• Torrents

    From The Millionaire@VERT to Binaryhacker69 on Wednesday, February 12, 2020 16:12:24
    If you havent noticed, there are people that are trying to stop p2p sharing. i think its wrong. We should be able to share over p2p networks if we please. I mean come on who really cares. If they take away p2p sharing we will find other ways to get copyrighted software/music/movies. Just because they stop one way doesnt mean they can stop it permanently

    � Synchronet � Nite Eyes BBS 24/7 Doors/Message Bases/C=64 niteeyes.etowns.net

    Because of governing laws of the DMCA: Napster, Morpheus, Limewire, Kazaa became historical and now Napster is a pay site. Remember Megaupload? Same thing happened.

    $ The Millionaire $

    � Synchronet � Vertrauen � Home of Synchronet � [vert/cvs/bbs].synchro.net
  • From Nightfox@VERT/DIGDIST to The Millionaire on Wednesday, February 12, 2020 20:28:12
    Re: Torrents
    By: The Millionaire to Binaryhacker69 on Wed Feb 12 2020 04:12 pm

    If you havent noticed, there are people that are trying to stop p2p

    Because of governing laws of the DMCA: Napster, Morpheus, Limewire, Kazaa became historical and now Napster is a pay site. Remember Megaupload? Same thing happened.

    I'm curious where this message/thread came from? You're posting this in the Dove-Net Pro-Audio sub-board, which has no relation to torrents. Also, I don't see this message you're replying to from the user 'Binaryhacker69' on my BBS in the Dove-Net Pro-Audio sub-board.


    � Synchronet � Digital Distortion: digitaldistortionbbs.com