• News Alert: NAACP issues travel warning

    From CNN Breaking News@VERT to no-reply@siteservices.cnn.com on Wednesday, August 02, 2017 17:45:03
    The NAACP issued its first-ever state travel advisory -- for Missouri.[1] The organization's warning sends a strong message to people of color traveling through the state: Go at your own risk.

    The travel advisory comes after the state passed a law that Missouri's NAACP conference says allows for legal discrimination. The warning cites several discriminatory incidents in Missouri, included as examples of "looming danger" in the state.

    "Individuals traveling in the state are advised to travel with extreme CAUTION," the advisory warns. "Race, gender and color based crimes have a long history in Missouri."

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    [1] http://www.cnn.com/2017/08/02/us/naacp-missouri-travel-advisory-trnd/index.html
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