• News Alert: Most Americans don't trust Trump's White House

    From CNN Breaking News@VERT to no-reply@siteservices.cnn.com on Monday, August 07, 2017 17:41:30
    Six months into his presidency, Donald Trump's overall approval rating stands at its lowest point in CNN polling[1], while three-quarters of Americans say they can't trust most what they hear from the White House.

    Overall, 38% say they approve of Trump's handling of the presidency, according to a new CNN poll conducted by SSRS, with 56% saying they disapprove. Just one other newly elected president has held an approval rating below 50% at this point in his presidency since modern polling began: Bill Clinton, whose approval rating stood at 44% at this point in 1993.

    Still, these tepid ratings come even as most Americans feel things in the country are going well (53% say so), a number that's held roughly steady since April.

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    [1] http://www.cnn.com/2017/08/07/politics/poll-trump-approval-down-amid-distrust/index.html
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