US military analysts believe North Korea launched a "probable" two-stage intercontinental ballistic missile[1] on Tuesday, according to a US official with knowledge of the ongoing post-launch analysis.
US military analysts believe North Korea launched a "probable"
two-stage intercontinental ballistic missile[1] on Tuesday,
according to a US official with knowledge of the ongoing
post-launch analysis.
Who gives a rats ass?? "The only winning move is not to play"
US military analysts believe North Korea launched a "probable" two-stage intercontinental ballistic missile[1] on Tuesday, according to a US official with knowledge of the ongoing post-launch analysis.
Who gives a rats ass?? "The only winning move is not to play"
Re: News Alert: US believes N. Korea launched probable ICBM
By: CNN Breaking News to on Tue Jul 04 2017 01:18 pm
US military analysts believe North Korea launched a "probable" two-stage intercontinental ballistic missile[1] on Tuesday, according to a US official with knowledge of the ongoing post-launch analysis.
Who gives a rats ass?? "The only winning move is not to play"
Sorry in advance, this is maybe not a popular opinion... but last time I checked the US has gotten its ass kicked for 16 years by villagers with fertilizer bombs and "improvised explosive devices", and we're in no
fertilizer bombs and "improvised explosive devices", and we're in no position to be picking fights with countries that have REAL, intentional explosive devices.
there have been attacks, but the usa hasnt got its ass kicked.
It seems a little weird to me that the RICHEST COUNTRY IN THE WORLD could be
i care. this guy is a murderer and a dangerous person. you wouldnt be here if your country didnt defend its people from dangerous warmongers.
And I'm not CELEBRATING THIS, you know? But yoou know what? Trillions of dollars and a broken VA system, a trashed economy that is being forced to cut spending on EVERYTHING but our inflated ego over how big our military is and how expensive our missiles are, not to mention the countless lost lives,
there have been attacks, but the usa hasnt got its ass kicked.
It seems a little weird to me that the RICHEST COUNTRY IN THE WORLD could be at war with one of the poorest third world countries in existence ***FOR 16 YEARS****, *NOT WIN*, and still actually feel PROUD of that.
It seems a little weird to me that the RICHEST COUNTRY IN THE WORLD
could be
The Taliban's strategy was to bankrupt us by sucking us into a war we couldn't win. There's a letter written by Osama Bin Laden where he says so. He just... SAYS so. It's not a secret. It's how they kicked out the Russians, too! In a real sense, a fucked up war over Afghanistan broke the Soviet Union!!!
The last REAL war we fought was against the Nazis. Since then, Europe was crushed (literally, by like, bombs falling on its cities) and we had a HUGE economic advantage (because no bombs fell on OUR cities) and we used it, and pushed it, and frequently abused it. If you take an impartial look at history after that you might find that we ARE the dangerous warmongers. [0m
I would'nt call the US the "richest country in the world" the US is the most indebted country in the world.
the US stuck their nose in because it wanted spoils of war, but they did'nt want to invest in stabilizing the country and creating a democracy out of it, that was too much to deal with back in charlie wilsons day.. now we've been paying for it for close to 17 years..
I would'nt call the US the "richest country in the world" the US is the most indebted country in the world.
and if we had a reason to go to war with afghanashan <sp> other than oil poppies then we would have had the regime changed, set up a new educations system and had the country booming like japan is now.. but now thats not the issues is it.. that whole area has something that this country and the fat pocketed PIGS that are appointed to their office (no I did'nt say elected).
They have natural resources and trade routes from eastern europe to the south. SO of course there's a reason for us to be there 15 friggin years..
Have we ever *REALLY* left ANY country we have had conflict with? when I say
and if we had a reason to go to war with afghanashan <sp> other than oil poppies then we would have had the regime changed, set up a new educations system and had the country booming like japan is now.. but now thats not the
I'm willing to believe this "letter" was the creation of the CIA or some other 3 letter agency.
If we would'nt have given a bunch of ordinance to a buch of goat herders, I'm sure the outcome would have been very different, and the world would be a better place right now.
the US stuck their nose in because it wanted spoils of war, but they did'nt want to invest in stabilizing the country and creating a democracy out of
I would'nt call the US the "richest country in the world" the US is
the most indebted country in the world.
Last I heard we were in debt 21 trillion and growing, that might make us the poorest country in the world.
the US stuck their nose in because it wanted spoils of war, but they
did'nt want to invest in stabilizing the country and creating a
democracy out of it, that was too much to deal with back in charlie
wilsons day.. now we've been paying for it for close to 17 years..
The Soviets couldn't handle Afghanistan, and they're even less concerned about playing nice in warfare than we are.
Bush Sr. had the right idea with the first Iraq war. Set a goal, get in, do it, and don't muck about with regime building.
There's that... but literally the worst thing I've ever heard about it is that we ramped up military spending to invade Iraq, on the order of billions and trillions, and didn't sign any laws giving the VA an extra cent. [0m
The Soviets couldn't handle Afghanistan, and they're even less concerned about playing nice in warfare than we are.
them ourselves was a good idea. I mean... what? We've spent MANY TIMES more money than the ENTIRE GDP OF THE ENTIRE COUNTRY OF AFGHANISTAN since then. It would have been cheaper just buy the damn place.
I really like to paste links to supporting evidence, but it's a pain to do
The Soviets couldn't handle Afghanistan, and they're even less
concerned about playing nice in warfare than we are.
I'm not an expert on this, and I might not have all the facts, but as far as I can understand the United States TRAINED the Taliban to fight an asymmetrical war against against a *major world power* with guerilla war tactics (which they were awesome at, apparently) and then decided invading them ourselves was a good idea. I mean... what? We've spent MANY TIMES more money than the ENTIRE GDP OF THE ENTIRE COUNTRY OF AFGHANISTAN since then. It would have been cheaper just buy the damn place.
Invading Afghanistan was totaly unnecessary. They didn't have weapons of mass destruction, they weren't actually HIDING Osama Bin Laden from us... we just preferred to invade them. Woops.
War is taken too lightly.. in my mind.. if one country invades another, and wins, topples the leaders, etc.. The loser should then become PROPERTY of the winner. no puppet governments skirting the issues. It should be made territory of the winning party.. and have that parties government, laws imposed..
that does nothing to him, its just starving his citizens.
and that is just sick and unjust as it can be.. teh fatcats in the executive branch would flip out of the military suddenly turned a Coup d'.tat on their asses.
another, and wins, topples the leaders, etc.. The loser should then
become PROPERTY of the winner. no puppet governments skirting the
issues. It should be made territory of the winning party.. and have
that parties government, laws imposed..
Lol then we'd have to give them social security and a minimum wage...
that does nothing to him, its just starving his citizens.
To be fair, a lot of them might be starving anyway... pickling cabbages to survive the winter... it's not awesome in North Korea in general, it's really cold and it sucks for farming. They got the short end of the geography stick. It's really tempting to just see a bad government making bad decisions, but it's not like they legislated to have a mountainous country that can't grow enough rice to feed everyone.
Hahahahaha they only care about their careers. I'm sure there are a few really good people mixed in, but the Holy Grail for an officer is to retire after 20 years and become an executive for Boeing or Raytheon, etc., etc.
But they cannot leave.. one leaves, they imprison the whole family.. If you're starving in whatever situation you are in, at least you can leave that situation and try to make a better life for yourself.
I don't disagree, they're crazy over there. But they're backed into a corner economically and militarily, and I'm just not all that surprised about how crazy they are. News stories about NK act like it's some kind of mystery. OF COURSE they want a bomb that can hit NYC... it's a no brainer, isn't it? We've been practicing how to invade them for 50 years.
Which brings me back to the original point.. finish what we start, or get
Which brings me back to the original point.. finish what we start, or
That's it exactly. What does that even look like? How are we supposed to know when we're finished? We do these crazy things with no apparent goals!!!!! What was SUPPOSED to happen in Afghanistan, for example?
at least this 500 ft of oil pipeline is now secure.
Either stay out of shit, or go in FULL, get it done, and ANNEX the country.. make it our own.. or hell.. give sections to allies too.. sounds dirty maybe.. but its much more humane then whats happening now..
side of a hill somewhere, and don't give a fuck about Starbucks.
They are not saying thank you. They are saying wtf is wrong with you?
It turned out though, rural Aghanistanis are much happier staying that way and fighting to the death over the tiniest patch of farmable land on the side of a hill somewhere, and don't give a fuck about Starbucks.
It turned out though, rural Aghanistanis are much happier staying that way and fighting to the death over the tiniest patch of farmable land on the side of a hill somewhere, and don't give a fuck about Starbucks.
side of a hill somewhere, and don't give a fuck about Starbucks.
I think as a whole we REALLY BELIEVED (without especially good evidence) that we are THE BEST, and that everyone loves us and wants to be like us, and the rest of the world were quietly lining up to learn how to be like us and open up Burger King and 7/11 franchises in their communities, and finally be civilized... and that they'd say thank you.
It turned out though, rural Aghanistanis are much happier staying that
way and fighting to the death over the tiniest patch of farmable land
on the side of a hill somewhere, and don't give a fuck about
It just hit me for the first time how much conservative gun nuts and poor Afghan farmers have in common. You think the government wants to come and "take your land"? Hahahaha yeah, except in Afghanistan that actually happened. [0m
I hope that was'nt directed toward me, (1) I'm not conservitive. (2) I DO NO
I as a citizen of the US don't believe that one bit.. people want to live ho their culture dictates and evolves, and we have no right to change that..
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