax money.
Ok. Personally I think it's messed up that senior Army officers make 6 figure salaries and that even Army captains can make LITERALLY THREE TIMES what the people who have to risk their lives following orders and risk their lives get paid. It's not fair. People with more responsibility for the public good should get paid more, but maybe not more than THREE TIMES more. Others would disagree, of course, but it boils down to a question of what being PAID FAIRLY means. What is a fair wage for a fair day's work?
Of coarse, I'm not against giving aid to victims of disasters, I'm
against giving pensions and perks to F A T ass government employee's
that don't deserve to mooch of the working class.
I don't actually disagree with that, but I absolutely have no problem with government employee's getting benefits and pensions. What's actually messed up is that private employers DON'T anymore.
I meant, "employees of private employers". My father worked in the car windshield industry for most of his adult life and he made good money (probably more than pencil pushers for the government of California, actually) and he retired with a pension. This simply doesn't happen anymore.
And anyone who complains about it is "entitled" and wants a hand out, right? But no, no, no, no, no, that's EXACTLY what everyone SHOULD be complaining about. That's what "make America great again" is supposed to be ABOUT, right? Bringing back the good coal jobs, or whatever? I'm not trying to argue, I really thought that was the point.
Fairly paid means you see what the private sector pays at a comparable type job.
Why should we give them way more than what we get? the government should start giving them the same as what we the taxpayer gets, their jobs (most of them) are not worth any more or have any more value than most private sector jobs.
Why should we give them way more than what we get? the government should start giving them the same as what we the taxpayer gets, their jobs (most of them) are not worth any more or have any more value than most private sector jobs.
Why should we give them way more than what we get? the government
should start giving them the same as what we the taxpayer gets,
On a related note, I had to put some thought into saying this in a not-racist-sounding way, but I took a tour of some Microsoft offices in Seattle as part of a recruiting program, and the quantity of Indian guys with visas they are hiring and the jobs they are apparently outsourcing (through contractors, they'd never admit to doing it themselves) to basically coding sweatshops in Bangalore should seriously have us all worried. You can code from ANYWHERE and why wouldn't you send Indian guys to school in the US and then send them back to India and pay them in rupees?
Many companies are using the H-1B visa program in a way it was not meant to be used, It was supposed to hire aliens only if there were no qualified Americans but they abuse it and hire outside our country and pay the foriegn workers less than half of what they would have to pay Americans, Disney and many other companies abuse the H-1B program.
Many companies are using the H-1B visa program in a way it was not meant to be used, It was supposed to hire aliens only if there were no qualified Americans but they abuse it and hire outside our country and pay the foriegn workers less than half of what they would have to pay Americans, Disney and many other companies abuse the H-1B program.
The weird thing is I wouldn't mind so much if they paid them THE SAME as American workers. Just the FACT that cheap labor is available at all lowers wages for the Americans they do hire.
qualified Americans but they abuse it and hire outside our country and pay the foriegn workers less than half of what they would have to pay Americans, Disney and many other companies abuse the H-1B program.
are stealing our jobs. Immigrants coming HERE are just as fucked as we are.
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