From CNN Breaking News@VERT to on Thursday, February 25, 2016 17:02:04
The five remaining Republican presidential candidates are gathering in Houston for the final debate before Super Tuesday[1].
The border state debate comes on the same day a former Mexican president used a curse word to declare that his country would not pay for the border wall proposed by Donald Trump -- and a day when Vice President Joe Biden, appearing in Mexico, said he almost felt the need to apologize for the heated campaign rhetoric.
Watch the debate live on CNN[2] at 8:30 p.m. ET and get complete coverage on CNN TV,[3] and CNN Mobile[4].
From CNN Breaking News@VERT to on Thursday, February 25, 2016 18:32:28
Marco Rubio and Ted Cruz are taking aim at Donald Trump[1] as the senators seek to become the alternative to the real-estate mogul in the final debate before Super Tuesday.
The opening moments of CNN's GOP debate in Houston were dominated by a feisty clash over immigration. Rubio, who in previous debates was reticent to directly go after Trump, accused Trump of hiring undocumented workers.
“You're the only person on this stage that's ever been fined for hiring people to work on your project illegally," Rubio said.
Trump argued that he is the only one on stage with hiring experience. "I've hired tens of thousands of people over my lifetime," he said.
Watch the debate live on CNN[2] now and get complete coverage on CNN TV,[3] and CNN Mobile.
From CNN Breaking News@VERT to on Tuesday, April 05, 2016 16:38:05
More than half of Republican voters in Wisconsin's presidential primaries[1] and a little less than half of Democratic voters said trade with other countries costs the United States jobs, according to exit polls[2].
Sen. Ted Cruz hopes to haul in all or most of the 42 GOP delegates at stake
forÿa result that would further complicate Donald Trump's path to the 1,237 delegates needed to secure the nomination before the convention.
Sen. Bernie Sanders, meanwhile, is hoping to pull off his sixth win of the last seven state contests to undercut Hillary Clinton's claim that she has already amassed a decisive lead in the Democratic delegate derby.
Polls close at 9 p.m. ET.ÿGet complete coverage of the Wisconsin primaries on CNN TV[3],[4] and CNN Mobile[5].
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